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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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wow this thread really went off topic ... i read the previous posts but still can't get a grip on the exact issue !!! can some one fill me in ..........


so far i see till now in this thread, they point fingers to themselves just to praise themselves. i mean, like, "Jew is the proof of God". do they ever talk about their mistakes? how's that work? over 300 children died last year because of Israeli bombs and all i hear was something like this; "Hamas is responsible of WHAT WE DID"


What I underlined above is not at all truth. Read through again, perhaps? As for what arimoff said, I have to say that I find it odd that more are not considering what it is meaning. After all ...

the Arab Word had complaints with America as well as the whole of the Western World helping Israel and even still, the complaints are constantly coming forth that we meddle too much. That the wish :):coughs:: bullying) of the Arabs/Muslims for us to quit being so supportive of Israel is being listened to really is quite evident. Isn't this what was wanted of the Arab World? for us to quit meddling? THEN WHY IS TO US THAT THE ARAB WORLD (mostly the muslims) IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO APPEAL IN REGARDS TO THIS MATTER? Why can't the Arab Nations handle Israel their ownselves ... even the propaganda has worked so as to force Netanyahu to make important and necessary decisions to protect his own despite not being supported by the greater part of the world IN those decisions and even in many ways, they have their hands tied behind their back? What then does the Arab World and Muslims want/need our sympathy for? the Jewish People don't out-number the surrounding nations, ya know. I do understand where it is Arimoff is coming from in what he stated. LISTEN PLEASE, the Muslims and the Christians (there are a great many of them who are more than supportive of letting Israel stand up to the Arab World alone than to speak on their behalf) is far more than those who are willing to stand up for Israel .. and now the conspiracy nuts are pretty much under the delusional idea that they, the Jewish, are the lizard People here to destroy the rest of us ... thus, you have their support as well ... what is there to be scared of then that keeps the Arab World still trying to appeal to us .. the ones who were to told that we needed to quit meddling? ;)

Also, for what Arimoff said .. come on. FINALLY they have a place in which they can welcome with open arms those of their own who have been and are being unfairly treated in other nations. THAT *is* a gift of God that they have somewhere to turn to. If only the Palestinians were given the same kind of love and embrace by the Arab Nations who claim that the Palestinians are part of their People. :(

As for the condition of the Palestinians, *I* (being one who is not a Jew or tied to any religion that would only be supportive of them because they view Israel as the equivelent of a lucky rabbit's foot) blame that on the Arab World for using them as pawns in their agenda against Israel rather than giving them a home in a land that is full of those who are supposedly like minded. For THAT to change, the Palestinians will have to wake up to start questioning why it is they are being used this way by those who claim they are part of their (the Arab/Muslim) People. As long as they allow themselves to be the living shields for the Arab World, there is little that can be done to help them given that Israel has a right AND an obligation to protect first their own People. Why is it the Arab World can not do for them what it is that the Jewish did for those of their own who were, in the late 1940's early 50's, kicked forcibly out of the Arab Nations that they had been living in long enough to consider home? That is, to absorb them and give them a life worth living. What WAS ACTUALLY done to the Palestinian refugees was that they were set aside in crappy conditions to use when it became convenient to do such and by THEIR "OWN PPL" .. not Israel. Really you will have to excuse me for *seeming* callous (since I am quite the opposite and feel for those who are too blind to see who it is that is causing them all the harm) but propaganda, be it in the form of outright lies or subtle twists of the facts to paint in a bad light those you might be against, well .. it just doesn't work on me. :no:
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Active Member
What I underlined above is not at all truth. Read through again, perhaps? As for what arimoff said, I have to say that I find it odd that more are not considering what it is meaning. After all ...

the Arab Word had complaints with America as well as the whole of the Western World helping Israel and even still, the complaints are constantly coming forth that we meddle too much. That the wish :):coughs:: bullying) of the Arabs/Muslims for us to quit being so supportive of Israel is being listened to really is quite evident. Isn't this what was wanted of the Arab World? for us to quit meddling? THEN WHY IS TO US THAT THE ARAB WORLD (mostly the muslims) IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO APPEAL IN REGARDS TO THIS MATTER? Why can't the Arab Nations handle Israel their ownselves ... even the propaganda has worked so as to force Netanyahu to make important and necessary decisions to protect his own despite not being supported by the greater part of the world IN those decisions and even in many ways, they have their hands tied behind their back? What then does the Arab World and Muslims want/need our sympathy for? the Jewish People don't out-number the surrounding nations, ya know. I do understand where it is Arimoff is coming from in what he stated. LISTEN PLEASE, the Muslims and the Christians (there are a great many of them who are more than supportive of letting Israel stand up to the Arab World alone than to speak on their behalf) is far more than those who are willing to stand up for Israel .. and now the conspiracy nuts are pretty much under the delusional idea that they, the Jewish, are the lizard People here to destroy the rest of us ... thus, you have their support as well ... what is there to be scared of then that keeps the Arab World still trying to appeal to us .. the ones who were to told that we needed to quit meddling? ;)

Also, for what Arimoff said .. come on. FINALLY they have a place in which they can welcome with open arms those of their own who have been and are being unfairly treated in other nations. THAT *is* a gift of God that they have somewhere to turn to. If only the Palestinians were given the same kind of love and embrace by the Arab Nations who claim that the Palestinians are part of their People. :(

As for the condition of the Palestinians, *I* (being one who is not a Jew or tied to any religion that would only be supportive of them because they view Israel as the equivelent of a lucky rabbit's foot) blame that on the Arab World for using them as pawns in their agenda against Israel rather than giving them a home in a land that is full of those who are supposedly like minded. For THAT to change, the Palestinians will have to wake up to start questioning why it is they are being used this way by those who claim they are part of their (the Arab/Muslim) People. As long as they allow themselves to be the living shields for the Arab World, there is little that can be done to help them given that Israel has a right AND an obligation to protect first their own People. Why is it the Arab World can not do for them what it is that the Jewish did for those of their own who were, in the late 1940's early 50's, kicked forcibly out of the Arab Nations that they had been living in long enough to consider home? That is, to absorb them and give them a life worth living. What WAS ACTUALLY done to the Palestinian refugees was that they were set aside in crappy conditions to use when it became convenient to do such and by THEIR "OWN PPL" .. not Israel. Really you will have to excuse me for *seeming* callous (since I am quite the opposite and feel for those who are too blind to see who it is that is causing them all the harm) but propaganda, be it in the form of outright lies or subtle twists of the facts to paint in a bad light those you might be against, well .. it just doesn't work on me. :no:

I do find your opinion rather amusing considering they have been welcomed with "open arms" to the U.S for the last 50 years, and they seem to have no problem adjusting to our culture.

But yet, for some reason, they claim that they should not only have their "own nation", but also a specific land is theirs with no reference whatsoever to why it would be "jewish", the entire point is ridiculous.

So, with the same logic, The U.S should empty itself for the Native Americans and "go back" to where "they come from", and.. Wait, exactly how far do you want to take this? Should we all go back to Africa perhaps? Which areas and which nations?...

No.. I get it, we are suppose to go back to the Sea and.. No wait.......

How far do you want to take it, or then, perhaps, think that this world we HAVE is not to bad, and do the best of it and adjust to the current cultures and world, and make it a better place?


the Arab Word had complaints with America as well as the whole of the Western World helping Israel and even still, the complaints are constantly coming forth that we meddle too much.

I guess there is something wrong with Muslims for not wanting Western Powers to militarily and economically control and exploit there lands and peoples.

That the wish :):coughs:: bullying) of the Arabs/Muslims for us to quit being so supportive of Israel is being listened to really is quite evident. Isn't this what was wanted of the Arab World? for us to quit meddling? THEN WHY IS TO US THAT THE ARAB WORLD (mostly the muslims) IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO APPEAL IN REGARDS TO THIS MATTER?

Wouldn't America not supporting Israel be less 'meddling' not more 'meddling'?

Why can't the Arab Nations handle Israel their ownselves

Why can't Israel handle their ownselves?

... even the propaganda has worked so as to force Netanyahu to make important and necessary decisions to protect his own despite not being supported by the greater part of the world IN those decisions and even in many ways, they have their hands tied behind their back? What then does the Arab World and Muslims want/need our sympathy for?

I think they rather have us not militarily and economically invade their countries than have our sympathy.

the Jewish People don't out-number the surrounding nations, ya know.

They certainly do with nukes and weapons, ya know.

I do understand where it is Arimoff is coming from in what he stated. LISTEN PLEASE, the Muslims and the Christians (there are a great many of them who are more than supportive of letting Israel stand up to the Arab World alone than to speak on their behalf) is far more than those who are willing to stand up for Israel

Well, seeing how those same countries that more 'unsupportive' members still financially back Israel, I guess it would be safe to say those countries don't really serve these own people's interests. I sure you glad of this fact as well.

.. and now the conspiracy nuts are pretty much under the delusional idea that they, the Jewish, are the lizard People here to destroy the rest of us ... thus, you have their support as well ... what is there to be scared of then that keeps the Arab World still trying to appeal to us .. the ones who were to told that we needed to quit meddling? ;)

Again, referring to anyone that is not supportive of your view as 'conspiracy nuts' who believe 'Jews' are 'lizard People' really shows how little you understand (or read) everyone's post before replying to them. It must certainly feel like it's helping your argument though.

Also, for what Arimoff said .. come on. FINALLY they have a place in which they can welcome with open arms those of their own who have been and are being unfairly treated in other nations. THAT *is* a gift of God that they have somewhere to turn to. If only the Palestinians were given the same kind of love and embrace by the Arab Nations who claim that the Palestinians are part of their People. :(

And America should be more concerned with this though there real persecution was against Indians and Blacks (a lot of other people not Jew as well)?

Well, if having their own homeland *is* a gift from God, that doesn't say much about God's opinion of Palestinians.

As for the condition of the Palestinians, *I* (being one who is not a Jew or tied to any religion that would only be supportive of them because they view Israel as the equivelent of a lucky rabbit's foot) blame that on the Arab World for using them as pawns in their agenda against Israel rather than giving them a home in a land that is full of those who are supposedly like minded.

You fail to see the difference in that exchange. Western powers created a land that was predominantly Arab, and then put the Jews there. Jews out populate Arabs in Israel after the fact, but that was not the case at creation. In comparison, you are suggesting that the Arab World should match up the 'ethics' of the Christian world by sacrificing all their own resources to help a people who were helping themselves in the first place before Western powers through everything off.

For THAT to change, the Palestinians will have to wake up to start questioning why it is they are being used this way by those who claim they are part of their (the Arab/Muslim) People.

And I take it you are also implying, that 'For IT to change' Palestinians will have to stop questioning any negative effect from an Israeli or Western action?

As long as they allow themselves to be the living shields for the Arab World, there is little that can be done to help them given that Israel has a right AND an obligation to protect first their own People.

And build a giant wall to separate themselves and increase outward settlements?

Why is it the Arab World can not do for them what it is that the Jewish did for those of their own who were, in the late 1940's early 50's, kicked forcibly out of the Arab Nations that they had been living in long enough to consider home?

Oh, so I guess the Arab Nations should not only have housed the Palestinians that were just pushed off their land but they Jews that are more than welcome to the land Palestinians were just pushed off of?

That is, to absorb them and give them a life worth living. What WAS ACTUALLY done to the Palestinian refugees was that they were set aside in crappy conditions to use when it became convenient to do such and by THEIR "OWN PPL" .. not Israel. Really you will have to excuse me for *seeming* callous (since I am quite the opposite and feel for those who are too blind to see who it is that is causing them all the harm) but propaganda, be it in the form of outright lies or subtle twists of the facts to paint in a bad light those you might be against, well .. it just doesn't work on me. :no:

Which is funny, because you certainly use it in a lot of posts, but hey.

Keep ignoring my posts. The more you ignore my posts, the more obvious it becomes to everyone why.


I do find your opinion rather amusing considering they have been welcomed with "open arms" to the U.S for the last 50 years, and they seem to have no problem adjusting to our culture.

I believe it is the 2nd or 3rd page where I posted a link to the Dept of Justice website which will show you just how well loved they are here in America. the statistic is for the year 2008, so even what someone said a few pages back (that after 2001, the muslims became the most hated of the religious groups) you will find to be untrue. The anti-Jewish would be 67ish percent whereas anti-Muslims were only 7ish percent. Then, I am ALL in favor of bringing the Palestinians into this country without question as that is what this country was meant for. Israel PROVED their right to be in that particular Land in more ways than one. That the Arab Nations don't want the Palestinians, then that is what we should be here for. ;)

Besides, America is not intended to be the Nation of any particular religious group. The Jewish laws are meant to be the laws of the Land (their land) ... are you cool with that being America? I am personally .. would beat the idealogy of Christianity that this Nation has at some point seemed to embrace. However, something tells me that most would be unhappy with what you perceive as a solution. It would make more sense for the Palestinians to come here than for all the Jews to make this a Land in which we must all comply with their way of living.

But yet, for some reason, they claim that they should not only have their "own nation", but also a specific land is theirs with no reference whatsoever to why it would be "jewish", the entire point is ridiculous.


So, with the same logic, The U.S should empty itself for the Native Americans and "go back" to where "they come from", and.. Wait, exactly how far do you want to take this? Should we all go back to Africa perhaps? Which areas and which nations?...

Actually, that extreme is the equivelent of what it is the Arab Nations claim to want .. I say claim because they would have us believe that the Jewish NEVER were tied to the Land.

"The claims of historic and spiritual ties between Jews and Palestine are not in agreement with the facts of history or with the true basis of sound statehood. Judaism, because it is a divine religion, is not a nationality with independent existence. Furthermore, the Jews are not one people with an independent personality because they are citizens to their states. " the charter of the PLO, accessible on the UN site.

But who needs facts to be .. er .. actual facts, right? :sarcastic Like the fact that the Muslim's claim it was the temple mount to which Muhammad was carried in his night vision yet "Masjid Al Aqsa" translates into "Farthest Mosque." Muhammad died in 632 AD and the Dome of the Rock was built between 685 and 691 AD after the Muslim conquests which resulted in the capture of Jerusalem by the Rashidun Caliphate army in 637 AD. That Muhammad being carried to the farthest mosque could have meant the Temple Mount given that he, again, died in 632 AD and no mosque existed on the Temple Mount at the time ... well, eh ... details right? Even more pointless details would be the pathetic state the Dome of the Rock was shown to be in, in images captured BEFORE 1948, obviously having been unvisited or uncared for .. that is, of course, until it became convenient to make it the 3rd most sacred site in Islam. That there are records and even images showing the Jews at the Wall daily ... all mere details not even worthy of consideration I am sure.

Facts ... who needs them really when we can make up our own, I suppose. :cool:

EDITED TO ADD ANOTHER FACT THAT SEEMS TO BE IRRELEVANT TO SO MANY: during the holocaust, there was not only the religious of the Jews who were rounded up and put to death. There was not the distinct line drawn between the religious of the Jews and the non religious. Then, that makes them a People and not JUST a religion. Logic .. we do have the ability for it FOR a purpose.

No.. I get it, we are suppose to go back to the Sea and.. No wait.......

uhm .. not getting this.

How far do you want to take it, or then, perhaps, think that this world we HAVE is not to bad, and do the best of it and adjust to the current cultures and world, and make it a better place?

You are preaching to and of the wrong People, pal. :yes:
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Israel PROVED their right to be in that particular Land in more ways than one. That the Arab Nations don't want the Palestinians, then that is what we should be here for. ;)

How did Israel prove anything? Are you saying the Israeli population, the Israeli government... Israel in and of itself is not an entity that has the ability to communicate it's own 'rights'.

Right, so now that Americans hate Muslims, how do think America is a safe place for them to be in comparison to Jews in the past?

Besides, America is not intended to be the Nation of any particular religious group. The Jewish laws are meant to be the laws of the Land (their land) ... are you cool with that being America?
Caladan debunked the mentality pages ago.

I am personally .. would beat the idealogy of Christianity that this Nation has at some point seemed to embrace. However, something tells me that most would be unhappy with what you perceive as a solution. It would make more sense for the Palestinians to come here than for all the Jews to make this a Land in which we must all comply with their way of living.
What great sense! American should take in Palestinians! First, they need to overcome poverity and move their entire family 5000 miles away! Then, America just needs to figure out how they are all going to get jobs and work! Score 1 for Sense, Score 0 for Palestinians!

Gabe, by IF_u_know posting the slap-in-the-head smiley, she means 'God granted them this land.'

Actually, that extreme is the equivelent of what it is the Arab Nations claim to want .. I say claim because they would have us believe that the Jewish NEVER were tied to the Land.
Except that the Arab nations didn't take over Palestine.

But who needs facts to be .. er .. actual facts, right? :sarcastic
You certainly didn't in your last 10 posts on this thread.

Like the fact that the Muslim's claim it was the temple mount to which Muhammad was carried in his night vision yet "Masjid Al Aqsa" translates into "Farthest Mosque." Muhammad died in 632 AD and the Dome of the Rock was built between 685 and 691 AD after the Muslim conquests which resulted in the capture of Jerusalem by the Rashidun Caliphate army in 637 AD. That Muhammad being carried to the farthest mosque could have meant the Temple Mount given that he, again, died in 632 AD and no mosque existed on the Temple Mount at the time ... well, eh ... details right?
OH, this makes displacing Palestinians from their home justified!

Even more pointless details would be the pathetic state the Dome of the Rock was shown to be in, in images captured BEFORE 1948, obviously having been unvisited or uncared for .. that is, of course, until it became convenient to make it the 3rd most sacred site in Islam. That there are records and even images showing the Jews at the Wall daily ... all mere details not even worthy of consideration I am sure.
Worthy of consideration, yes. Supporting of any argument you've made, no.

Facts ... who needs them really when we can make up our own, I suppose. :cool:
You show making up facts and then ignoring objections works really well.

EDITED TO ADD ANOTHER FACT ... during the holocaust, there was not only the religious of the Jews who were rounded up and put to death. There was not the distinct line drawn between the religious of the Jews and the non religious. Then, that makes them a People and not JUST a religion. Logic .. we do have the ability for it FOR a purpose.
But they get to use arguments form Jewish religious texts?


Zionism the national movement for the return of what is known as Jewish people even tho they have nothing to do with JEWS or religion , its a secular Movement in other words thats has been established for specific major reason:
control of the world
through relieving the world from religions control of the masses , control of the world leaders , control of the financial Banks and so on...i don't wish to go into details , but you can search on the father of the modern political Zionism and i recommend you read a book called (PROTOCOLS OF ZION)

The Protocols first show up in Russia and are heavily plagiarized. Henry Ford (yes, the car maker) was a viscous anti-Semite and was awarded the highest honor to be received by a non-national by the Third Reich for his part in spreading antisemitism in the United States.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Zionism the national movement for the return of what is known as Jewish people even tho they have nothing to do with JEWS or religion , its a secular Movement in other words thats has been established for specific major reason:
control of the world
through relieving the world from religions control of the masses , control of the world leaders , control of the financial Banks and so on...i don't wish to go into details , but you can search on the father of the modern political Zionism and i recommend you read a book called (PROTOCOLS OF ZION)
YouTube - Do muslims and Jews hate each other?

Aymen,did you know that the Protocols of Zion are fake,did you know that David Icke is nuts,did you study History at School ?,real History is freely available which will give the right information instead of the plaigarised drivel of the Protocols.
Aymen,did you know that the Protocols of Zion are fake,did you know that David Icke is nuts,did you study History at School ?,real History is freely available which will give the right information instead of the plaigarised drivel of the Protocols.

YOU might be right !! , but the history presented in schools might also be a part of their BIG plan , if it is so, how do you explain the embracing acts by the ARAB leaders when it comes to the situation of Palestine they can't even make an honest decision to HELP those poor people .... the only answer that comes to my mind is that they are all a part of this system


Well-Known Member
Right what the Hell actually is "true" Zionism? I've heard so many conflicting opinions on it: some say it's support for the right for Israel to exist, others say it's an ideology about Jews basically going back to where they came from, others tell me that it's got something to do with aggression or .... Jewish Supremacy??

That term gets thrown about so often, but what exactly is Zionism?


Active Member
arimoff, it says you are in New York, and you are a Jewish, this makes me draw (the possible wrong) conclusion that you are a (Jewish) American.

You talk alot about help, and how others should help and do and whatnot and how sorry it is for the "poor jews", but nothing comes from you, You seem to do Nothing, your own "people" do nothing, You do nothing good here, the only thing you seem to do is to blame the evil world for not doing what you want it do do at the same time you doing nothing yourself.

Ironic, but you may not see it?

Most of your speeches resemble Adolf Hitlers own speeches, I recommend you to take a listen to them, exchange "German" and "German people" to "Jews" and "Jewish people"/"Jewish blood" and you got the same thing, but you wouldn't have that, I know, so lets forget about that for a moment.

What do you define as a Jew?
Please be specific and give us as much detail as possible, what is a "real" Jew please?


Active Member
Right what the Hell actually is "true" Zionism? I've heard so many conflicting opinions on it: some say it's support for the right for Israel to exist, others say it's an ideology about Jews basically going back to where they came from, others tell me that it's got something to do with aggression or .... Jewish Supremacy??

That term gets thrown about so often, but what exactly is Zionism?



Agnostic Pantheist
Right what the Hell actually is "true" Zionism? I've heard so many conflicting opinions on it: some say it's support for the right for Israel to exist, others say it's an ideology about Jews basically going back to where they came from, others tell me that it's got something to do with aggression or .... Jewish Supremacy??

That term gets thrown about so often, but what exactly is Zionism?
Interesting and relevant question, especially with the increasing use of the label 'zionists' and of course the OP.
people who claim Zionism may be secular, religious, leftists, or righties. because there is no one monolithic Zionism with a world agenda. the roots of Zionism were secular, it was a largely secular movement. and yes while it does maintain since the 19th century the historic link of Jews to the land of Israel, the movement came as a response to the racism in Europe and it aimed at finding a solution to the problem which reached its climax with the National Socialist Movement, and the tragic events of WWII. the Zionist Jews of Europe were supporters of European liberalism and were part of the middle class in Europe. later more trends within the Zionist movement emerged.
in modern Israel, parties both from the right and the left claim Zionism. so while you often hear about Zionism and its expansionist agenda, you can also find Israeli parties which are against the settlements claiming Zionism.
for example take a look at the principals of the Israeli left-wing social democratic party Meretz:

It emphasizes the following principles (not necessarily in order of importance):
  • Making Israel a social democratic welfare state.
  • Protecting workers' rights and fighting against their exploitation (especially, though not exclusively, in the case of foreign workers and immigrants).
New Movement-Meretz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the label 'zionists' ignores the diversity of political opinions within this umbrella, while to many people under this umbrella upholding Zionism mainly means the right for a Jewish homeland. whether they are atheists, traditional, liberal or conservative. it is no wonder that figures such as the Iranian president Ahmadinejad and the chiefs of international terror organizations love to throw that label and claim that there is a Zionist conspiracy for world domination (another word for 'Jewish conspiracy') while at the same time using other labels for years, such as referring to the US, as 'The Great Satan' and to Israel as 'The Little Satan'.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
YOU might be right !! , but the history presented in schools might also be a part of their BIG plan , if it is so, how do you explain the embracing acts by the ARAB leaders when it comes to the situation of Palestine they can't even make an honest decision to HELP those poor people .... the only answer that comes to my mind is that they are all a part of this system

What system? are you saying Mr Brown the History Teacher at my old School or Miss Melish Proffessor of History at my Uni is part of a world wide Zionist conspiracy :eek::cover:.
Aymen,is it more likely that your information comes from the Muslim Brotherhood as your Country is the home of Hasan Al Banna,Sayeed Qutb both renowned anti semites,Al Banna was an ally and admirer of the Nazi Party along with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
I could go on aymen but i am only using Historical facts and my guess is you would prefer the propaganda but if you wish to read it for yourself any book concerning the Jewish people by either Qutb or Al Banna will give you the facts you need and of course history.


Active Member
What system? are you saying Mr Brown the History Teacher at my old School or Miss Melish Proffessor of History at my Uni is part of a world wide Zionist conspiracy :eek::cover:.
Aymen,is it more likely that your information comes from the Muslim Brotherhood as your Country is the home of Hasan Al Banna,Sayeed Qutb both renowned anti semites,Al Banna was an ally and admirer of the Nazi Party along with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
I could go on aymen but i am only using Historical facts and my guess is you would prefer the propaganda but if you wish to read it for yourself any book concerning the Jewish people by either Qutb or Al Banna will give you the facts you need and of course history.

Soon you'll be saying that Evolution is more then "just a Theory" and not just a specific worldview... HA!!!

I think aymen been very open and objective about his opinions, he writes with large letters off and on to make sure we understand and make sure to use exclamation marks where need be...

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Soon you'll be saying that Evolution is more then "just a Theory" and not just a specific worldview... HA!!!

Well it is isn't it

I think aymen been very open and objective about his opinions, he writes with large letters off and on to make sure we understand and make sure to use exclamation marks where need be...

Oh that helps then,big letters and exclamation marks makes it all true


Veteran Member
What system? are you saying Mr Brown the History Teacher at my old School or Miss Melish Proffessor of History at my Uni is part of a world wide Zionist conspiracy :eek::cover:.

you never had a committee with bunch of people who decide what's to be written in history books?


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
you never had a committee with bunch of people who decide what's to be written in history books?


No,we normally have just History,for example the great fire of London in 1666 which started in a shop in Pudding lane does'nt need a commitee,its just History,it may vary in its telling from Book to Book but the essential facts are the same.
Sayeed Qutb and Hassan Al Banna were both propagators of the Zionist conspiracy,how do i know this?,well they both wrote books so its from the Horses mouth and which can be seen in the Hamas Charter :

"The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times. It is characterised by its deep understanding, accurate comprehension and its complete embrace of all Islamic concepts of all aspects of life, culture, creed, politics, economics, education, society, justice and judgement, the spreading of Islam, education, art, information, science of the occult and conversion to Islam."
Charter of Hamas

I would say here though that it should say Islamist and not Islamic but again from the Horses mouth so to speak,so no commitee needed for History.
I would guess though that the curriculum in secondary education is far more condensed and perhaps some things are omitted of less importance but on higher education like Uni people tend to specialise so no commitee.


Done here.
you never had a committee with bunch of people who decide what's to be written in history books?
In the U.S. that's decided by the Texas Board of Education, which is probably the reason every schoolchild in America learns about the Alamo.

I can believe they're Zionists of a sort. Baptists always love Jews, but they generally prefer to love them from afar.
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