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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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Agnostic Pantheist
Well, drinking childrens blood does not sound good, I wonder if there has been enough study to really exclude that this happened, blood sacrifices and similar things are very common in religious traditions, lets not just pass over such a remark to quickly now. :eek:
Feel free to bring your arguments and sources.
Here is what the Jewish scriptures say about the issue of consuming blood in Leviticus 17:14... "For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, 'You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off."

Well, Jews are responsible for the death of the fictional character "Jesus", this is a fact, read the New Testament.
I can easily interpret from what you say that European mobs were justified in massacering Jews, because their religious doctrine approves. interesting, I will keep this in mind. :sarcastic

Plain fact, nothing weird. This is like accusing Mel Gibson for being anti-semitic for following the Biblical story, silly.
People today have no excuse of propagating old blood labels when we have so much modern scriptural historiography and studies available. furthermore these people only follow half the story, obviously they leave out the parts which talk about how new Christians are grafted into the Jewish tree which is the roots of their religion.

Sounds like the average Right wing fanatics we have today, should we call it typical semantics among people who show aggressive and hateful behaviour? Or just Human behaviour?
Perhaps we have different standards for human behavior.

Somewhat over exaggerated, but fine.
Actually this is quite basic, and I have only SCRATCHED the surface of this.


Nationalism & Antisemitism in Modern Europe 1815-1945 (review)

Blood and Homeland: Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe - Central European University Press

I do not have enough un-biased information about the Dreyfus case to comment on this, but how would one example show the real deal in any case, kind of saying that George W Bush to be the example of American people, not very fair nor proper.
The Dreyfus case and its aftermath is a famous case which gives us an insight into racism in Europe, it illustrates this reality very well. the violence against Jews following the trial demonstrates this. this is but one example of racism in Europe which I have presented, I find it bizarre and surreal that you would isolate it and declare it as irrelevant to the topic discussed. interestingly an Austrian journalist was sent to cover this case, his name was Theodor Herzl, the case further illustrated to Herzl the need to solve the antisemitism and difficulties Jews face in Europe, and he founded the World Zionist Organization which set an aim to find a national home for Jews in Palestine.

I never heard that Jews was blamed for the loss in World War I, is this unbiased information you are contributing?


The “Dagger-stab-in-the-back Legend”: Austrian right-wing caricature of a Jew stabbing the German Army in the back with a dagger. (1919)

Stab-in-the-back legend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews have a long history in Germany and have since 1930 been one of the most populated nations of Jews, so obviously you would have the most amount of problems relating to Jews, please do not forget this. I do find your comment on the Socialist to be a good one, many forget the anti-Socialism/Communism in Germany as well as somehow confuse pre-WWII Germany with being Socialist/Communist because of poor or no education on the subject.
Persecution was not limited to Germany alone.

Now it is also worth noting that what was done to Germany and the German people was wrong and this is what finally caused the Second World War. Germany got the complete blame for the First World War and punished thus, most people, especially in the U.S, have absolutely no clue about this and do not realize that the winning side set it up so this would eventually happen because of our anger towards Germany, if we acted properly this may never have happened.
Germany's humiliating conditions after the defeats of WWI and also WWII are well known.
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Active Member
Feel free to bring your arguments and sources.
Here is what the Jewish scriptures say about the issue of consuming blood in Leviticus 17:14... "For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, 'You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off."
It was a in-your-face joke.. Never mind.

I can easily interpret from what you say that European mobs were justified in massacering Jews, because their religious doctrine approves. interesting, I will keep this in mind. :sarcastic
I hope so, because that is the plain facts. You seem to forget that I do not follow old religious text but decency and care for people, that is, the opposite of the Holy Bible.

The New Testament is clear, Jews are less worth, plain and simple, do not confuse this religious fact with what is good and decent, I simple point out History and Culture, nothing else.

People today have no excuse of propagating old blood labels when we have so much modern scriptural historiography and studies available. furthermore these people only follow half the story, obviously they leave out the parts which talk about how new Christians are grafted into the Jewish tree which is the roots of their religion.
But they do, if you are against it you would then be against Muslims and Christians following their religious text which promote death and destruction, xenophobia and hatred, I merely point out this fact, I give no opinion about it.

Perhaps we have different standards for human behavior.
What your opinion about one thing is, and what the actual events are, are two different things. I merely point out the behaviour of people, nothing else, no opinion injected into this.

The Dreyfus case and its aftermath is a famous case which gives us an insight into racism in Europe, it illustrates this reality very well. the violence against Jews following the trial demonstrates this. this is but one example of racism in Europe which I have presented, I find it bizarre and surreal that you would isolate it and declare it as irrelevant to the topic discussed. interestingly a Austrian journalist was sent to cover this case, his name was Theodor Herzl, the case further illustrated to Herzl the need to solve the antisemitism and difficulties Jews face in Europe, and he founded the World Zionist Organization which set an aim to find a national home for Jews in Palestine.
I do wonder why you mention the continent of Europe all the time, Canada, United States, Australia and so on have the same, is it possible because you aim for Germany in this case, subconsciously, and therefore include Europe as a whole, we know all this and it is not just one specific region of the world (IE, Europe) but most of the modern world.

Persecution was not limited to Germany alone.
That is what I said, but you seemed to aim for Germany yourself, hence my comments.

Germany's humiliating conditions after the defeats of WWI and also WWII are well known.
No, Germany's humiliating conditions after WWI caused the affects that lead to World War II. The conditions for Germany after the Second World War was kosher and today Germany is one of the most advanced nations on the planet with a people knowing their history very well and thus this will never happen.

In my own homeland United States we do not have the same, as an example, as most have very little knowledge of us dropping two nuclear bombs killing hundreds of thousands of innocent men woman and children, our japanese concentration camps and een today torture facilities in Cuba known as Guantanamo Bay, my point was that it is important to respect individuals and our treatment of Germany after the first world war caused the following events.

I do not know why you mention WWII as 'humiliating conditions' as to what actually happened during WWII and the aftermath but no, it is not widely known in United States and certainly not in most Arab nations either. Just so you know.


Agnostic Pantheist
It was a in-your-face joke.. Never mind.

I hope so, because that is the plain facts. You seem to forget that I do not follow old religious text but decency and care for people, that is, the opposite of the Holy Bible.

The New Testament is clear, Jews are less worth, plain and simple, do not confuse this religious fact with what is good and decent, I simple point out History and Culture, nothing else.
I have made no suggestion that you follow any religious text, and it quite irrelevant to the stream of last posts here.
I'm well aware of the prejudice in early, medieval, and later Christianity, as only in 1965 did the Vatican repudiated the belief that Jews carry the guilt for the death of Christ. this doest not make your comment any less outlandish.

But they do, if you are against it you would then be against Muslims and Christians following their religious text which promote death and destruction, xenophobia and hatred, I merely point out this fact, I give no opinion about it.
I have no reason to support fundamental Christians or Muslims.

I do wonder why you mention the continent of Europe all the time, Canada, United States, Australia and so on have the same, is it possible because you aim for Germany in this case, subconsciously, and therefore include Europe as a whole, we know all this and it is not just one specific region of the world (IE, Europe) but most of the modern world.
I was specifically asked about Europe.

That is what I said, but you seemed to aim for Germany yourself, hence my comments.
I made Germany and the Dreyfus case in France case studies in this. if Paul Rusco will want to expand this we can go into Poland and Russia as well.

No, Germany's humiliating conditions after WWI caused the affects that lead to World War II. The conditions for Germany after the Second World War was kosher and today Germany is one of the most advanced nations on the planet with a people knowing their history very well and thus this will never happen.
Germany faces many challenges in WWII education, especially with the younger generation who have difficulties in relating to this episode in Germany's history.
In my own homeland United States we do not have the same, as an example, as most have very little knowledge of us dropping two nuclear bombs killing hundreds of thousands of innocent men woman and children, our japanese concentration camps and een today torture facilities in Cuba known as Guantanamo Bay, my point was that it is important to respect individuals and our treatment of Germany after the first world war caused the following events.
The US like all great powers in modern history has dramatic periods in its history that have served in great social reforms in American society, the native Americans, African-American reality and history. furthermore issues such as Guantanamo bay have become highlights in political discourse in the US, in media coverage and in the internal politics.
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Active Member
I have made no suggestion that you follow any religious text, and it quite irrelevant to the stream of last posts here.
So why comment on Religious behaviour? The Dogmas of the religions is the only thing telling them how to act as their gods have decided not to speak up and inform all of us how to act.

I'm well aware of the prejudice in early, medieval, and later Christianity, as only in 1965 did the Vatican repudiated the belief that Jews carry the guilt for the death of Christ. this doest not make your comment any less outlandish.
But the Jews are responsible for the guilt of the death of Jesus, it says so in all the Biblical Translations found. Have you not read the New Testament?

That the New and Old Testament is fiction is not even relevant, I am simple pointing out what the Religions states, there is no debate here, there is no opinion, You just need to Open the Bible, and read it.

I have no reason to support fundamental Christians or Muslims.

I was specifically asked about Europe.
I wasn't observant, I Apologize.

I made Germany and the Dreyfus case in France case studies in this. if Paul Rusco will want to expand this we can go into Poland and Russia as well.
No need, I just wanted to correct you on the errors/misconceptions/biases.

Germany faces many challenges in WWII education, especially with the younger generation who have difficulties in relating to this episode in Germany's history.
The US like all great powers in modern history has dramatic periods in their history that have served in great social reforms in American society, the native Americans, African-American reality and history in the US. furthermore issues such Guantanamo bay have become highlights in political discourse in the US, in media coverage and in the internal politics of the US.
Indeed, just as We as Americans do, new time new information and we learn more every day, but the Germans are doing good, far better then We are and far better then Israel or any other nation not in Europe or North America, you seem to want to color Germans as the black sheep specifically.

Your entire post are extremely biased, you seem to pretend that Jews are some innocent children caught in a fire sourrounding them, Jews have done nothing wrong, they act perfectly and are all good. No, sorry, this is not reality, Jews have done bad things just as Germans have done bad things (and being a Jew is not a Nationality, and many Jews are German, which you seem to forget wanting to distance 'them' from 'us' (jews' which shows your biased even more), with various things happen this leads to other things, Jewish History is as interesting as German History, but you seem to pretend that Jews are, as I said, a bunch of innocent children with no History relevant to them to be blamed for.

Try be objective instead, it makes reading your post more enjoyable.


Agnostic Pantheist
So why comment on Religious behaviour? The Dogmas of the religions is the only thing telling them how to act as their gods have decided not to speak up and inform all of us how to act.
I was asked about the problems Jews faced throughout European history. religious behavior has been a large factor in this. Im curious as to what is so puzzling about this for you.

But the Jews are responsible for the guilt of the death of Jesus, it says so in all the Biblical Translations found. Have you not read the New Testament?

That the New and Old Testament is fiction is not even relevant, I am simple pointing out what the Religions states, there is no debate here, there is no opinion, You just need to Open the Bible, and read it.
Instead of going in circles just state what it is that you want to state. I have stated that Christians persecuted Jews based on their religious doctrine. who's else? the Inuit?

No need, I just wanted to correct you on the errors/misconceptions/biases.
Yet you have failed to show where I'm mistaken. however you have proven that you are misinformed on several key issues such as nationalism and xenophobia, and the blame that was placed on Jews for Germany's loss in WWI.

Indeed, just as We as Americans do, new time new information and we learn more every day, but the Germans are doing good, far better then We are and far better then Israel or any other nation not in Europe or North America, you seem to want to color Germans as the black sheep specifically.
Really? that is good to know. you seem to be uber sensitive of me using Germany to illustrate European xenophobia during the 20th century. as far as im concerned the fault is with you for being needlessly defensive about something which is not there.

Your entire post are extremely biased, you seem to pretend that Jews are some innocent children caught in a fire sourrounding them, Jews have done nothing wrong, they act perfectly and are all good. No, sorry, this is not reality, Jews have done bad things just as Germans have done bad things (and being a Jew is not a Nationality, and many Jews are German, which you seem to forget wanting to distance 'them' from 'us' (jews' which shows your biased even more), with various things happen this leads to other things, Jewish History is as interesting as German History, but you seem to pretend that Jews are, as I said, a bunch of innocent children with no History relevant to them to be blamed for.
This is a fascinating comment by you which is very telling. I was asked about the persecution of Jews in Europe and I provided summerize of this. if you have any issues with the points I provided, by all means, make your case.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Your entire post are extremely biased, you seem to pretend that Jews are some innocent children caught in a fire sourrounding them, Jews have done nothing wrong, they act perfectly and are all good. No, sorry, this is not reality, Jews have done bad things just as Germans have done bad things (and being a Jew is not a Nationality, and many Jews are German, which you seem to forget wanting to distance 'them' from 'us' (jews' which shows your biased even more), with various things happen this leads to other things, Jewish History is as interesting as German History, but you seem to pretend that Jews are, as I said, a bunch of innocent children with no History relevant to them to be blamed for.

Try be objective instead, it makes reading your post more enjoyable.
I cannot really grasp the level of ignorance that would be required to produce this statement. It is breathtaking.


Admiral Obvious
Your entire post are extremely biased, you seem to pretend that Jews are some innocent children caught in a fire sourrounding them, Jews have done nothing wrong, they act perfectly and are all good. No, sorry, this is not reality, Jews have done bad things just as Germans have done bad things (and being a Jew is not a Nationality, and many Jews are German, which you seem to forget wanting to distance 'them' from 'us' (jews' which shows your biased even more), with various things happen this leads to other things, Jewish History is as interesting as German History, but you seem to pretend that Jews are, as I said, a bunch of innocent children with no History relevant to them to be blamed for.
I would be interested in your list of things that Jews have done.


Active Member
I would be interested in your list of things that Jews have done.

This is Tony Alamo, a Jewish Pedophile. I can give you an extensive list of Jewish criminals if you like. Just as I can give you a long list of "American" or "British" people doing various things, or can take the term "Christian" as well, the list would be a long one as well.

Anything else?


Admiral Obvious
This is Tony Alamo, a Jewish Pedophile. I can give you an extensive list of Jewish criminals if you like. Just as I can give you a long list of "American" or "British" people doing various things, or can take the term "Christian" as well, the list would be a long one as well.

Anything else?
you are kidding right?

Perhaps you are just trolling this thread then.....

Now if you would be so kind as to present a list of things that the Jewish people, as a whole, have done....

I doubt you can, but I thought I would be nice and ask first.
Of course, you do realize that one can present lists of individuals from any race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. that have committed crimes.

So if all you have is a list of criminals who happen to be Jewish, you fail.
Unless of course you can show that your list is not the exception, but the rule...
Good luck with that.


Active Member
you are kidding right?

Perhaps you are just trolling this thread then.....

Now if you would be so kind as to present a list of things that the Jewish people, as a whole, have done....

I doubt you can, but I thought I would be nice and ask first.
Of course, you do realize that one can present lists of individuals from any race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. that have committed crimes.

So if all you have is a list of criminals who happen to be Jewish, you fail.
Unless of course you can show that your list is not the exception, but the rule...
Good luck with that.

I gave you a name of a Jewsih Pedophile, your request is impossible. Gie me a list of anything the American people have done, or British, or Swedish, or Chinese.

Impossible,you admit this yourself, you can only find groups of people in does groups, this would not qualify as you want 'the group' to have 'done it', weird indeed. Tony is part of the Jewish Group, therefore I gave him as example, I can give others, alot of others doing various evil deeds as well, but I know, it would not qualify, you want 'The Group' to have done it, somehow.


Admiral Obvious
I gave you a name of a Jewsih Pedophile, your request is impossible. Gie me a list of anything the American people have done, or British, or Swedish, or Chinese.

Impossible,you admit this yourself, you can only find groups of people in does groups, this would not qualify as you want 'the group' to have 'done it', weird indeed. Tony is part of the Jewish Group, therefore I gave him as example, I can give others, alot of others doing various evil deeds as well, but I know, it would not qualify, you want 'The Group' to have done it, somehow.
Perhaps if you were to stop trying to present the exception as the rule...

But no, that would tend to hurt you argument....
I gave you a name of a Jewsih Pedophile, your request is impossible. Gie me a list of anything the American people have done, or British, or Swedish, or Chinese.

Impossible,you admit this yourself, you can only find groups of people in does groups, this would not qualify as you want 'the group' to have 'done it', weird indeed. Tony is part of the Jewish Group, therefore I gave him as example, I can give others, alot of others doing various evil deeds as well, but I know, it would not qualify, you want 'The Group' to have done it, somehow.

yo i might be able to help with a few pics of what the jewish army is doing in Palastine


Agnostic Pantheist
yo i might be able to help with a few pics of what the jewish army is doing in Palastine
Do try to keep up. Gabe was asked for Jewish wrong doings that would justify large scale persecution in European history. so far his efforts to present such were embodied in an American Jew who was found guilty in sex offences.
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Active Member
yo i might be able to help with a few pics of what the jewish army is doing in Palastine

Well, thank you Aymen, but I do not think I want to me associated with your crazy views :help:

But I need to sidle with you Aymen on this issue, I pointed out some basic things like Jews do bad things just as all others and they directly act like I am anti-semitic and just ignore my actual responses giving me drivel. Is this how you get treated all the time? With all due respect, if someone does not agree (I do not agree with Aymen for example) that does not means you pretend they are wrong ignoring the facts of what is said.



Admiral Obvious
Go ahead and join the debate. you too are welcomed to present your case of Jewish crimes against humanity that justify persecution of Jews in European history.
Yeah, it seems that Gabethewiking bailed.

Sad to, since he seemed to be on such a good roll...
to bad he could not support his claims.
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