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Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions


Well, we all have a divine, built-in conscience which guides us, don’t we? Deep down, we mostly know good behavior. Some people are messed-up though. Their conscience has been “seared”.

1 Timothy 4:1,2.

DJust curious…does your Bible say “teachings of demons” in that verse?

What do you think that might be?
You can read the following verses. You might find it interesting.

Goodnight, my cousin.
Mine reads:
1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
2 through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared,
3 who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving;
5 for then it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

And continues with:
7 Have nothing to do with godless and silly myths. Train yourself in godliness;
8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

I read this full passage as being careful of who and what speaks of "godliness." Who forbids marriage, I do not know beyond Paul's advice to his church leaders. Abstinence from foods which God created to be received seems to be yet another judgment against the followers of Jewish law during the post-Revolt years found often in the epistles.

We all walk among wolves, so why not walk without fear because our faith leaves no room for it? Let Go And Let God
I highly recommend a short story by Leo Tolstoy entitled "Ivan the Fool."


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is definitely something about you and this time of day that just brings out the snarky.

Yes. I read the Bible basically everyday and am quite familiar with the commandments. The issue of position between you and I since yesterday is whether you can find a commandment that identifies a specific Religion that God demands we follow?
I was just reviewing a few posts and came across yours again. So this brings up a question. Because the Bible has the account with God and Abraham. The history is most interesting regarding this topic. So first I was noticing that the Bible says (in English, of course, because that's what I read best) that the one we generally call Abraham was initially called Abram. So it becomes very interesting. My point is that Abraham was initially called Abram until his name changed to Abraham. It is interesting to note the reason his name was changed.


@Spice Do you have a favorite translation of the Bible you like to read? There are several I might use, depending on situation.
If I'm doing a quick search and read on my phone through Bible Hub, I have a tendency to pull up the English Standard Version, though I do a lot of parallel reading with all they have available.

If I know the particular passage I'm interested in, I may pull it up in an online version of RSV, Revised Standard Version of 1952, but RSV is not available in Hub. But that is my personal printed Bible that I've had since baptism. I have others on the shelf, but with the availability of so many online, I don't take them down. Some are quite old and fragile.

Occasionally I'll go to online versions in Hebrew or Greek, but I'm quite aware trying to read a direct translation can be very confusing.

Why do you ask? When my JW friends stop by my house for fellowship I use my Bible with no repercussions to the passages they have chosen. My Quaker friends also use RSV, Baptist friends use KJV, Methodist friends use a variety of personal preferences.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If I'm doing a quick search and read on my phone through Bible Hub, I have a tendency to pull up the English Standard Version, though I do a lot of parallel reading with all they have available.

If I know the particular passage I'm interested in, I may pull it up in an online version of RSV, Revised Standard Version of 1952, but RSV is not available in Hub. But that is my personal printed Bible that I've had since baptism. I have others on the shelf, but with the availability of so many online, I don't take them down. Some are quite old and fragile.

Occasionally I'll go to online versions in Hebrew or Greek, but I'm quite aware trying to read a direct translation can be very confusing.

Why do you ask? When my JW friends stop by my house for fellowship I use my Bible with no repercussions to the passages they have chosen.
Thank you for your reply. One of the reasons I ask is because some versions do not translate properly imo. For instance a noticeable situation is that when the tetragrammaton (which by now you probably know is the 4 Hebrew letters signifying God's name) was used in ancient texts, some versions substitute LORD in capital letters. I appreciate your thought that the RSV is that which you've had since your baptism. Before I became associated with Jehovah's Witnesses I would use the King James Version but understood virtually nothing, because although I would read it upon occasion I really did not know anything. Couldn't figure how God existed since the world was such a mess. And I was lost. As I said, I went to synagogue, sang in church as a paid singer, but still did not know God. That's for another time perhaps. :) So thanks again for your answer. Back to Abraham...:)


I was just reviewing a few posts and came across yours again. So this brings up a question. Because the Bible has the account with God and Abraham. The history is most interesting regarding this topic. So first I was noticing that the Bible says (in English, of course, because that's what I read best) that the one we generally call Abraham was initially called Abram. So it becomes very interesting. My point is that Abraham was initially called Abram until his name changed to Abraham. It is interesting to note the reason his name was changed.
Yes, and his wife's name went from Sarai to Sarah, and Jacob was changed to Israel, and Simon to Peter, and there were others who underwent name changes for various reasons. In many Native American cultures one gets a new name as they enter adulthood to match who they've become. Even in modern times people change what they were called as children to a different version of their name.


Thank you for your reply. One of the reasons I ask is because some versions do not translate properly imo. For instance a noticeable situation is that when the tetragrammaton (which by now you probably know is the 4 Hebrew letters signifying God's name) was used in ancient texts, some versions substitute LORD in capital letters. I appreciate your thought that the RSV is that which you've had since your baptism. Before I became associated with Jehovah's Witnesses I would use the King James Version but understood virtually nothing, because although I would read it upon occasion I really did not know anything. Couldn't figure how God existed since the world was such a mess. And I was lost. As I said, I went to synagogue, sang in church as a paid singer, but still did not know God. That's for another time perhaps. :) So thanks again for your answer. Back to Abraham...:)
Did everyone in your Synagogue use KJV? That seems strange. I would have thought that if an English Bible was used it would be the OJB or the CJB. Interesting. I like reading the OJB as a parallel read.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Did everyone in your Synagogue use KJV?
No. Of course not. But honestly at the time it was the only Bible I really knew about. I had it in my room and would read it sometimes at night before I went to sleep. But I didn't really read the Christian Greek scriptures. I would stick to psalms and a few other books. We are talking about my teen years. I went to synagogue regularly with my family and there was a prayer book we would use. The Hebrew was transliterated so we could pronounce it as a congregation. It was a "reform" synagogue. My family went there. We would celebrate the holidays. Never even wondered if the holiday celebrations were true or false. At synagogue there would be celebrations, etc. during those times. When I wondered out loud about God, my father would say (he escaped from Europe just before the war broke out), "Where was God when 6 million Jews died?" And I did not have any answer except to think...ok, where was God? I did not know. I used to turn Jehovah's Witnesses away thinking they were nuts. (religious fanatics.) But then something happened...that's another chapter. :)
That seems strange. I would have thought that if an English Bible was used it would be the OJB or the CJB. Interesting. I like reading the OJB as a parallel read.
I have some volumes of the Hebrew scriptures in English, meaning just the Hebrew scriptures. I do have various versions of the Bible at home now, sometimes refer to www.bible.cc (like biblehub) online.
Gotta go out now, perhaps we can 'talk' later. :) Take care.


Thank you for your reply. One of the reasons I ask is because some versions do not translate properly imo. For instance a noticeable situation is that when the tetragrammaton (which by now you probably know is the 4 Hebrew letters signifying God's name) was used in ancient texts, some versions substitute LORD in capital letters. I appreciate your thought that the RSV is that which you've had since your baptism. Before I became associated with Jehovah's Witnesses I would use the King James Version but understood virtually nothing, because although I would read it upon occasion I really did not know anything. Couldn't figure how God existed since the world was such a mess. And I was lost. As I said, I went to synagogue, sang in church as a paid singer, but still did not know God. That's for another time perhaps. :) So thanks again for your answer. Back to Abraham...:)
KJV is not what we've all been told folks. Read the book he wrote just before commissioning the KJV: "Demonology"
You cannot make this stuff up ! It's true! King James was not only homosexual, he was into many perversions and demonology and wrote the book on it! Did our Bible publishers warn us? Which of our Churches or Pastors or Elders told us? None of them.
Our Bibles are very corrupted, starting with Jewish versions - they altered the Covenant 3000 years ago. Jesus taught the Standards that Elohim gave at Sinai - but in a new way - see Matthew. If you need help - I've done much of the heavy lifting - so to speak:
Onediscipletoanother.org Have the Hebrew Matthew on site. Copy of the original text of Elohim to Moses. A review of Romans that proves we were lied to about it being true. See: Romans Proves Paul Lied.
The Bible is hard to study because it is mistranslated, altered, and has books in it that defy both God and Jesus.
The only cure to not be deceived is to KNOW the TRUTH. Get the basics in and the rest falls into place.


Veteran Member
KJV is not what we've all been told folks. Read the book he wrote just before commissioning the KJV: "Demonology"
You cannot make this stuff up ! It's true! King James was not only homosexual, he was into many perversions and demonology and wrote the book on it! Did our Bible publishers warn us? Which of our Churches or Pastors or Elders told us? None of them.
Our Bibles are very corrupted, starting with Jewish versions - they altered the Covenant 3000 years ago. Jesus taught the Standards that Elohim gave at Sinai - but in a new way - see Matthew. If you need help - I've done much of the heavy lifting - so to speak:
Onediscipletoanother.org Have the Hebrew Matthew on site. Copy of the original text of Elohim to Moses. A review of Romans that proves we were lied to about it being true. See: Romans Proves Paul Lied.
The Bible is hard to study because it is mistranslated, altered, and has books in it that defy both God and Jesus.
The only cure to not be deceived is to KNOW the TRUTH. Get the basics in and the rest falls into place.
The only cure to not be deceived is to KNOW the TRUTH
True, very true indeed.



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
@Spice I can see the demons are getting involved with our discussion -- so for the present time I will terminate it and definitely keep you in my prayers.


Veteran Member

Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions

@Spice I can see the demons are getting involved with our discussion -- so for the present time I will terminate it and definitely keep you in my prayers.
the demons

(Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), never believed in the demons, please, right?
If yes, then kindly quote from him, right, please?



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Ouchie ... Wowchie .. something sure sent you running from the playground .. Did the Biblical fact the creator God did not think much of the the humans that the Gods created .. and in fact believes you are so worthless .. Gods words not mine " -- only wicked and worthless thoughts .. only evil all the time .. that he tried to wipe all humans out .. Fortunately another God saved a few humans.,,

Did you not understand "Let US make man in OUR Image" .. thats plural friend .. and plural is how everyone understood the story ~1800 BC at the time of Abe .. down to the end of the Israelites in~ 720 BC..

Everyone believed that is was a number of Gods had a hand in the creation of humans friend .. not just the Israelites but all the other peoples around them . Hittites - Moabites - Phonecians - Ammonites - Assyrians - Babylonians .. and so on.

What it the idea of more than one God that gives you trouble Brother True
When the ALMIGHTY God said "Let us make man in our image," he was clearly speaking to someone.


Admiral Obvious
KJV is not what we've all been told folks. Read the book he wrote just before commissioning the KJV: "Demonology"
Close, but not quite right:

King James was not only homosexual,
IF he was, so what?

he was into many perversions and demonology and wrote the book on it!
I understand you are trying real hard to put him in a bad light, for whatever reason(s), but given your dishonest presentation over the book you mentioned above, I will most definitely need more than your word...

Did our Bible publishers warn us?
Warn you of what?
You do know that King James did not do any of the translating, right?

Which of our Churches or Pastors or Elders told us? None of them.Told you what?
Told you what?
It was public knowledge back then that he wrote a few books.
So other than your baseless accusations of homosexuality and "perversions" (whatever that is supposed to mean) what is it exactly you think you should have been "warned" about?

Our Bibles are very corrupted, starting with Jewish versions - they altered the Covenant 3000 years ago. Jesus taught the Standards that Elohim gave at Sinai - but in a new way - see Matthew. If you need help - I've done much of the heavy lifting - so to speak:
Onediscipletoanother.org Have the Hebrew Matthew on site. Copy of the original text of Elohim to Moses. A review of Romans that proves we were lied to about it being true. See: Romans Proves Paul Lied.
The Bible is hard to study because it is mistranslated, altered, and has books in it that defy both God and Jesus.
The only cure to not be deceived is to KNOW the TRUTH. Get the basics in and the rest falls into place.
Which one of the versions of the Bible is that YOU claim is the one true word of god?