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Search results

  1. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    No I don't think that will happen. There were many children who were left in ignorance but have grown into adults that have chosen their philosophy...one that resonates with them..rather than having it forced down their throats as the only way..I personally truly like your philosophy, but would...
  2. M

    Are Atheists More Immoral than Non-Atheists?

    What analogy? What's not? What are you referring to? It helps to quote.
  3. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    Absolutely! And while I do not consider myself to be Atheist, the definition is so distorted now, or misunderstood or used out of context, I would never instill my ways on my child. I am an impatient person by nature, I would not like my child to grow up the same, for his sake and everyone...
  4. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    Wrong! Your facts are totally incorrect. 60,000 years refers to homosapiens- which is our species right now- where do you get your information? And the reason it is capped at 60 000 years is because that is the scope of carbon dating at present. It cannot accurately date beyond 60 000. If you...
  5. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    It is not just these extremes that do harm, just being born into a religious zealot's family does major harm to children that grow up to have views and opinions of their own, that do not reflect their parents. Not all of them can break away without a lifetime of guilt, feeling they have...
  6. M

    Is it ever okay to steal?

    Your answers just stupifies me. If you were caught in the aftermath of Katrina, with children who were starving, there is no official help at hand yet and not for several days, you are right near a grocery store full of food that is going in the dumpster anyway, and your own disaster supplies...
  7. M

    According to Quran, hell is not eternal

    This is the whole problem with some religions. Why doesn't 'god' just say what he means instead of the camel passes through the needle's eye. It's all of these ambiguous statements that have even people of the same faith arguing it's meaning.
  8. M

    A Gay Christian?

    Genetics are leaning in your favour. When and if it becomes established that it is in the genes, the onus is back on god.
  9. M


    I find that statement to be utterly ridiculous seeing as though the term 'homosexual' was not coined until 1839.
  10. M

    Are Atheists More Immoral than Non-Atheists?

    I am neither religious or Atheist but the observation that jumps out at me is that the religious are much more immoral than the atheists. They have a list of what to do and not what to do, they have been told my their god what is right and what is wrong, yet most have committed a sin, regardless...
  11. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    I agree wholeheartedly that Christians were not the only one with this view, however, Christians were the ones being guided by the word of god via the bible, which gives them an architectural description of the foundations of the earth, which lead them to believe the earth was indeed flat...
  12. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    Although our beliefs differ from one another there are loving, honest Christians all over the world..I don't think insults help anyone and only discredits anything valid you might have to say.
  13. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    This highlights my point exactly! You know of no Christians who believe that the sun goes up and down because we now have scientific instruments that show you with your eyes own that this is false. However, it was a truth in the bible... before it could be disproved that is... And as far as...
  14. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    Not true, it RISES/up in the East and SETS/down in the west. I cannot be any clearer than it does rise and set.... You are a mincer of words..'rise and set' are not 'up and down' You brought up Adam and Eve, not me... so please give me the scripture to which you reference. If you have the...
  15. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    No... it does not go up and down...if it did it would be rising and setting in the same place...I cannot be any clearer on that... And I see now where a year for us may not be a year in bible times... so that point is moot as we can never know what a year back then was.. And I'm sure there has...
  16. M

    A question for atheists who don't believe in God

    It's probably more what we don't believe in. We don't believe in gods that punish forever in eternal hell fire, we don't believe in brainwashing others with an image that a creator of so many wonderful things is vengeful, jealous, non respectful of people. We don't believe in running around...
  17. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    Comet, if you read post you will find that the bible does not quote in a verse that mankind is 4000-6000 years old. What I said was it was implied. When you add up all of the fathers and son's... you know... so and so begat so and so... and take note of their age, it isn't rocket science to add...
  18. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    I certainly do not put all of my eggs in the science basket. My spiritual side and philosophy outweighs my love of science very much so. And again I am not using science to measure anything spiritual. I am using it to measure the age of fossils, which are real, tangible, and physical, not...
  19. M

    11 errors by Jesus and friends.

    I would not be so smug. I believe that picking up sticks on a Saturday- according to your faith- receives the penalty of death. Are you serious?
  20. M

    Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.

    What is exactly is an atheist as you see it? I do not fall for all of this god, bible, christianity stuff. Been there done that, have studied many religions, and I have gone into them with open mind and soul to try and quell this yearning I have felt since early teens. However, the more I...