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Search results

  1. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    Yes, but you would think that. That's not how this works at all. I assert that 6-12% of priests have committed child sex abuse, by admission of the church. You want to say that is incorrect? Then do so... However...I did find the definition of storm: behave violently, as if in state of a great...
  2. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    Well last I checked we weren't looking for 'plu'. I am sure you will find 18,100,000 entries with the letters plu next to each, as you will blu, tan, fro, pre, ....so what's your point? Your comments are facetious, and just demeans and belittles anything you say. Can't any of you express and...
  3. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    How can you make a comment like it's not systemic, when by your own admission you can't find the figures! Another case of someone spouting off without the facts before them. I just did a google as recently as 60 seconds ago, there are 35,900 entires. What seems to be your problem?
  4. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    Excellent point of view!
  5. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    Samuel 1:26 "I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; dear and delightful you were to me; your love for me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women." What does this mean? To say he is just expressing his brotherly love would be ridiculous. If there is any Christian men out there that would let...
  6. M

    children and religion

    That's just another way of pre-conditioning them to accept and believe the horror of eternal hellfire etc. ...and that god exists...there's nothing impartial about it. The general feeling by the religious is that you NEED a strict philosophy or you'll turn into an animal...do people need...
  7. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    Sorry! Typo...systemic...the system being preisthood and obviously religion. Stats show that approxiamately 0.239% of the general population are sex offenders- The catholic church estimates that between 6-12% of priests have engaged in illegal sex with children under the age of 16. That's...
  8. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    Well. I don't even know what your point is with this statement...I never said I believed, for example, that the planets worked alone...I said I don't not swallow the christian or muslim theory. As far as evolution goes...well I've never subscribed to that theory either...it has many gaps and it...
  9. M

    Should religion be tolerated?

    Yes...then they would be free to choose..Catholic priest have had more education in all matters spiritual and holy then the average person ever will ...but it didn't stop their systematic rape and sexual abuse on children...so I really don't see the connection between not ramming a belief down...
  10. M

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    If they all come from the same family, then stop quoting it as impartial, neutral evidence to support the flood theory. You keep referencing other cultures of having reported the flood and use this as your proof, but if they are all great great granfathers and mothers and cousins then it hardly...
  11. M

    children and religion

    There are a lot more than 2 sides to this debate... poisoning children's mind with religion should be against the law. As I said in a similar thread yesterday, many,many people chose to move away from religion as they mature and get out in the real world. But the everlasting effects from a...
  12. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    Thanks Mestemia for all of those links...good reading..
  13. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    Funny..every time I try to bring a scientific argument into religion I am told that science can not be compatible with the spiritual..now that it's convenient you use science... If the answer to this one is to reproduce, and if we look at the state of the planet due to over population, people...
  14. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    oK..ok.. I obviously need to pose this question differently...What excuse will Christians, Muslims, and other anti-gay religions use, to continue their systematic persecution of gays...once the gay gene is found...?
  15. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    Yes I agree with gnomon, you are going to great pains to avoid the question. You have entered this thread to post your opinion, yet you say you know of no genetic research concerning the gay gene? So basically you are forging opinions that have no basis in fact...it just all comes down to that...
  16. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    Yes I agree with gnomon, you are going to great pains to avoid the question. You have entered this thread to post your opinion, yet you say you know of no genetic research concerning the gay gene? So basically you are forging opinions that have no basis in fact...it just all comes down to that...
  17. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    This just goes to show how programmed you are to run and look something up in a book and believe it...and not think for yourself
  18. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    The age of consent is no different for homosexual or heterosexual sex, so what is your point, other than at least they treat all people equally. However, sicko's in some parts of the middle east have kept the age of consent for females in single digits...that's sick. What a convenient way of...
  19. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    Here!Here! I think his statement about hanging around gays makes you gay ridiculous and I really don't think I could take anything he says seriously. You say finding the gene is hypothetical...but more accurate to say in progress.then go to say Firstly...who is we?? Secondly if it was society...
  20. M

    What will Christians and Muslims have to say

    When and if a gay gene is identified by geneticists. Will you abandon your stance that it is a choice, evil, abomination, unnatural?