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Search results

  1. N

    Was Jesus Sent to be Crucified?

    Nope. Actually, I'd want to completely disassociate myself from the instrument of death which is why I don't get the use of the cross in worship.
  2. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    Wait what? If they weren't on earth before they got the commandment, where were they? I mean he didn't take dirt from Heaven and formed Adam so where else could he have gotten it?
  3. N

    Was Jesus Sent to be Crucified?

    Death, yes. Crucifixion on a cross? No. "More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above...
  4. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    Considering it was a command coming from their creator and a contradiction coming from some stranger says quite a lot IMO. We don't know the exact amount of time that went by before they sinned, but it's safe to say they established a relationship with God. They had no dealings with the snake...
  5. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    This is the sad reality of humans. It's not until AFTER the repercussions of an action we feel remorse despite clear warning signs.
  6. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    Not stupid, but he didn't know.
  7. N


    "Do look down from your holy dwelling, the heavens, and bless your people Israel and the soil that you have given us, just as you swore to our forefathers, the land flowing with milk and honey" - (Deuteronomy 26:15) If God was Omnipresent, would it really be necessary for him to have to "look...
  8. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    No. He knew the consequences because he warned them of it. He however didn't have foreknowledge as to their actions prior to their creation. He also had no foreknowledge of the rebellious angel known as Satans actions.
  9. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    You seem to think he knew it was going to happen. Going by that logic, instead of putting a tree, why make humans in the first place?
  10. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    I don't understand how you can make a correlation between the two. Satan had a motive because he was jealous of the worship God was recieving. What exactly did God have to gain? Oh top of that, why go through all the trouble of getting his first born son Jesus to die to redeem/free mankind from...
  11. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    1. No. If it sounded like I was my apologies. 2. He didn't custom design the nature of the angels. They have free will just like humans do. Also God isn't dimwitted. He just isn't Omniscient like people want to believe. I've given many examples which clearly back my reasoning.
  12. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    Eve knew. Genesis 3:2-3 "At this the woman said to the serpent: “Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat. But as for [eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘YOU must not eat from it, no, YOU must not touch it that YOU do not die" Adam...
  13. N

    God hardens hearts?

    That Scripture has nothing to do with intervening of free will.
  14. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    1. I disagree. It was done for them to express their appreciation and their love. 2. Copied from Wikipedia on the definition of entrapment: Entrapment holds if all three conditions are fulfilled: The idea for committing the crime came from the government agents and not from the person...
  15. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    The serpent told they wouldn't die. Are they around today? Nope. Why? Because they're dead lol.
  16. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    The problem wasn't the tree though. It's going against their creators direct commands...which is what they did. The tree was a way from them to demonstrate their love and appreciation for all he had done for them and as Grand Creator he had every right to make it. As long as they refrained from...
  17. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    Ah but therein lies the problem. They were the first human pair and there was nothing to gauge their actions on because of a clean slate. He created them with free will and choose NOT to know how they would use it. You however already know driving while your eyes closed is wrong so it's...
  18. N

    Logical miracles

    I can't think of a miracle performed in the Bible that wasn't without reason/logic.
  19. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    God isn't Omniscient. One example to suggest this is to look at his dealings with Abraham who was put to the test by killing his son. When he was about to do it, why did God interfere and say "Now I do know that you are God-fearing in that you have not withheld your son, your only one, from...
  20. N

    Eve more guilty than Adam

    What makes you think he knew what they would do?