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  1. Jehonadab

    Woman's menstruating on man he is unclean

    Are you asking this question like if I wanted to keep it form someone who would know or are you asking how would a man now he touched a mestruating woman?
  2. Jehonadab

    Daniel Chapter 2

    Was that a bit of sarcasm?
  3. Jehonadab

    Daniel Chapter 2

    Because the "play" as you call it refers to one nation yet to come.
  4. Jehonadab

    Daniel Chapter 2

    Do you know what nations are represented by the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream and does this mean anything today?
  5. Jehonadab

    Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?

    Acts 24:15 speaks of a resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous..perhaps they will be in this group.
  6. Jehonadab

    Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?

    I understand you point and do not dispute it. Yes the law is right and good but we are not bound to it like the Israelites were... as for the infamous 4th commandment, we are not bound to a particular day to set aside time to reflect on the blessings God has given each one of us.
  7. Jehonadab

    Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?

    Galations 3:10-14 "...Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the law.." The Sabbath is the 7th day of the week Saturday or in spanish Sabado but as was mentioned in AK4's comments at Col 2:16-17 that is no longer the case. The Israelites were God's chosen people and the 10...
  8. Jehonadab

    Freewill and Volition

    Jude 6 '...angels who did not keep their prerogative but left their domicile ....' or '..angeks who left their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place...' I am not doubting Satan's existence I am debating the fact that he was created to be Satan.
  9. Jehonadab

    God as Love vs God as Judge

    Acts 10:34-35 '...God is not partial, but in every nation he who fears him and practices righteousness is acceptable to him..." who doesn't belong to God?
  10. Jehonadab

    God as Love vs God as Judge

    Ezekiel 7:1-5 speaks of God judging. 1 Samuel 2:10 does also. Psalms 7:8 shows David asking to be judged. God has judged many in the bible...hy the most high need lawyers and witnesses when He can read hearts....
  11. Jehonadab

    no more Old Testament, thank you

    I didn't u/s last sentence
  12. Jehonadab

    Freewill and Volition

    Review your quoted scripture at John 8:44 "not holding fast to the truth"....meaning that at some point he had the truth.
  13. Jehonadab

    The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.

    The previous verses though discuss the dead being judged according to there deads ..."and death and the world were thrown into the lake of fire; this is the second death" So this is not discussing hell but everlasting destruction...otherwise you are saying "death goes to hell"
  14. Jehonadab

    God as Love vs God as Judge

    Charity makes a good point. A parent loves their children and yet they may judge their childrens actions as desrving of punishment. And God being our heavenly father also has that right but his standards or higher then ours...imagine your 18 year old decides they want to bring drugs and...
  15. Jehonadab

    God and slavery?

    Coloassians 3:22 talks about slavery. So do the gospels
  16. Jehonadab

    God’s philosophy.

    God did not create the mess. He has allowed the mess to continue until his appointed time. Why? 1 Timothy 2:3,4. If we believe God made the mess then yes he would not be all powerful or truly righteous to create 2 beings with the goal of them failing and then allowing millions more to die...
  17. Jehonadab

    Can Santa Claus be classified as a God or Pagan God

    The date of December 25th was chosen because of Saturnalia, many of the things done for that Roman holiday are still part of Christmas. Is Sanat Claus a god? He could be to some people, some children belive that he will make everything okay and give their families something they need to make it...
  18. Jehonadab

    no more Old Testament, thank you

    Jesus quoted from the OT/Torah/Hebrew Scriptures numerous times. Jesus is referenced in the first bible prophecy at Genesis 3:15. Take away the OT and how can you prove Jesus is truly the Messiah. His birth place is foretold (Micah 5:2) how he would enter Jeresulem is foretold (Zechariah 9:9)...
  19. Jehonadab

    God as Love vs God as Judge

    Yes God can become what is needed based on the situation....is he a judge yes, he was the judge for King David and he extended mercy towards him, a human judge would have had to have both he and Bathsheba put to death. This demonstrated love. Is he a God of love...God is love 1 John 1:4
  20. Jehonadab

    Freewill and Volition

    Yes God did create Satan but Satan chose his path. For some reason people assume that someone being perfect means that they always make the right decisions. If that was the case Satan would not have attempted to persuade Eve or Jesus. You spoke of humans having free will, so do angels, if you...