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Search results

  1. Jehonadab

    God’s philosophy.

    Nothing is wrong with that. What are you basing your morals on?
  2. Jehonadab

    God’s philosophy.

    If that is the case God is a mean, hateful, vindictive, individual and there is no need to have religion in our lives because hr wants us to suffer....so "Let there be eating and drinking, for tomorrow we shall die" Isaiah 22:12 The fact of the matter is the devil doesn't care what you beleive...
  3. Jehonadab

    Bailout plan? DENIED...

    Matt 6:25-33 ".....keep on seeking the kingdom first and all these other things will be added to you" Why worry about it, put your faith in God and let the chips fall where they may.
  4. Jehonadab

    God’s philosophy.

    God gave all human and angelic creations free will. Would you want to marry a spouse or spend time with some one who wanted to spend time with you or did it because you made them do it. No matter how great an idea or way of life is people or going to disagree and feel they can do it better. It...
  5. Jehonadab

    WHY, Congress? WHY!!!

    Even Rome fell.....
  6. Jehonadab

    God and slavery?

    Slavery during bible times was often because a person could not afford to support himself and they sold themselves into slavery. Or becasue they were captured during a year. Whatever the case 1 John 5:19 tells us who is control of this world, God is allowing everything we see around us to happen...
  7. Jehonadab

    The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.

    Where in the bible does it state that a certain group of people will burn forever in hell as punishment for there sins on earth? What sins are considered justifiable to receive this punishment?
  8. Jehonadab

    Do we still need organized religion?

    If there is no need for organized religion what does this sripture mean Hebrews 10:24,25 "and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works; not forsaking oue own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day...
  9. Jehonadab

    The Holy Spirit

    Needle, I am not sure if your original post question has been answered: The Holy Spirit is God's active force. It is like electricity, it is what God uses to accomplish his holy will. Each of us have the potential to be filled with holy spirit. I may have misunderstood a state emnt you made...
  10. Jehonadab

    The Validity of the Kings James Bible

    I agree that there is no consensus. Although that argument (consensus) could be used for 110% of the bible.
  11. Jehonadab

    The Validity of the Kings James Bible

    Papias, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian and Justin Martyr all referred to Revelation as the writing of the apostle John. Abd the writing styles of the Gospel and 1 John are similiar. His position as the "older man" (last living apostle) must have been commom knowledge to his...
  12. Jehonadab

    The Validity of the Kings James Bible

    Actually it was the very same John. Although listed last in bible Revelation was not the last book written. It was completed around 96 C.E while the Gospel of John and his 3 letters where completed 2 yrs later.
  13. Jehonadab

    The Validity of the Kings James Bible

    You are very right about Matthew 24:35... it is a very powerful scripture. especially when you consider Psalms 104:5 (Who laid the foundation of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever KJV), Psalms 78:69 or Ecclesiates 1:4 (the earth abideth for ever KJV). Jesus was using an statement...
  14. Jehonadab

    The Validity of the Kings James Bible

    Matthew 16:28 refers to the occurrence in Matthew 17 regarding the transfiguration. Three apostles witnessed ademonstration of Jesus "coming into his kingdom". THis is verified by Peter at 2 Peter 1:16-18
  15. Jehonadab

    11 errors by Jesus and friends.

  16. Jehonadab

    What is wrong with idol worship?

    The object you user to personify God cannot perform any act for you. The bible states at John 4:23, 24 "True worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth: that is the kind or worship the Father wants. God is spirit, and those who worship must worship in spirit and truth." You using...
  17. Jehonadab

    11 errors by Jesus and friends.

    Genesis 47:29-31 have to do with Joseph swearing to his father that he would not bury him in Egypt. The blessing referred to in Hebrews did not occur until Genesis 48. Before looking into any of your other claims I would like to ask did you research these errors yourself or did you pull them...
  18. Jehonadab

    11 errors by Jesus and friends.

    Simply the rounding of numbers.....
  19. Jehonadab

    11 errors by Jesus and friends.

    The proper translation here should be "in the account about Abiathar". Corresponding accounts are listed at both Matthew 12:4 and Luke 6:4. This is an instance where you can fault your bible's translator and not Jesus' perfect memory.
  20. Jehonadab

    What is wrong with idol worship?

    God cannot be housed in anything made with our hands and to wprship something that is made by our own hands shows disrespect to God.