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Freewill and Volition


Well-Known Member

Gosh! I don't know what more can faith do to reason. :rolleyes:
The book of Job is a Jewish novel with the purpose to illustrate the role of Israel
in the Counsel of God. Apart from the lesson the author is supposed to convey,
the book is a fiction. Job as a person never existed. If you find hard to go this
way, consider God, the Creator of the Universe, being persuaded by Satan to
change His mind, or being influenced by outside forces. You are making of God
an anthropomorphic being, with human attributes. God is an incorporeal Spirit.
No wonder Jesus said that you (Gentiles) worship what you do not know. Opposite
to us the Jews who worship Whom we know. Why? Because God is Spirit and we are supposed to worship Him in spirit. (John 4:22,24)

No God wasnt persuaded to change His mind, for He does not change. This scenario happened exactly the way He planned it in the beginning. And by you logic of God not being influenced by outside force,Well you just proven my case on no "free" will because if our will was free from God, then God would have to readjust constantly to everyones whim to accomplish His plan.

And your agrument about Job holds no water either unless you willing to throw out more scripture with Abraham "persuading" God to save a least Lot in Sodom or even more scripture with Jacob "persuading" God to be his God...well i will let scripture tell you

Gen 28: 19 And he called the name of that place Bethel: F128 but the name of that city was called Luz at the first. 20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21 So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God: 22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.

So now you going to throw out more scripture---How much more to do you have left?!!!
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Well-Known Member

In that case you are a cybernetics robot in human form. Whoever programmed you
did a good job.

Ben :D

And no i and we all are not robots. Robots dont have emotions and feelings etc etc etc. And yes my Potter "programmed me" exactly the way He wanted to form His pot.


Satan was created by God perfectly to do the job he was given from THE BEGINNING.

Joh 8:44 - You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
1Jo 3:8 - He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Satan was never a perfectly created "good" angel who chose to go against God. He was created from the beginning to be opposed to God. The lucifer story is a hoax. Those are not talking about satan, they are talking about the king of babylon and assyria. The word they translated in the bible for lucifer is howl. Thats right howl.
"Howl O king"

Review your quoted scripture at John 8:44 "not holding fast to the truth"....meaning that at some point he had the truth.


Well-Known Member
Review your quoted scripture at John 8:44 "not holding fast to the truth"....meaning that at some point he had the truth.

Satan knows the scriptures. He knows the Truth. He decieved Eve with some Truth.

Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: (this was the lie)
Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (this is the truth)

Even God doesnt deny what satan had said

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

But as you can see he was a liar first, from the beginning, but he knows the Truth or scriptures


Satan knows the scriptures. He knows the Truth. He decieved Eve with some Truth.

Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: (this was the lie)
Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (this is the truth)

Even God doesnt deny what satan had said

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

But as you can see he was a liar first, from the beginning, but he knows the Truth or scriptures

Jude 6 '...angels who did not keep their prerogative but left their domicile ....' or '..angeks who left their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place...'

I am not doubting Satan's existence I am debating the fact that he was created to be Satan.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member

No God wasnt persuaded to change His mind, for He does not change. This scenario happened exactly the way He planned it in the beginning. And by you logic of God not being influenced by outside force,Well you just proven my case on no "free" will because if our will was free from God, then God would have to readjust constantly to everyones whim to accomplish His plan.

And your agrument about Job holds no water either unless you willing to throw out more scripture with Abraham "persuading" God to save a least Lot in Sodom or even more scripture with Jacob "persuading" God to be his God...well i will let scripture tell you

Gen 28: 19 And he called the name of that place Bethel: F128 but the name of that city was called Luz at the first. 20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21 So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God: 22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.

So now you going to throw out more scripture---How much more to do you have left?!!!

Did you read my thread about "A Personal View About Visions?" Read it. I explain a lot there about dreams and visions. Everything is possible in dreams and visions. The talk of Abraham with God was a vision or lucid dream. The case of Betel was a dream. The problem with all of you guys is that you want to interpret everything in the Bible literally. That's why you get trapped in a lot aof contradictions.



Well-Known Member

Did you read my thread about "A Personal View About Visions?" Read it. I explain a lot there about dreams and visions. Everything is possible in dreams and visions. The talk of Abraham with God was a vision or lucid dream. The case of Betel was a dream. The problem with all of you guys is that you want to interpret everything in the Bible literally. That's why you get trapped in a lot aof contradictions.


No! absolutely not true with me!! I do not interpret the Word literally. I interpret or compare spiritual with spiritual. I let the Word interpret itself. This is what God has instructed man to do with His Word both in the OT and NT. I do not add or take away scripture unlike some..Uh hmm. I do not make an assumption that somthing is a vision IF IT DOESNT DIRECTLY SAY OR EVEN INDICATE THIS IN HIS WORD... uh hmm. I follow a strict set of Truths that God has given in His Word and I follow.


Let’s go through just one major point here about God and His work. Now I’m assuming that we accept the fact that there is a God. But first you have to accept that there is a creation and there is a Creator of the creation. I’m assuming that we all believe that there is a God of the creation.

I’ll ask the question here, does God lie? I want to give you this verse in the Concordant in Titus, because it really is worded properly.

Titus 1:2 in expectation of life eonian, which God, Who does not lie, promises before times eonian, (CLV)

The King James says, “God, that cannot lie,” But that is not what it means, that’s not what it says. It doesn’t say in the Greek that He “cannot” lie, it says “does not.” It’s a negative, can’t - don’t. But it’s not that He can’t, but He doesn’t. God doesn’t lie.

Num 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie;

1 Sam 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie…

That is in a capital, it is talking about God. This is a Truth! You got to hang onto that. Under no circumstances can you ever let go of that Truth, it’s paramount. If you believe that God lies, then you might as well throw your Bible away. You might as well throw your religion away.

This is paramount!
You say, ‘well teach me something new Ray, teach me something I need to know. Teach me something the whole church (and world) doesn’t know or believe.’ I AM. They DON’T believe this. That’s why I’m telling you, you must believe this.
G o d d o e s n o t l i e.


John 17:17 Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy WORD is truth.

John 10:35 …and the SCRIPTURE cannot be broken;

2 Tim 3:16 ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

So the Scripture are true. They are true and they can’t be broken and they are written through the inspiration of God, who does not lie. Now have you got that point in your mind? Don’t ever lose that. This is your salvation, when it comes to you understanding the Scriptures and/or teaching others to understand the Scriptures or exposing those who contradict themselves.

We can now apply this TRUTH to all Scriptures. With just that Truth we can confound the mighty of this world and I’ll show you how to do it. This is not going to be a difficult study. But it is going to be maybe one of the most profound studies I’ve ever given.


Now I going to give you 7 Scriptures that talks about really important things and I have several that eludes to the salvation of the human race. Because what is more important than that? What’s more important to a human being than to think that God, since He brought us into existence, we will always be in existence. Even when we die He is going to bring us back. If He brought us here in the first place, then He can bring us back. This is not hard, not for God.

[1] 1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

I never forgot that Scripture. First time I saw that I memorized it and I never forgot it. I never had to look it up again, I knew where it was…1 John 4:14. And also 1 John 4:8 “…for God is love.” Remember these.

[2] 1 Tim 2:4 God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

You’re got to believe that. Maybe you should cut these out and stick them in your Bible or something.

[3] 1 Tim 4:10 For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living GOD, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.

Phil 2:13 For it is GOD which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Do you see free will in there any place? Who is it that brings about what is your will and what you will do? GOD!

[4] 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is…NOT WILLING that ANY should perish (well how is He going to keep them from perishing?...), but that all should come to repentance.

Here is a negative thought - "not willing." Now this is the will of God and this is important. God’s will is that no one should perish… no one, not Adolf Hitler, not Osama Bin Laden, no one. But they all have to repent.
You say, ‘ well they’re already dead Ray.’ That’s right, but they are coming back in judgment and they have to repent. Why? Because God does not want them to perish.

Now we are going to see what theologians do with these verses and what you can’t ever do with these verse. Because this is Truth, God does not will - He’s not willing - He does not want - He has no such desire - He takes no pleasure in any perishing. But He is going to have them all repent.

[5] Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning (speaking of God), and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure:

What an important verse. Now do you believe it? Can you believe it and will you continue to believe it? If there is anything in God’s Word where He says, this is what I want - this is what I desire - this is one of My pleasures - this is one of the things I’m going to bring about… will it have to be brought about? That’s what God says, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” I WILL do it. I mean you can bring in more Scripture, like the Lord’s prayer.

Luke 11:2 …Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will BE done, as in heaven, so in earth.

"THY WILL BE DONE" see, no ifs ands or maybes. So when you have these people who say, ‘well yeah, God kind of wishes that things would be better, they just are not.’ Nonsense.

[6] 1 John 4:8 He that loves not knows not God (why?...); for God is love.
Very profound statement, it’s the Truth and you’ve got to believe it.

[7] 1 Cor 13:8 Love NEVER FAILS…

You might kill the person who is doing the loving, but the love still isn’t going to fail. "LOVE NEVER FAILS."

Therefore that is how you keep from misinterpreting, misconstruing, twisting etc etc His Word.

Now Ben, Do you want to deny these ABSOLUTE TRUTHS OF THE WORD RIGHT HERE? Of course you do! You dont like Paul, only accept 20% of the NT, and take the book of Job as not scripture but just a folk tale and then you make up a vision with Abraham. Come on now:foot::slap::thud:


Well-Known Member

Did you read my thread about "A Personal View About Visions?" Read it. I explain a lot there about dreams and visions. Everything is possible in dreams and visions. The talk of Abraham with God was a vision or lucid dream. The case of Betel was a dream. The problem with all of you guys is that you want to interpret everything in the Bible literally. That's why you get trapped in a lot aof contradictions.


And no i didnt read it. You put "A Personal View About Visions?" . Exactly a personal view, not the Word of God.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
And no i didnt read it. You put "A Personal View About Visions?" . Exactly a personal view, not the Word of God.

What is the "Word of God" in the Bible, if not the personal views of other Jews? LOL! :rolleyes: I said my personal views as a proof that I can think. Give me some credit! If not for my views, at least for being a member of the the People whom you owe what you believe. If it were not for us the Jews, you would still be in the cave worshipping the stone and the fire. Or perhaps some block of wood in the form of a demon. If we were the ones who gave you the Bible, if there is anyone who can lend it a personal view, none could be but the Jews. Got the idea?

Ben :rolleyes:

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
No! absolutely not true with me!! I do not interpret the Word literally. I interpret or compare spiritual with spiritual. I let the Word interpret itself. This is what God has instructed man to do with His Word both in the OT and NT. I do not add or take away scripture unlike some..Uh hmm. I do not make an assumption that somthing is a vision IF IT DOESNT DIRECTLY SAY OR EVEN INDICATE THIS IN HIS WORD... uh hmm. I follow a strict set of Truths that God has given in His Word and I follow.

+++Ben: - Someone added the NT to the Scriptures against the injunction in Deuteronomy 4:2; 13:1: Prov. 30:6.


Let’s go through just one major point here about God and His work. Now I’m assuming that we accept the fact that there is a God. But first you have to accept that there is a creation and there is a Creator of the creation. I’m assuming that we all believe that there is a God of the creation.

+++Ben: - So far so good! I see the creation and believe the Creator.

I’ll ask the question here, does God lie? I want to give you this verse in the Concordant in Titus, because it really is worded properly.

+++Ben: - No, God does not lie, but most things about God in the NT are lies.

Titus 1:2 in expectation of life eonian, which God, Who does not lie, promises before times eonian, (CLV)
The King James says, “God, that cannot lie,” But that is not what it means, that’s not what it says. It doesn’t say in the Greek that He “cannot” lie, it says “does not.” It’s a negative, can’t - don’t. But it’s not that He can’t, but He doesn’t. God doesn’t lie.
Num 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie;

+++Ben: - That's why I say if you give a literal interpretation to the Bible about God, you make of God as if He were a man. Therefore, anthropomorphic god.

1 Sam 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie…
That is in a capital, it is talking about God. This is a Truth! You got to hang onto that. Under no circumstances can you ever let go of that Truth, it’s paramount. If you believe that God lies, then you might as well throw your Bible away. You might as well throw your religion away.

+++Ben: - If it were that easy, the NT would have been thrown away a long time ago.


John 17:17 Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy WORD is truth.

+++Ben: - Very good! You are getting in there. And whom did God give His Word to?
If you check Psalm 147:19.20, to Israel only and to no other people on earth. If it's not where you are arriving to, you must be appraching to a lie.

John 10:35 …and the SCRIPTURE cannot be broken;

+++Ben: - Very good! Now, do you know why Jesus said that? Because he considered like gods those to whom the Word of God came: The Jews, according to Psalm 147:19,20.

2 Tim 3:16 ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

+++Ben: - That was Paul saying, a man whose word enjoyed no credibility among the Jews.

So the Scripture are true. They are true and they can’t be broken and they are written through the inspiration of God, who does not lie. Now have you got that point in your mind? Don’t ever lose that. This is your salvation, when it comes to you understanding the Scriptures and/or teaching others to understand the Scriptures or exposing those who contradict themselves.

+++Ben: - And never forget even for a minute, that you are dealing here with a member of the Jewish People to whom the NT is anathema, and not inpired Word of


Now I going to give you 7 Scriptures that talks about really important things and I have several that eludes to the salvation of the human race. Because what is more important than that? What’s more important to a human being than to think that God, since He brought us into existence, we will always be in existence. Even when we die He is going to bring us back. If He brought us here in the first place, then He can bring us back. This is not hard, not for God.

+++Ben: - God in His infinite powever can do everything but one: The thing you wish He had done.

[1] 1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

+++Ben: - Where is it written in the ispired Word of God? There are two references to the Son of God. One is Exodus 4:22,23 and the other is Hosea 11:1. And the name in both of them is not Jesus but Israel. But I'll let you continue.

I never forgot that Scripture. First time I saw that I memorized it and I never forgot it. I never had to look it up again, I knew where it was…1 John 4:14. And also 1 John 4:8 “…for God is love.” Remember these.

+++Ben: - I have that already in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Deut. 6:4)

[2] 1 Tim 2:4 God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

+++Ben: - Also that I have in Isaiah 43:11. That God is our only Savior, and that there is no other.

You’re got to believe that. Maybe you should cut these out and stick them in your Bible or something.

+++Ben: - It's printed in my mind.

[3] 1 Tim 4:10 For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living GOD, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.

+++Ben: - I agree with every word of the above.

Phil 2:13 For it is GOD which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

+++Ben: - God has granted us freewill. Therefore, He does not interfere with whatever we do. He does not want the services of robots. If we are to serve and love Him, He expects us to do it freely.

[4] 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is…NOT WILLING that ANY should perish (well how is He going to keep them from perishing?...), but that all should come to repentance.

+++Ben: - I have that from Isaiah 1:18,19 and the whole Psalm 119.

Here is a negative thought - "not willing." Now this is the will of God and this is important. God’s will is that no one should perish… no one, not Adolf Hitler, not Osama Bin Laden, no one. But they all have to repent.
You say, ‘ well they’re already dead Ray.’ That’s right, but they are coming back in judgment and they have to repent. Why? Because God does not want them to perish.

+++Ben: - Where is it written in the inspired Word of God that they will return? On the contrary, if you check Job 7:10; 10:21; 14:12.

Now we are going to see what theologians do with these verses and what you can’t ever do with these verse. Because this is Truth, God does not will - He’s not willing - He does not want - He has no such desire - He takes no pleasure in any perishing. But He is going to have them all repent.

+++Ben: - Not so fast! God does not force any of those issues. He sets before man life and death and ADVISES man to CHOOSE life so that he may live. That's in Deuteronomy 30:19,20.

[5] Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning (speaking of God), and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure:

+++Ben: - Yes, but He won't force man to do all His pleasure.

What an important verse. Now do you believe it? Can you believe it and will you continue to believe it? If there is anything in God’s Word where He says, this is what I want - this is what I desire - this is one of My pleasures - this is one of the things I’m going to bring about… will it have to be brought about? That’s what God says, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” I WILL do it. I mean you can bring in more Scripture, like the Lord’s prayer.

+++Ben: - Forced servitude causes God no pleasure.

Luke 11:2 …Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will BE done, as in heaven, so in earth.

+++Ben: - We have chosen to do God's will. That's what brings pleasure to God.

"THY WILL BE DONE" see, no ifs ands or maybes. So when you have these people who say, ‘well yeah, God kind of wishes that things would be better, they just are not.’ Nonsense.

+++Ben: - Because we want that God's will be done.

[7] 1 Cor 13:8 Love NEVER FAILS…
You might kill the person who is doing the loving, but the love still isn’t going to fail. "LOVE NEVER FAILS."

+++Ben: But love dies, even before the death of the lover.

Now Ben, Do you want to deny these ABSOLUTE TRUTHS OF THE WORD RIGHT HERE? Of course you do! You dont like Paul, only accept 20% of the NT, and take the book of Job as not scripture but just a folk tale and then you make up a vision with Abraham. Come on now:foot::slap::thud:

+++Ben: - Do you know why? Because I can think. I am a member of the People whom
you owe what you believe to. If it were not for us the Jews, you would not have even
a God to worship. If it were not for us the Jews, you would perhaps still be in the cave worshipping the stone and the fire, or even a block of wood in the shape of a demon. You should be thankful to God and take the advice of Zechariah 8:23 and join us for the salvation of yourself.



Well-Known Member
Can we say h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?

I never forgot that Scripture. First time I saw that I memorized it and I never forgot it. I never had to look it up again, I knew where it was…1 John 4:14. And also 1 John 4:8 “…for God is love.” Remember these.

+++Ben: - I have that already in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Deut. 6:4)

+++Ben: But love dies, even before the death of the lover.

[2] 1 Tim 2:4 God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

+++Ben: - Also that I have in Isaiah 43:11. That God is our only Savior, and that there is no other.

You’re got to believe that. Maybe you should cut these out and stick them in your Bible or something.

+++Ben: - It's printed in my mind.

[3] 1 Tim 4:10 For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living GOD, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.

+++Ben: - I agree with every word of the above.

But Paul wrote this!!! and you say this---+++Ben: - That was Paul saying, a man whose word enjoyed no credibility among the Jews.

Can we say oops!!!

Phil 2:13 For it is GOD which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

+++Ben: - God has granted us freewill. Therefore, He does not interfere with whatever we do. He does not want the services of robots. If we are to serve and love Him, He expects us to do it freely.

This is just a contradition all in it self.

[4] 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is…NOT WILLING that ANY should perish (well how is He going to keep them from perishing?...), but that all should come to repentance.

+++Ben: - I have that from Isaiah 1:18,19 and the whole Psalm 119.

Here is a negative thought - "not willing." Now this is the will of God and this is important. God’s will is that no one should perish… no one, not Adolf Hitler, not Osama Bin Laden, no one. But they all have to repent.
You say, ‘ well they’re already dead Ray.’ That’s right, but they are coming back in judgment and they have to repent. Why? Because God does not want them to perish.
+++Ben: - Where is it written in the inspired Word of God that they will return? On the contrary, if you check Job 7:10; 10:21; 14:12.

Is this Paul again stating scriputre again in 2Peter 3:9. What about what you said about him earlier. In Dan 12:2 just for an example of when they are coming back. And what is this?! Are you using Job as scripture? Hypocrite.

[5] Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning (speaking of God), and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure:

+++Ben: - Yes, but He won't force man to do all His pleasure.

What an important verse. Now do you believe it? Can you believe it and will you continue to believe it? If there is anything in God’s Word where He says, this is what I want - this is what I desire - this is one of My pleasures - this is one of the things I’m going to bring about… will it have to be brought about? That’s what God says, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” I WILL do it. I mean you can bring in more Scripture, like the Lord’s prayer.

+++Ben: - Forced servitude causes God no pleasure.

He doesnt have to force man sin, they volunteer basically. But He does have to drag them to Him.

+++Ben: - Do you know why? Because I can think. I am a member of the People whom
you owe what you believe to. If it were not for us the Jews, you would not have even
a God to worship. If it were not for us the Jews, you would perhaps still be in the cave worshipping the stone and the fire, or even a block of wood in the shape of a demon. You should be thankful to God and take the advice of Zechariah 8:23 and join us for the salvation of yourself

Can you? I owe God not Isreal. Only God be the glory. Not an adultress wife.


Well-Known Member

What is the "Word of God" in the Bible, if not the personal views of other Jews? LOL! :rolleyes: I said my personal views as a proof that I can think. Give me some credit! If not for my views, at least for being a member of the the People whom you owe what you believe. If it were not for us the Jews, you would still be in the cave worshipping the stone and the fire. Or perhaps some block of wood in the form of a demon. If we were the ones who gave you the Bible, if there is anyone who can lend it a personal view, none could be but the Jews. Got the idea?

Ben :rolleyes:

Got it. Now what did the Jews do with His Word with their personal view? Do you want me to quote the whole OT and what God has to say about this? Do you? Do you? Is there a reason He calls yall---to put it in plain english---the worst people on earth?

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Got it. Now what did the Jews do with His Word with their personal view? Do you want me to quote the whole OT and what God has to say about this? Do you? Do you? Is there a reason He calls yall---to put it in plain english---the worst people on earth?
Do you think lovers don't get upset at each other from time to time? That's what
there is between us and HaShem. Things of lovers when they get annoyned at each other. But let a separation occur like in exiles. Each one get anxious to ge together again. It's like this guy downstairs: We go away from each other and immediately return.



Well-Known Member
Do you think lovers don't get upset at each other from time to time? That's what
there is between us and HaShem. Things of lovers when they get annoyned at each other. But let a separation occur like in exiles. Each one get anxious to ge together again. It's like this guy downstairs: We go away from each other and immediately return.


So now God is like man? (Do i need to pull scripture for this) You keep bouncing all around for God to fit into your belief! Adding and subtracting scripture to make Him fit. Now you dont have to believe what Paul or Daniel wrote about him (man) sitting on His throne and considering himself to be (a) God, but ask yourself, is that what i'm doing (especially with your so called free will)

You said you use your brain and think--stop resisting God and believe---and think and believe. Understanding the spiritual is definitely difficult and God said that He would put a capstone for the Jews (and the world) to stumble upon. He said that He would use the Gentiles to show you guys how much you were in error in how you pictured God. (Again do i need to pull up scripture for this). This has not happened yet (fully) and you know it. Think and pray. Think some more and pray some more.

May God be with you.

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Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
So now God is like man? (Do i need to pull scripture for this) You keep bouncing all around for God to fit into your belief! Adding and subtracting scripture to make Him fit. Now you dont have to believe what Paul or Daniel wrote about him (man) sitting on His throne and considering himself to be (a) God, but ask yourself, is that what i'm doing (especially with your so called free will)

You said you use your brain and think--stop resisting God and believe---and think and believe. Understanding the spiritual is definitely difficult and God said that He would put a capstone for the Jews (and the world) to stumble upon. He said that He would use the Gentiles to show you guys how much you were in error in how you pictured God. (Again do i need to pull up scripture for this). This has not happened yet (fully) and you know it. Think and pray. Think some more and pray some more.

May God be with you.


Do you know the meaning of an analogy or allegory? Have you ever heard about metaphor? Okay, from now on I am going to tell you when I am speaking metaphorically or not. You are unable to distinguish for yourself.

You can pull up scripture with me any time you want. We are the ones who gave you
the Scripture to pull up. Go ahead! If there is someone to give you the right version
of Scriptures, he must be a member of our People. Have no qualms pulling up Scripture with me.

"Stop resisting God and believe!" In resisting God I grow in the knowledge of God. To believe I need faith and faith is for fools.

Ben :clap


Well-Known Member

Do you know the meaning of an analogy or allegory? Have you ever heard about metaphor? Okay, from now on I am going to tell you when I am speaking metaphorically or not. You are unable to distinguish for yourself.

You can pull up scripture with me any time you want. We are the ones who gave you
the Scripture to pull up. Go ahead! If there is someone to give you the right version
of Scriptures, he must be a member of our People. Have no qualms pulling up Scripture with me.

"Stop resisting God and believe!" In resisting God I grow in the knowledge of God. To believe I need faith and faith is for fools.

Ben :clap

Oh WOW!!!:eek:

"In resisting God I grow in the knowledge of God. To believe I need faith and faith is for fools."

What can I say? Resisting God you grow in knowledge? And just like the old Isrealites you lack faith?

Pr 18:2 - A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.

If there is someone to give you the right version of Scriptures, he must be a member of our People.

You are right. Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, James, and the rest of the apostles I thank God for Him showing them His Spirit and gave them wisdom and knowledge and they shared it with us gentiles. Sorry you and the collective messiah (as you describe them) do not teach scripture nor follow it or know it. Theyre just words with no life to 'em, no spirit.

Good luck with God. Maybe your free will can make God do what your collective messiah wants.


Well-Known Member

Do you know the meaning of an analogy or allegory? Have you ever heard about metaphor? Okay, from now on I am going to tell you when I am speaking metaphorically or not. You are unable to distinguish for yourself.

You can pull up scripture with me any time you want. We are the ones who gave you
the Scripture to pull up. Go ahead! If there is someone to give you the right version
of Scriptures, he must be a member of our People. Have no qualms pulling up Scripture with me.

"Stop resisting God and believe!" In resisting God I grow in the knowledge of God. To believe I need faith and faith is for fools.

Ben :clap

Oh by the way, do you know the meaning of spiritual. Do you know that the Word of God is spiritual. Can you see the Spirit in His Word? Of course not.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Oh by the way, do you know the meaning of spiritual. Do you know that the Word of God is spiritual. Can you see the Spirit in His Word? Of course not.

Do you remember what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob? There we had two parties: The Jews represented by Jesus and the Gentiles represented by the Samaritan woman. The Jews told the Gentiles, "You worship what you don't know; we worship what we know. Why? Because God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. Therefore, you would not know the meaning of spiritual if we, the Jews, had not provided you with the sense of spritiruality. You would not have even the Word of God if we, the Jews, had not provided you with it. Do you know why? Because in the words of Jesus himself
salvation is of the Jews. It means that you are on the receiving end of salvation; and we are in the providing end of it. (John 4:22-24)


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Oh WOW!!!:eek:

"In resisting God I grow in the knowledge of God. To believe I need faith and faith is for fools."

What can I say? Resisting God you grow in knowledge? And just like the old Isrealites you lack faith?

Pr 18:2 - A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.

You are right. Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, James, and the rest of the apostles I thank God for Him showing them His Spirit and gave them wisdom and knowledge and they shared it with us gentiles. Sorry you and the collective messiah (as you describe them) do not teach scripture nor follow it or know it. Theyre just words with no life to 'em, no spirit.

Good luck with God. Maybe your free will can make God do what your collective messiah wants.

Remember Jacob on the bank of Jabbok in Gilead? If he had not resisted God, he would not have got the blessing. (Gen. 32:27)

Proverbs 18:2 describes the opposite of me, because to find pleasure in understanding is for me all that life is about. It's true that I do find delight in airing my own opinions, but it says rather of my mental power to think than to conform with the opinions of fools.

Jesus, Peter, John, James, and the rest of the Apostles had indeed something to share, but it's not what you have inherited. All you have inherited is from Paul; and what that character had to share, we Jews have no part with it.

If we, in the Collective Messiah do not teach Scripture, your Bible should not have the book of Isaiah, and the book of Exodus, and the book of Hosea, and the... well, I think your Bible should have only the NT.

Regarding our freewill, we have chosen to do what God wants. And that's what pleases God. Robots are like lukewarm water which once drunk will cause vomit. (Rev. 3:16)



Well-Known Member

Do you know the meaning of an analogy or allegory? Have you ever heard about metaphor? Okay, from now on I am going to tell you when I am speaking metaphorically or not. You are unable to distinguish for yourself.

You can pull up scripture with me any time you want. We are the ones who gave you
the Scripture to pull up. Go ahead! If there is someone to give you the right version
of Scriptures, he must be a member of our People. Have no qualms pulling up Scripture with me.

"Stop resisting God and believe!" In resisting God I grow in the knowledge of God. To believe I need faith and faith is for fools.

Ben :clap
Heres a parable Jesus had to say about you Jews and your knowledge over faith.

Well trees are also symbolic for mankind also. This is another parable most likely saying this about the Jews/pharisees and scribes and what they teach. Fruit is symbolic of knowlege and faith in God and His Son. Leaves in this are Gods commandments.

Mat 21:19 AndG2532 when he sawG1492 aG3391 fig treeG4808 inG1909 theG3588 way,G3598 he cameG2064 toG1909 it,G846 andG2532 foundG2147 nothingG3762 thereon,G1722 G846 butG1508 leavesG5444 only,G3440 andG2532 saidG3004 unto it,G846Let no fruitG2590growG1096onG1537theeG4675henceforwardG3371for ever.G1519 G165 AndG2532 presentlyG3916 theG3588 fig treeG4808 withered away.G3583

Then read the next couple of verses. The Jews lacked faith, but they did keep the commandments.

μηκέτι henceforwardG3371
From G3361 and G2089; no further: - any longer, (not) henceforth, hereafter, no henceforward (longer, more, soon), not any more.

Eze 17:9 Say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall it prosper ? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither ? it shall wither in all the leaves of her spring, even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof.