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Search results

  1. Mr. Hair

    Do you support big businesses?

    Neither. As an ardent free-market-dealie-person-enthusiast-thingie^, it would be remiss of me to arbitrarily support one form of business over any other on ideological or intellectual grounds. I support the free movement and exchange of wealth, labour, goods and services in whatever and...
  2. Mr. Hair

    What makes a career more profitable?

    Individually; yes, as (to put it simply) there are more potential janitors then there are potential doctors in a typical society. Collectively; I don't know, I'd guess that the relative importance of both professions would depend upon one's perspective. Clearly however, both excise at least...
  3. Mr. Hair

    The clock

    As far as I can tell, the issue is not so much about creation and design in themselves, but rather the concept of independent creation and inherent design. I also don't know what a "categorical fallacy" is... :( To a certain extent, I'd agree that arguing over questions like this is somewhat...
  4. Mr. Hair

    The clock

    *smiles* True, but generally whenever someone asks me to picture a desert (admittedly it doesn't happen as often as I'd like) my mind tends to focus on concepts of formless, empty nothingness... I could well be making a duck's bottom of myself though... :cover:
  5. Mr. Hair

    The clock

    Quick question; how would one know whether or not the time displayed was accurate? More to the point, why would it matter if it were or not? Besides, the concept of a 'clock' and 'clockness' is an abstracted subjective one, based on societal-ascribed form and function. One would not identify...
  6. Mr. Hair

    Is it just me?

    *nods* Before the upgrade came along, I was planning on going asetic and giving away all of mine to a random member. I guess it'll be a little while yet before I get to walk barefoot betwixt the metaphorical grass of poorness... ;) (Well, I am an author-in-training after all! :p) In any case...
  7. Mr. Hair

    I've got... herpes

    Y'all decide... ;)
  8. Mr. Hair

    Books on Buddhism

    *nods* Good suggestions, and suggestible goodness. :) I also have a few admonitions, but as they're all from the Zen aspect of things I'm not sure how useful or relevant you will find them... Ahhh well; onward, to the linkage-posting-thingie! Zen Mind, Beginners Mind by Shunryu Suzuki...
  9. Mr. Hair

    hi, im an atheist!

    Namaste, old cheese grater! :D *smiles* Of course you are. For herein exists an enlightened, elucidated, educated community, who seek to share wisdom and knowledge with one another through the free and thoughtful passage of communication, extrapolation and collective interpretation. (That...
  10. Mr. Hair

    "Liberals are anti-American"

    I actually felt somewhat sympathetic to Evan Sayet whilst watching that. It must be quite... Exhausting at times to earnestly believe that there exists so many people, family members included, and institutions whose sole, unwavering aim is to destroy your entire lifestyle and belief system. I do...
  11. Mr. Hair

    Hello (also, can you help?)

    *nods, in a cool and suave manner* Welcome, old sponge. :)
  12. Mr. Hair

    A good quote from Seneca

    I've found my new signature. :)
  13. Mr. Hair

    Is the biblical story of Noah’s Flood a true account?

    An interesting definition, though not one which I can personally share. I'm not sure that 'truth' can be so easily divined, defined and divided, at least not fully. For one angle, such 'truth' would still require translation as it moved from perception to interpretation and evaluation, and back...
  14. Mr. Hair

    Happy Birthday, NodicBearskin

    A little on the nose perhaps, but it should suffice... :)
  15. Mr. Hair

    What Do You Find Beautiful About Your Religion?

    Nothingness, and no-thingness. *nods*
  16. Mr. Hair

    Is the biblical story of Noah’s Flood a true account?

    *shrugs* Define 'true'.
  17. Mr. Hair

    I'm now a vegetarian!!!

    I don't think it's quite as simple as that. After all, if no one ate meat then none of those animals killed would have ever existed in the first place, and I'm guessing that for at least some aspects of their lives most weren't experiencing undue suffering or anguish. So it's a little more...
  18. Mr. Hair

    Huzzah; questions!

    *shamelessly bumps into this thread* *smiles once more* Perhaps I should have mentioned why I'm asking for said-information. For some time now I've been developing a vivid interest and sympathy for the Eastern Orthodox church, to the point where I've begun actively seeking out information on...
  19. Mr. Hair

    Huzzah; questions!

    *smiles* Anyhoo; could anyone briefly summarise for me, a rank outsider, both what the Eastern Orthodox church holds as doctrine, and what such beliefs actually entail. Also, are there any teachings that, whilst not officially considered doctrine, are expected to universally held amongst the...
  20. Mr. Hair

    Do you get your thou's all mixed up?

    God is God; he can easily be both if he wants to. (And even if he can't, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to tell him that... ;))