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  1. Mr. Hair

    Do you get your thou's all mixed up?

    *smiles* No, generally my prayers are wordless.
  2. Mr. Hair

    Is it moral to support abortion and not capitol punishment?

    In that case, wonder no more. That's exactly what I'm hoping won't happen. :p (By the by, the biologist-footnote-thingie was purely to do with my use of the scientific term 'species', of which I'm not too knowledgeable on) *mulls, and mulls some more* I suspect I know where this worry stems...
  3. Mr. Hair

    Is it moral to support abortion and not capitol punishment?

    Huzzles! *smiles* It can be; and as a person who holds both such positions on those two issues, and yet sees no logical contradiction between the two, I'll try to briefly explain my understanding of this thorny issue. *nods* It seems, as others have noted, that the crux of this issue comes...
  4. Mr. Hair

    Trying To Further My Understanding..

    Well, as far as I can recall Christianity has traditionally taught that God is beyond gender divisions, and so I'd take a wild stab at it being more of a linguistic convention rooted partly in the cultural traditions among which that particular religion was formed in and partly in the inflexible...
  5. Mr. Hair

    Following More than One Faith Possible?

    If I may, this seems to be a peculiarly Western-oriented question, and one which would be relatively recent at that. In yesterday's Middle-East and today's Asia, it was/is generally considered not only possible but prudent to hold more then one faith, as circumstances dictated. *raises...
  6. Mr. Hair

    The Right to Die

    Most certainly. If we are to live under the assumption that a person holds an inalienable right to pursue their life as they see fit and should bear responsibility for choices made in that pursuit, then a person's decision/request to end their life on medical grounds must be respected...
  7. Mr. Hair

    Is Erotic Pole Dancing Immoral?

    'Tis amoral, surely, as any morality (or lack thereof) is derived from the circumstances and environment in which such an act takes place, and thus how it is perceived and interpreted both individually and collectively; which will vary from pole to pole. Which for me rather makes this question...
  8. Mr. Hair

    What if the existence/non existence of God was proven !! ?

    It would certainly give me pause for thought, and thoughts for pause; but I doubt there would be much change to my beliefs. One can still question the question, with or without knowing the answer. :) Indeed, in many ways whether or not 'God' 'exists' is quite irrelevant to my religion. *smiles*...
  9. Mr. Hair

    Are these bible passages contradictory?

    They might be. It would depend entirely on one's perspective. Given, however, the evolving theology that is found within these scriptures, the different contexts in which they were written and the varied intentions of their authors, one shouldn't be too surprised should such inconsistencies...
  10. Mr. Hair

    What are you hiding?

    Uno:- Play Dead**; Björk Dos:- She Likes Surprises; Soundgarden Tres:- Megalomania; Muse Cuatro:- You Can Do It; No Doubt Cinco:- The Curse Of Fëanor; Blind Guardian Seis:- Lucky Man*; The Verve Seite:- Climbing Up The Walls; Radiohead Ocho:- What's The Frequency, Kenneth; R.E.M. Nueve:- Breed...
  11. Mr. Hair

    The Concept of the Trinity

    *smiles* Consider a short, sharp shock of fruballation an adequate repaste for an interesting thread. I've tended personally to see the Trinity as going beyond logic and even understanding, to lend one beyond considering the primacy of intellectual concepts and abstractions. The Trinity is...
  12. Mr. Hair

    Praise The Lord!

    *smiles* Namasté. May fun and frolics prove themselves bountiful to you during your time here! By the by, I believe that this is the 'Apostolic Faith' in question... http://www.apostolic-church.org/ (Just call me the Googlator :p)
  13. Mr. Hair

    Who Decides What Is the Meaning Of Your Life?

    Ultimately I'd say 'tis a mixture of my environment, both past and present, and my biological nature. (I eventually voted for "Society and/or my environment", as I would chose that as the primary cause if forced to pick) While 'I' may indeed decide what the meaning of my life is, that 'I'...
  14. Mr. Hair

    4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible

    As a matter of fact that's incorrect; Genesis, for example, was almost certainly written in the eighth century BCE by two seperate authors whose works were later almagated into one text. The other 'books of Moses' can be likewise traced back to other such scribes...
  15. Mr. Hair

    4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible

    By the by, there happens to be serious doubts over the existence of Moses and you'd have to go a long way to find a biblical shcolar who believes that such a character ever lived, must less actually wrote anything that ended up in the bible. That doesn't of course entail that did not live and...
  16. Mr. Hair


    Personally, I'm holding out for a third party. ;)
  17. Mr. Hair

    Why didn't they try Saddam for crimes against the Kurds before murdering him?

    Perhaps in part (and only in part) because it would have been perceived to have lent political credibility to, and thus furthered, the cause for Kurdish self-rule under an independent nationstate through legally recognising the Kurds as a separate and distinct geopolitical group, which happens...
  18. Mr. Hair

    God Exists!! I Have Pictures!!!

    Interesting, you as well? I, however, have no qualms on sharing my piccies of the benevolent most high... Taa-daa! Let a veritable spiritual feast ensue! ;) (Oh, and a slightly festive hola to you as well)
  19. Mr. Hair

    Your username

    NordicBearskin comes from a time when I was tired of referring to myself online via an ever-changing random stream of letters, and as I was quite addicted to an Elder Scrolls game at the time (often I played a Nord character who, um, collected bear skins), the two coincidences meshed...
  20. Mr. Hair

    I'm An Atheist

    *raises eyebrows* Merry meet under moonlit star, and all such cheese whistles! :) *struggles vainly to unraise eyebrows*