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Search results

  1. Mr. Hair

    Soy will make you gay?

    Well, in large quantities it is ridiculously unhealthy, verging on medically toxic, and the comment that; Is actually mostly true, though that's due more to the current methods of growing it then any inherent deficiency in the food itself. The problem is further exasperated by the large number...
  2. Mr. Hair

    one doctrine or teaching

    The doctrine that no doctrine can be complete, including that doctrine.
  3. Mr. Hair

    Should the US Expand Its Army?

    Except that those two situations really aren't that similar, and most of the actual similarities that do exist have been caused by the current occupation.
  4. Mr. Hair

    If love is the answer...

    To be inspired by RFX, perhaps it could be how do I approach the world, both within and without? Or then perhaps there doesn't need to be a question, sometimes an answer just is... *smiles* (And yes, I answered a question with another question. Go me! :D)
  5. Mr. Hair

    Should the US Expand Its Army?

    Goodness gracious, no. A conventional military is of little use for dealing with the rigors of the 21st century, and of no use whatsoever in negating terrorism. A greater interest in economics and inter-regional diplomacy would serve the US, and the west, far better then any runaway military...
  6. Mr. Hair

    Why Do Humans Create Myths?

    I suspect that in part it is myths that create humans.
  7. Mr. Hair

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    I don't think one can truely seperate them; both amalgate into one and diffuse into the two, and return. *shrugs* I'm somewhat ill, so that made more sense in my head. (As usual, but at least this time I have an excuse :p) Why not? One need not subscribe to a particular orthodoxy to 'have...
  8. Mr. Hair

    Are atheists implying theists are delusional?

    Well, perhaps; but it would depend on how one approached the concept of personal truth. In this case I would probably see such divinely sourced voices as an illusion, but an illusion can be truly real. 'God' is, in my opinion, inherently subjective. Besides, I'm hardly all-knowing on such...
  9. Mr. Hair

    Will one receive eternal life on the baiss of his/her good intentions?

    Hola! Thank you for the link. It should prove interesting reading, and indeed I already have a few points I'd like to make about it. However, I think first I should iterate that I don't see this as an issue that needs 'proving' either way. While I hold that all beliefs should be based on...
  10. Mr. Hair

    Will one receive eternal life on the baiss of his/her good intentions?

    I don't believe so. I tend to see the concept of 'eternal life' as inherently contradictory, and while I usually gravitate towards contradictions it does sound like an absurd and unpleasant one. Besides, I wouldn't define my beliefs as including an 'afterlife' in the first place, partly due to a...
  11. Mr. Hair

    To End?

    Why must this be so? Reason isn't perfect and truth is sometimes unreasonable. As for perfection; only imperfection is perfect, perfection is always flawed... (And thus perfectly imperfect) *smiles* I just tend to feel that words, concepts and attributes can be... Imprecise, subjective and...
  12. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: Just as I was writing another (utterly thrilling) post as well! *smiles* Since I'm dead, I guess I'll reveal any clues I've found in a PM to someone. I was going to write an (utterly brilliant) IC letter about 'em, but I got somewhat confused over the timings. *looks sheepish* (Unless, of...
  13. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: Not necessarily, after all I have a key. There'd be no need for any 'accomplice' of mine to carry a second one. It could be anyone. Or I could be innocent, in which case it would seem I'm in dire need of comrade Lenin right about now. :D
  14. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: It seems unusual to write such a complicated note to oneself, post date it and leave it in one's possession for a year. Can it have been a letter either intended or written by someone else, or a forgery? Why would "The Butcher", if your hypothesis is correct, have waited until this time and...
  15. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: *offers Mestemia a small amount of oily rags* Incidentally, if it's theatrical fake blood, by now it should be possible to tell which it is by the colour and texture. That, or someone could always taste it. ;) (If no one helps you out by tomorrow Soy, I'll pop along. I am after all the...
  16. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: Huzzah! I'm catching up! :p IC: Nordic had managed to retrieve his father's old compass from the former Captain's cabin with ease and flair; or so he thought to himself. It so happened that in his hasty search a scrap of paper had been dislodged. Shrugging, he'd automatically slipped it...
  17. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: There had better be whipped cream, and plenty of it; or no deal. :p
  18. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: You know, maybe next time we should have an OOC thread as well, to make things a little easier to follow... Just a slightly anal-retentive thought. :) *worries that he isn't joining into the spirit of things properly* Oh, and consider this a 'nay' vote for any tipping over of that noble...
  19. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    OOC: Well, showers are only fit for the corrupt, the inbred and farm animals. The stirling revolutionary simply has no need for such distracting social niceties. ;)
  20. Mr. Hair

    The Murder Mystery Begins!

    IC: Nordic rolled up a greasy copy of 'The Communist' as he strode out from the main salon, towards the Captain's Cabin. As was his custom, he quietly cursed the officer class in general and Netdoc in particular, but his heart was barely in it. Rumours of death, and worse, were already stalking...