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  1. Mr. Hair

    God won't stop a piano

    I suspect that for God to do something, God would first have to be something. It's difficult for me to say I agree or disagree with her statement, since I suspect it's largely dependent on how one views and conceptualises God. I do, however, admire the benign spirit behind her analogy. :)
  2. Mr. Hair

    What's your favorite thing about Mohammad?

    His aspiration for social justice and a (relatively) egalitarian society, as well as his desire to refine the religious practices and beliefs of his contemporaries.
  3. Mr. Hair

    Hi, I'm Yoco, and I belive in things...

    I'm intrigued, were you known by another name on NS? I may well have known you, or far more likely, known of you. :) Greets, meets and eats upon your arrival!
  4. Mr. Hair

    Religious Forum’s Murder Mystery Sign Up

    If possible, a state of 'inness' for my part would be much appreciated. :o (Oh, and may fruballs rain for such a novel idea!)
  5. Mr. Hair

    Necessity of ritual in religion

    I tend to take the opposite view. Ritual can prove useful, provided one doesn't become attached to the act for itself in itself, but 'tis hardly necessary. By the by, who and/or what is "the deity"? :)
  6. Mr. Hair

    What is your favorite thing about Lao Tzu?

    His embodiment of an ideal, and the fact that that ideal changes from person to person. :)
  7. Mr. Hair

    Men and women have different fates

    Interesting, I'm particularly intrigued by that last bit. (Bolded for yayness :D) Choice implies informed consent; does this mean than that you believe in some varitation of immanent knowledge or perspective, a form of gnosis if you will, that is readily available but not immediatly apparant...
  8. Mr. Hair

    Scale of belief; does God exist?

    Other. I've a sneaking suspicion that what I conceptualise as 'God' is and isn't, and neither; but then maybe not. *smiles* To be honest, I tend to find such approaches and definitions as distracting; I cannot authoritatively define God or myself, to try to draw a fixed line between such...
  9. Mr. Hair


    *ears perk up like tiny slices of cheese* Thusly! (I don't actually know anyone here, hence the ear-to-cheese inference)
  10. Mr. Hair

    Does It Matter If There Is No God?

    No. Whether there is or isn't, it is as it is. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be. I'm aware that as an answer it lacks a certain something, but then for questions like these I suspect any complete answer would be well hidden. I'm strongly reminded of the old parable about the solitary fish in a...
  11. Mr. Hair

    Why did we go over there?

    Well, as a matter of fact...
  12. Mr. Hair

    Is there a way to be forgiven for it.....?

    First and most importantly, hugs and well wishes for all you're going through right now. I hope this meeting with a clergyman proves insightful for you. Now, I was going to try and secrete my token opinion in here, but I suspect that given your current situation (And the fact that I'm not...
  13. Mr. Hair

    Do you feel part of the RF community?

    There's nothing to apologise for! At the very least it's made this thread look far more impressive in numbers of posts, as long as people don't actually, y'know, try to read them... ;) Besides, I find the concept of 'off-topicness' prime fodder for another discussion... *wonders off merrily*
  14. Mr. Hair

    Do you feel part of the RF community?

    Ack! :( I'm really sorry you're feeling so low right now, and I hope you'll be okay. (I don't know whether anything I've said or done has been a cause of this, but I want you to know that I really admire the genuine warmth and clarity you bring to these forums, both as a person and as a...
  15. Mr. Hair

    Do you feel part of the RF community?

    *hugs* Alas I've just fruball'd (frubed? frubified?) you; a delicious picture of cupcakes will have to serve in some fashion instead. :) And of course, there's also an equally delicious emoticon! :cupcake:
  16. Mr. Hair

    Do you feel part of the RF community?

    *smiles* I'll try, but I doubt your interest will be sated much by anything I can say... It 'twas in the midst of a rather pompous and zealous reply (As sadly, I feel most of my relies tend to be) to a certain topic when I wondered why I was so eager to present RF as such an inclusive place to...
  17. Mr. Hair

    Do you feel part of the RF community?

    Exactly what it says on the title-thingie. Vote early, vote often! (I answered 'no', incidentally)
  18. Mr. Hair

    The Reality of Evil

    Indeed, just as unicorns are real if one defines them as four-legged creatures with manes. Does this entail that unicorns exist?
  19. Mr. Hair


    Thanks, I feel, are deserved to the good folks at Uncyclopedia for reminding me that Tao, and indeed Lao Tzu, can be found in all things... ;) http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Lao_Tzu