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  1. catch22

    Top 10 Reassons Jesus is not God

    Yeah, I have the Bible. John 20: Guess what, that thing Jesus said in v29 applies to you. But you probably wouldn't believe Thomas, because he was, you know, a jew. But so was Jesus, so maybe you don't believe Him either. Needless to say, Jesus replies with "because you have seen me..."...
  2. catch22

    The "only true religion"

    I'm indifferent on liking it or not. You asked. If you want sufficient answers, ask better questions.
  3. catch22

    Top 10 Reassons Jesus is not God

    Whatever you opinion on the Jews might be, they understood what Christ was saying right in front of them. That is all I was saying. Christ did claim to be God.
  4. catch22

    Is it possible that more than one religion is true?

    Salt is still salt. Alas, we might disagree about the exact nature of "real" southern fried chicken, but we're still talking about fried chicken.
  5. catch22

    Is it possible that more than one religion is true?

    I just answered another thread where they author asked if I thought my religion was the only true one. The term true is relative when we talk about this. What are you really asking? There's religions similar/spun off from my personal beliefs (I don't call my beliefs a religion, it's just the...
  6. catch22

    The "only true religion"

    I'm not sure why people want to classify everything. It just makes for incomplete or strange questions, really. 1- I don't believe I have a religion. If we're going to call it that for the sake of argument, I will say I certainly don't think my religion is the only one. The evidence it isn't...
  7. catch22

    Top 10 Reassons Jesus is not God

    While Jesus never said flatly "I am God," when He says things like "I and the Father are one" it is taken a certain way, in context, when it was spoken. Surprisingly, I didn't see anyone cite the reactions to His words to clarify what He was actually saying, from John chapter 10: John 10:33...
  8. catch22

    Can God Lie?

    As for the first part, I'm so sorry. As for the second part, Numbers 23:19. Blessings.
  9. catch22

    Can God Lie?

    I don't necessarily want or need you to believe anything. I did my part. You take it the way you do. It goes like that sometimes. If I told you not to steal something, and you stole it anyway and consequently got into trouble for it, it would be my fault. Is that right? If you're...
  10. catch22

    Moron Claims Jesus never existed because crucifixion is impossible

    I'd drop it too if I got my arse wrapped up and handed to me in such a fashion.
  11. catch22

    Can God Lie?

    I doubt you'd believe or accept anything I say, but alright. I'll bite. First, Mary wasn't Joseph's wife. They were betrothed, not married (Matthew 1:18-20). Second, you make more assumptions. You say "why God could not create a son without..." That's not limitation. That's free reign...
  12. catch22

    Can God Lie?

    Your question is malformed in order to spark debate. God can lie, yes. God does not lie. God will not lie. In that sense, He "cannot" but not due to incapability or limitation. The difference is obvious. You are capable of murder. Shall I call you a murderer?
  13. catch22

    Moron Claims Jesus never existed because crucifixion is impossible

    It's humorous this JW is arguing about people being too attached to their traditions to change their mind... to a Jew, an agnostic, and the heathen king. In other words, no one who even revers/holds onto some cross tradition? I'm not sure it gets more ironic. Guys, really, let go of your...
  14. catch22

    Moron Claims Jesus never existed because crucifixion is impossible

    Did Jesus die on a stake or a cross? | CARM - The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry I'm with Nietzsche, and well, everyone else on this one. Rain, Reign, Rein.
  15. catch22

    Why would prophets/religious beliefs be off-limits to criticism?!

    I'm rather surprised some of you are surprised to find out there's really not much line between moderate and radical Islam. Moderate islam is sort of an oxymoron, really. Might be time to take a look at the child-marrying, rape approving, murder and violence commanding religion... finally...
  16. catch22

    How in the world can ANYBODY think the Jews and Christians have the same god, that Jesus is messiah?

    Unsurprising :) The entirety of your holy text is Israel going to and fro between obedience and disobedience. It's a theme. How you can argue against it is interesting, but not surprising I guess. Sure, you can tell yourself we were "pretty good" overall. That'd just be you telling...
  17. catch22

    How in the world can ANYBODY think the Jews and Christians have the same god, that Jesus is messiah?

    If I could offer my honest opinion (not that anyone cares, as has been stated to me repeatedly). I don't think we're talking about a different God. Let me explain . God's work in man's life, throughout the Tanakh, is obvious. His hand guides Israel, it disciplines Israel when she does not...
  18. catch22

    How in the world can ANYBODY think the Jews and Christians have the same god, that Jesus is messiah?

    @rosends Going back to our debate on Genesis Chapter 18, James Tabor replied to me finally. Here is his response, copy-pasted directly: I'll have to spend some time looking into these people, as perhaps you will as well. Alas, there is his source citation and presumably we can continue to...
  19. catch22

    How in the world can ANYBODY think the Jews and Christians have the same god, that Jesus is messiah?

    I agree with this fully. Mark my words! ...probably the last time you'll hear me ever agree with you :) But absolutely, it's time to put up or... well, you know.
  20. catch22

    How in the world can ANYBODY think the Jews and Christians have the same god, that Jesus is messiah?

    So is this the path this thread goes? Let's get rid of scholarly debate, sources, citations, notes... scripture. Let's jump on the name-calling, "I'm so offended" bandwagon and forego reasonable conversation? Let's just get it done right, at least.