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Search results

  1. P

    God's opposition to homosexuality. Why?

    I don't believe he does. I believe the bible has been more influenced by man then God. And if God crated something I do not believe he would detest it.
  2. P

    Simple Living and Higher Thinking

    technology is what comes up with ways to be Eco friendly and to do different things that will protect our world.
  3. P

    Did Jesus say he was God???

    Just because that's what is taught doesn't make it true. I am not taking any sides all book of religion have more of a man influence then God's. And we are talking about 3 million men and women and children who were uneducated and taught not to think for themselves in a time where they did not...
  4. P

    God's opposition to homosexuality. Why?

    God loves everyone even homosexuals.
  5. P

    Did Jesus say he was God???

    Your basing this off books that have been written by man, translated by man, and published by man.
  6. P

    If Jesus died for our sins....

    What if when we die we just all go to heaven.
  7. P

    Simple Living and Higher Thinking

    Technology is about finding a way to survive.
  8. P


    No there is still controversy over the fact it depends on who you ask. infertility.about.com/b/2009/05/27/can-female-orgasm-help-you-get-pregnant.htm infertility.about.com/od/sextogetpregnant/f/Is-Female-Orgasm-Important-To-Get-Pregnant.htm It really still hasn't been proven and even if it...
  9. P

    Simple Living and Higher Thinking

    Ummm ok first we have had a time in the is world where we did not have technology and in that time we had war, famine, disease, young death, and no indoor plumbing. :) Yes we still have these problems, but with technology these numbers are decreasing. Think mmmm would I really wanna go back...
  10. P

    Toronto couple raises their children gender-neutral

    No matter what by the time the child is 5-18 people will figure out the gender then what was the point of that.
  11. P

    the right religion

    I believe God is out there. I believe he spoke to us in a way that would make scene. Religion is largely based on culture, before telephones their was no way someone in London could get a message to someone in china so God did the next best thing. He gave everyone a path to him. Now I could be...
  12. P

    Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?

    No couple and I repeat NO COUPLE should stay in a marriage just because of any "external factor" or anything. I am sorry but I understand if their is a problem fix it, but if it an all out war every day then that is not a good situation to be in no matter who you are. A big cause of divorce is...
  13. P

    Non-Gospel Principle based curriculum

    I am sorry for the misunderstanding really. I wasn't trying to start anything.
  14. P

    Non-Gospel Principle based curriculum

    So as long as my opinion is positive I can share it? That's kinda backwards. I am not just adding my own opinions. mmoutreachinc.com/mormons/mormon_index.html this link shows you a couple of things I can list more. I have looked into mormonism and I do not agree with it, but all I was doing was...
  15. P

    Non-Gospel Principle based curriculum

    That's weird. So if I walked up to a mormon and started asking question they aren't allowed to answer? But if they come to my door it's OK? Not to be rude but that sounds sketchy. I think they don't want their members to get it wrong or slip up and tell people something they aren't suppose to...
  16. P

    Why do Christians value the Bible more than science?

    The bible is a book written by man, translated by man, and then man decided what went into it. So who has really had more influence on the bible?
  17. P

    Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?

    I think Jesus said it best when he said love your neighbor and mind your own business (do not judge).
  18. P

    Should Cocaine and Heroin be legalized along with Marijuana?

    Weed is a beautiful thing that I believe will one day untie the world!