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Search results

  1. spacemonkey

    Hillary losing ground...

    Look, all I know is that if Hillary were to get elected president that would mean that there would have been either a Bush or Clinton in office for at least the last 24 years (possibly 28). I'm sorry, but you can't tell me these are the only two families qualified to give us a president. Why...
  2. spacemonkey

    Is Oprah a modern Messiah?

    Hmmm...sounds more like John's description of the Anti-Christ to me. Also, I'm tired of the misuse of the word Messiah. Unless she reestablishes a Torah based government in Isreal then there is no way she can be a messiah, because that is the role/function of the messiah, nothing else.
  3. spacemonkey

    Is Global Warming happening?

    Couldn't this be a coincidence, have we even been recording temperatures since before the industrial revolution? The timeline of your graph isn't even .01% of the Earth's umm..."lifespan" (for lack of a better term). How do you explain the ice age? Who caused that?
  4. spacemonkey

    Hey You!

    I wouldn't say gnostics "worshipped" the tree of knowledge, but there is no doubt a certain significance that is given to the tree. I see the serpent in the story as the the hero, possibly a manifistation of the Logos, a kind of Prometheus figure bringing fire to the people despite the danger to...
  5. spacemonkey

    Hey You!

    I'm still here, been away for awhile though.
  6. spacemonkey

    What are we?

    I think he's trying to say you've been smoking some of the good stuff.
  7. spacemonkey

    Hell is not discipline; it is torture

    The description of hell as a place of eternal torture isn't actually in the Bible anywhere. The idea of this kind of place existing is a compilation of pagan myths (the name Hell itself comes from the Norse Hel) and imaginative writers such as Dante and Homer (yes Homer, in the Odyssey Odysseus...
  8. spacemonkey

    The first truth told by Bush administration: We Lost Iraq War

    There was never any way to "win" this war, unless you are one of the many recipiants of no bid contracts for supplies, munitions, or rebuilding of things destroyed with said munitions.
  9. spacemonkey

    What's the Most Effective Therapy For Depression?

    I usually try to think about people who have things going so much worse for them then I, and then tell myself to stop feeling sorry for myself.
  10. spacemonkey

    Is copyright infringement stealing?

    Yes, file sharing is copyright infringement and therefore a form of stealing, but I don't feel bad if 50 Cent can't buy a 2nd Rolls Royce because people are downloading his music for free.
  11. spacemonkey

    Is Our Nation too dependent on prescriptions?

    The number of Americans on pharmaceuticals for non-life threatening ailments; Social Anxiety Disorder (also known as shyness), ADD, ADHD, Adult ADD, ED and the afore mentioned Restless Leg Syndrome (to name a few) is at an all time high ;) and I can't legally smoke a little pot. OH THE...
  12. spacemonkey

    Are Men Necessary In Raising Children?

    Its easy for women to say that males are not needed to raise a child because they don't know what its like to be a little boy without a father.
  13. spacemonkey

    Uproar over Kerry Iraq remarks

    I met some of the smartest people I've known while I was in the Navy (not to say there weren't dumb ones, but that's the case everywhere, including the White House). The military aggressively goes after high school kids who score highly on placement tests, I remember being picked up from school...
  14. spacemonkey

    What was your first album?

    The Beastie Boys - License to Ill
  15. spacemonkey

    Jesus Vs. Satan

    Ask one what the other will tell you then choose the opposite...
  16. spacemonkey

    US Soliders

    I think its a reaction to a war that many people feel we should not be involved in. Look how the nation came togeather during the two World Wars, Americans believed the cause they were fighting for was a just one and worth giving your life for. People felt like they were defending there way of...
  17. spacemonkey

    Jesus Vs. Satan

    Taking this a bit seriously aren't we... Besides, Satan would have just placed a side bet on Jesus and lost the competition on purpose.
  18. spacemonkey

    Why did we go over there?

    Are you seriously trying to tell me that things in Iraq are better now that Saddam is no longer in power?:biglaugh: Thats just rediculous, I refuse to continue this conversation.
  19. spacemonkey

    When Will Democracy Come To The Middle East?

    I think its fairly obvious they are not exactly accepting democracy with open arms.