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Search results

  1. HexBomb

    Alcohol Kills 3 Million Annually: World Health Organization

    So will water, actually! Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill
  2. HexBomb

    Is Harry Potter Satanic?

    By the time Harry Potter came out, and I mean the first books, not the movies, which came way later, I was already reading at a college level. I hadn't touched anything labeled "children's" literature for five-six years. The idea that the "low brow" tend to like Harry Potter is, quite frankly...
  3. HexBomb

    US students request 'trigger warnings' on literature

    I can understand this on multiple levels. I understand the desire for trigger warnings, and I've been known to toss Wuthering Heights and far less literary books across the room when the material has offended me. I know when I was forced to read Wuthering Heights in middle school, it fed into my...
  4. HexBomb


    What about cases of adopted people then getting involved with biological family members they were never raised around? Or children of sperm donation? I mean, in those situations, especially when people are unaware of relation, it can be hard to fight against genetic sexual attraction, look at...
  5. HexBomb

    Harvard Cultural Club to host Black Mass -- such a welcoming gesture

    Except Messianic Judaism is not considered a Jewish denomination by any Jewish authorities, and holds views directly in contradiction to Jewish beliefs.
  6. HexBomb

    Harvard Cultural Club to host Black Mass -- such a welcoming gesture

    ...It's a Christian sect founded by a Baptist Minister with no Jewish heritage? They deliberately insert Christian prayers and Scriptures into Jewish ceremonies and services? It was originally called "Hebrew Christians" until they found out that they weren't getting enough Jewish people to buy...
  7. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    No it isn't. It's saying I love YOU and I love YOU and my life wouldn't be complete without either of you. You're assuming it's all about addition and not starting out that way again. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it can't happen. It's like all those girls in high school who...
  8. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    You're assuming that polyamory is all about needs and desires again. Stop doing that. Relationships are not all about sex. You're also assuming that polyamory starts as one on one and needs to bring in more people. That is not always the case. Relationships can start as four or three, and stay...
  9. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    Not if it is in 1 in 3 relationships as opposed to one-in-three people cheating, sure. But that completely deletes the human element, and what makes various relationships work, and various people cheat. By that logic, since high earners are statistically more likely to cheat, no one should...
  10. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    It is not more valid, it is just as valid. You're obsessed with this idea of extra. but okay, let's go with it. Fifteen people fall in love with each other and trust each other. (Let's just ignore how big that number is and how unlikely that is) Fifteen people then make vows to each other...
  11. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    I have never intended to say it is more trustworthy, if I have come across that way, I did not intend to. However, are people flawed? Yes. Do people screw up? Absolutely. Do people screw up in both monogamy and polyamory? Certainly. That does not necessarily extrapolate to 'All people cheat...
  12. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    In marriage, two people become joined, often because they love and trust each other and want to spend their lives together, and can't imagine life without the other person. You're saying polyamory is intrinsically less trustworthy, even if those feelings are shared across three or four...
  13. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    That's sad. I'll be the first one to admit that people screw up, but that kind of moral nihilism is something that thinks so little of people, that no matter how long someone is faithful or honest, you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. How can you have any kind of meaningful...
  14. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    That's ridiculous, and not the reasoning at all. You can completely trust two people, and trust them to be faithful. You seem to have this idea that poly people just want all sex all the time. Polyamory isn't just all about sex, any more than monogamy is all about sex. I'm a 26 year-old...
  15. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    If you can't trust them, why would you want to be in a relationship with them in the first place?
  16. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    There is a difference between polyamaory, and randomly sleeping with multiplpe partners, but if anecdotes are so weak, I shall offer sources. Commitment in Polyamarous Relationships, Elaine Cook, 2005 Group Marriage: A Study of Contemporary Multilateral Marriage, Larry and Joan Constantine...
  17. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    Your logic is flawed. You're assuming that people are polyamarous because they like to have 'new adventures' or that every poly person wants more partners. Some people are just in love with two or three or more people. The entire point of polyfidelity and often plural marriage is that no one in...
  18. HexBomb

    would you marry someone of a different faith as yours?

    So, again, not to be rude, trying to understand...are people who convert ever truly Jewish, since they don't have the heritage piece of that puzzle? Or do they 'assume' a Jewish heritage and have to give up their own?
  19. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    No, I've seen a polyamarous relationship last longer than some of my friends' marriages, because the people involved know how to communicate with each other, rather than turning around and ragging on their SO to their friends or parents about fights, or refusing to say what annoying habits are...
  20. HexBomb

    Polyamory or Monogamy?

    I didn't say that. I said it depends on the people. A polyamarous triad who has never had sex outside the triad is no more likely to pass around STDs than a virgin, and a serial monogamist who never gets tested is just as likely to pass around STDs as a player who never gets tested. It all...