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  1. MaddLlama

    creationist death threats

    Am I the only one that's amused by the very random "God, who is invisible" comment?
  2. MaddLlama

    No appetite, weird sleeping habits

    Ohh, I forgot about Soy. Does anything with Soy have protein? I tend to use a lot of soy milk (and use skim milk for cooking), so maybe that will help also.
  3. MaddLlama

    No appetite, weird sleeping habits

    I'm going to be cleaning out my fridge and cabinets this weekend, so I think next time I go grocery shopping I will plan on getting mostly meat and produce, and stuff to make some tasty whole grain veggie bread, and some nuts to snack on. I've got a whole lot of popcorn kernels, so if I really...
  4. MaddLlama

    Should marijuana be legalized and regulated like alcohol?

    Actually, the studies that say that have always been qualified with the statement that it leads to those symptoms in those who are already at risk. It doesn't create the problem. It may also help treat lung-cancer patients. So, because some people are irresponsible, it's the governments job to...
  5. MaddLlama

    Muslims attack Taslima Nasrin

    I have to disagree with you there. I see the same attitude here in the US with the Christian fundamentalist groups (of all stripes). I don't really think there is a difference.
  6. MaddLlama

    So, Is the American Union real?

    You actually use prison planet for real research? At least wiki gets it right sometimes. To be honest, I've never found a lot of wiki articles with terrible information. I think it's bad reputation is based on assumption and a couple of bad apples.
  7. MaddLlama

    greek/roman mythology

    Who says it fell into disuse? From what I've seen it's certainly enjoying a revival, along with tons of other mythologies.
  8. MaddLlama

    So, Is the American Union real?

    Yes really. The great wiki told me so http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-lateral_commission
  9. MaddLlama

    What Could One Expect in a Wiccan Coven

    Generally speaking, in a Wiccan specific coven, you'll celebrate the 8 Sabbats (Samhain, Mabon, Yule, Imbolc, Beltane, Ostara, Midsummer, and Lughnasadh), and the 13 esbats (one full moon for every month, and an extra for the "blue moon"). Other rituals vary widely, but include rituals/group...
  10. MaddLlama

    What Could One Expect in a Wiccan Coven

    Hmm...it's kind of a hard question to peg down since a coven is many things. Can you be more specific?
  11. MaddLlama

    The End of the Father

    Actually, I didn't miss the point. However it's been my experience that most people don't see God in the way you've presented. People can't let go of a concept they didn't believe in the first.
  12. MaddLlama

    Why Mormons hate gov't welfare

    But, my point is that because not everybody knows it's available, and people may not be able to get help from outside their immediate community, LDS-run welfare isn't a replacement for government welfare.
  13. MaddLlama

    Why Mormons hate gov't welfare

    Yes. But, not everybody has a Mormon church in thier community, or even knows that they offer welfare-type services. Whether the system works just like your church or not, it should be available to everyone. I don't think johnny said so in his OP, but most Republicans are for abolishing the...
  14. MaddLlama

    Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~

    So, FFH, heard any news about an undead French Cardinal? Just curious....
  15. MaddLlama

    The End of the Father

    It depends on whether they are polytheistic, monotheistic or duotheistic (or even theistic at all). For most Polytheists, even Gods who are supposedly the head of the pantheon are not "Supreme Gods", and a vast majority of them don't fit into the "mother-father" mold unless forced into it. I'm...
  16. MaddLlama

    Why Mormons hate gov't welfare

    Personally I don't care for the welfare system and think that people should get a hand-up rather than a hand out. I think the system the LDS church has worked out is a great one, because it is more directly a give-and-take system. But, don't you think it's a little unfair to say that Mormons...
  17. MaddLlama

    So, Is the American Union real?

    "Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows." :D
  18. MaddLlama

    So, Is the American Union real?

    I don't know, do you think maybe it has something to do with The Pentaviratet? Oh, wait, sorry that's the Rothschilde's, not the Rockefellars. The Tr-Lateral Commission, BTW, has nothing to do with uniting Mexico, the US and Canada.
  19. MaddLlama

    The End of the Father

    I don't consider the Gods I worship to have such an authoritarian attitude, so I suppose I already have done that.
  20. MaddLlama

    Is Religious Forums A Genuine Community?

    Starbucks/Krispy Kreme combo sounds good to me =D