In the West, the most respected and prestigious role is to free and self-made, to accomplish what one chooses to accomplish with their life, whether they are or men in women. So perhaps that general underlying theme lends credence to an idea that a woman should be able to live her life without...
It is really true. When I started working for a student newspaper, I was sort of shocked at just how bad of writers so many students were. But it might not even be as omnipresent as just how carefully people read things and what they get from it. I mean, anyone skimming and reading fast is going...
It's very true. I feel like most people come to terms with it. But then again, everyone once in awhile your come across an arrogance that is so profoundly contrary to any self-awareness, as to land in that pitfall over and over...
'Tis true. Although, it seems to me that our basic liberties are more so threatened or curtailed during instances of fighting external enemies. Even, if say, America got rid of the first amendment, I feel it would be best to try everything I can other than violence to secure such a right back...
It's certainly more effective. People going about feeling most of the day, and only have so much glucose at hand to waste thinking critically, it's not very reasonable to expect people to go entirely out of their way to rigorously follow someone one's thinking. I mean, I realize people do from...
Was curious. I have no particular hopes that something similar would happen to myself or my children, etc. I'd be fine fighting for my freedom is need be.
I'm sorry I don't understand the question. I was referring to Matthew 19:26, "Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”" This is the only sentiment in the Bible I'm aware of that suggests God can do anything. There isn't anything in the...
I'd shoot guns again at a range again if the opportunity presented itself. I mean, I'd never go out of my way to go to a gun range. I wouldn't bring a kid to one because the lead. Just seems strange the notion of freedom being attached to holding and shooting a target with a gun. Perhaps...
What? And slaughterhouses just kill a cow, cut off a steak, and drop the rest in the trash?
I've never seen a hunter make soap from fat, or fertilizer from bones, or stock from antlers.
I generally agree, although it's pretty easy to shoot a gun from a moral and pragmatic position. I never...
Not that I don't support people having guns, or whatever, but I never really got this argument at all.
There is no ban or law that criminals would comply with..., but when has that ever been the sole validation for why one wouldn't should ban something?