Yeah, me too. I think I found one earlier but they said there were so many limitations. I think it's fairly difficult to perform studies like this in developing countries.
One of the studies did measure disadvantages. Even though it was not significant, you can see lower rates. Yeah, it may...
For Christianity, religiosity has shown a negative correlation with crime. In other words, the more religious someone is, the less likely they'll commit a crime. Islam displays a different picture. There aren't many studies on Muslims, but the ones that do exist show disturbing correlations...
Eh, I must have struck a nerve. You seem to be judging me on what I asked and a story you don't know the full details of, nor did I express them fully. Obviously, social anxiety is at the core of this and I wouldn't think of changing your mind since whatever is going on is probably very...
Ohhh yeah. My point didn't get across. Btw, the guy might have had social anxiety, but I suspect something else. I'm actually really nice to those people and usually try befriend them. No, there was something sinister about him. Sinister in the sense that you can usually tell when someone is...
No one is perfect. Though, I do try stick to the evidence as much as possible and try stay as objective as possible. You can't trick a trickster, huh?
I honestly have no idea what this is referring to. Would you mind enlightening me?
So, when did you discover the whole thing is pointless?
That’s because there is no evidence for god. The best there is for god are unsound deductive arguments. Even those do not get into an agent, let alone a personal god. This is primarily why religion is faith based, with some odd anecdotes here and there.
I appreciate your optimism, however, in my experience, it's very difficult to change anyone's mind. Especially so if their identity revolves around the thing in question. Atheism, as a strong identity, is a direct manifestation of religion. Bowlers don't care about people who are, say...
I am baby feeding. It's so substantiated in science that it's the norm to do in drug trials and there are many experiments with it. Even after linking that site and explaining it, you say, "You accept that placebo is real." As if I'm making it up or it's some strange phenomenon that pops up...
Your problem is that you entered into this conversation as an equal. From now on, I suggest you enter into the conversation as if you are talking to child, because that’s what is really going on. you may have noticed the inflated and brittle ego and the lack of empathy. I share your...
Getting annoyed just because of a simple question? I won’t judge you. Many people probably have cause your reaction is extreme. You are showing signs.
Can you answer the question?