There's a lot of resources out there for those looking to self-study. MIT and CalTech (and more) post free online seminars and lectures all the time.
There's also
I invented a law for the internet/debating community.
Firstly, let's look at Godwin's Law:
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"—that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner...
Wouldn't it depend on the kind of measures you support? Like, when they had those sex attacks in Cologne, people blasted the mayor as 'victim blaming' for advising women to be wary in the area that it occurred. Maybe I don't understand how that's victim-blaming, but that just seemed like good...
Actually the 'Elite want to reduce the population' one isn't so far-fetched. It's immensely exaggerated, but not without truth.
For a while the Rothschild family (as well as others) have been interested in easing population growth and to this end they often lobby for a 'one child per family'...
This is an extraordinarily important thing. One cannot stress enough the importance of gene editing, because it's applications are immense.
Cancer, for example, will be a thing of the past. Transsexuals will be able to adopt their correct gender at...