Are you saying that what stops you from murdering is this "divine justice" thing?
Cos I don't believe in any sort of divine justice, yet I'd never want to kill someone. And nor do I steal, cheat etc etc...
You don't need to be killing people to prevent others from doing the same
Would you volunteer to be the one to inject the man in the chair?
I'm sure it's easy to support executions when there's someone else to do the act for you.
Would you kill a man...?
Do you include the judge, jury and executioner in that last statement, or do you conveniently ignore them - the fact that we are also animals aside. I may be ignorant on the matter, but to my knowledge no other animal kills it's own kind for some perverted sense of "justice".
In my country...
Oh, good :) I don't much like arguing ^_^
On a side note...
I don't feel that simply calling something asinine and nonsensical neither makes it so, nor is it much of ah argument either...,;)
I don't think I said that at all. Or at least, not what I meant.
Whether you're using a bat or a needle, whether the law says you're allowed to or not, whether you're motivated by drugs, revenge, or warped sense of justice, you are killing a person - you are intending to end the existence of...
Executing guy 1 won't prevent guy 2 from murdering someone. All it does is stop guy 1 from murdering - something also achievable by keeping him in prison and giving him greater access to rehab
Releasing a man from prison who then goes on to murder another person is not a problem solved by execution either. That's a parole board issue mostly, and I'm not convinced that released prisoners are given adequate rehabilitation either. Prison escapes are also not solved by executing the...
why is that? To me, saying "I'll kill you for killing him", that eye-for-an-eye mentality is rather primitive, and does very little to solve the problem itself
I've noticed, while using my Android phone, that yes the ads load last, and no, the page doesn't load slower, but what REALLY is beginning to bug me is that when I've already scrolled halfway down the page, an ad finishes loading and it jumps me right back to the top of the page again. So I...
If you put the guy in prison after the first murder, you'd have the same result, only now there's just 1 dead person instead of 3.
To me, executing someone puts you at the same level as them. Even lower because while just as cold and calculated, you don't have the excuse of poor upbringing or...
So the main character is travelling between these realities?
I'd suggest imagining for the character the things they might experience and how that would translate to this reality. I can only imagine that so many of those experiences would simply be so abstract, so different, that in our...
What makes it so tasty is the -glutamate. When I was at university, there was a lecture on msg and the theorised "umami" taste receptor. From what I remember, it would be beneficial in evolutionary terms to have a taste for glutamate - a nerve cell messenger, that shows up throughout the brain...