I personally think that this is an affront to the ministry, example and teaching of Jesus particularly his teachings of "one cannot serve God and mammon", "if any are to be his disciples they are to deny themselves, give all they have to the poor, take up their cross and follow him" and "my...
Some of the explicitly Christian churches are also aligned with the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Disciples of Christ, the American Baptists, or the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC)
If you go to uua.org/CONG/ it offers a search for churches in your local area either by entering a zip code or state.
Churches that are humanist or religiously generic refer to their parishes by the names of "society" "congregation" or "fellowship"
Explicitly Christian churches not only...
Worship services and traditions vary based on the their theological leanings and the area they are situated. Whether the parish is explicitly Christian, Christian friendly, eclectic or humanist, all are welcome and no two parishes are alike.
Sex and sexuality are gifts of God and they should be embraced rather than being shamed. When my fiance and I are married and we have kids, we would allow them to share the bed, and make love. We would encourage them to use contraception and make sure you do it with someone they trust, know and...
As a Christian UU who is aligned with the UU Christian Fellowship, the Christian Universalist Association, and the United Church of Christ (UCC), there is a range of opinion within the larger UUA about the role of Christian tradition in local parish. There is the Council of Christian Churches in...
I can understand why one Catholic journalist would claim the Simpsons in the Catholic tradition because Bart and Homer converted one time to Catholicism in "The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star" I would argue that the Simpsons are still PresbyLutheran with Lisa as a Buddhist.
I feel your pain and I know what you're talking about. The fundies and evangelicals distort or misrepresent my liberal and Universalist interpretation of the faith. On behalf on all Christians, I apologize for those people who chose to be willfully ignorant or condemn those of other faith...
The university was justified in its decision to dismiss this student. Counseling requires sensitivity to people of diverse backgrounds. If one does not satisfy the requirements of a program they can either make sure that those requirements or met or not pursue the degree.
If I were to reformat the Commandments in a more accessible format, I would incorporate Jesus's two central commandments of loving God with all being and loving others as you love oneself, alongside George Carlin's two commandments of thou shalt always be honest and faithful.
I have done Yoga as a spiritual discipline and exercise for six years. Yoga relaxes me, deepens my breathing, expands my flexibility and it deepens my relationship to God. Yoga enriches my life as a Christian. Al Mohler, the Southern Baptists and other fundamentalists are an embarrassment to the...
My first semester of my Master's in Education program at University of La Verne
Health, Drugs and Sex
University Chorale
Joke: my two classes put together are known as Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll.