Actually there are methods(no longer in vogue) to induce enlightened states through the use of herbs ,but i still doubt whether this has anything to do with pot smoking.
The guy in pic (of the OP) is making mockery of asceticism and renunciation.
I don't order understand how it is helpful.I think such practices can addictive.I haven't seen any authentic guru smoking..Unfortunately it is associated with Shaivism.
I am against such tamasic practices just to get alter ur brain and get some fantasy.I don't care if Hinduism allows me or...
It is bad behavior from evangelists..Do you think any part of those states were originally Christian?They succeeded in converted the entire state to Christianity.Hinduism is almost a national identity,removing the religion is as good as breaking the country.:(
Yes ...we are already in that stage..But different people have different levels of awareness regarding that.This what advaita says anyway.The aim of meditative practices is to be constantly aware of this reality.
Different yogas are for different types of personalities ,the goal of all them...
Difficult questions ....Much of the answer to your questions depends upon the sect you are looking at.Vaishnavites take Krishna as literal god descended on earth.Krishnaism(like Iskcon) sees Krishna to be the source of Vishnu and no other god is as "worship" worthy as Krishna.
Shaivites don't...
I agree that this is condemnable.But it should noted that the christian missionary are VERY active in this part of the world.
Christian population in north eastern states of India adjacent to Bhutan where chrisitian missionaries are allowed to run free:
Nagaland--->90.02% are Christians...
I agree Buddhists are prone to violence,but they don't shout "Buddham Saranam gatchami" and kill others.Buddhism as such does not "fuel" intolerance through its religious doctrine.It does not say "I am only correct religion" nor does it claim to have absolute truth.
I have quoted some words...