The vast majority of atheists in western culture are non-religious.
Because they have no dogma induced guilt or limitations on the expression of their sexuality.
Religious people.
Actually, I just looked up Libertarian (big L) at Wiki and I do indeed fall well within the possible spectrum of Libertarianism.
Please don`t tell my wife.
Hmm..I`m most definitely not a Libertarian and many here would say I was Liberal.
But it seems I like and dislike the same things you do.
We very well might debate what we each believe is "minimal" regulation though.
The only thing I can do about post #31 is tell you that it is not the definition Websters has for religion.
I don`t know where it came from but it didn`t come from a current copy of Websters dictionary.
Not that it matters anyway as the dictionary debate is usually something I try to...
I was under the belief that American forces in Libya were acting under UN mandate.
If they are the war powers act doesn`t apply, I don`t think.
Am I incorrect in this belief?
Entertaining but pretty obvious results.
Anyone who doesn`t follow a worldview with an ingrained guilt trip about all things sexual is going to have better sex.
Websters has been rewritten many many times because it was incorrect.
However I don`t believe it`s necessary this time as Websters defintion seems right to me if not inclusive enough.
By the definition above no god is necessary for religion.
So then Christian doctrine isn`t "true" for you.
Judging by your previous posts in this thread that state both religions are equally valid I can only believe that you consider "Truth" and "Falsity" to have equal validity...
They are evidence of creatures that were called dragons in ages past.
They are evidence that the thing you claim could not exist did in fact exist and still does.
They support my earlier statement that there is more evidence of dragons than there is for god.
Unless of course you have...
You should try rejecting a woman.
There is no "easy" way to do it.
Rejecting any woman is a dangerous situation.
They don`t take it well no matter how nicely it`s done.
In my experience anyway.