Since he is a baptised member of a christian church and since he has quite clearly said he has faith in Jesus Christ then he is a Christian. It takes more than birth to make you a Muslim.
It is important to read books by non-evangelicals as well. I suggest taking the time to educate yourself fully. Look at both pro and con positions, read widely rather than narrowly.
Your Political Profile: Overall: 5% Conservative, 95% Liberal
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
The whole question of the authors of the Gospels is a fraught one. I suggest googling the following and see where they take you.
" Ur-mark " "Q + gospels" " 2 source hypothesis " (for starters anyway!) :D
When the debate was occuring over the name change for the church (Community of Christ) a lot of the debate revolved around how we used to describe ourselves which was " I'm a member in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints NOT THE MORMONS." :D
I was about to say that it is normally in the 200s in libraries using DDC. In various Colon Classification schemes, it differs from scheme to scheme, In the UDC it's in the 2's ; The Library of Congress classifies Bibles under B: Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion. Bliss Cataloging places it...
As a former LDS elder and a CoC elder, I can tell you that the Only things in common are the years that Joseph Smith 2 was alive + the Book of Mormon and SOME of the Doctrine and Covenants. Other than that they are quite different.
The Restored LDS and Fundamentalist LDS et al.,re different...
God used human beings in all the weakness and prejudice to write as they were inspired. That mean's we got what God wanted plus a whole lot of 'other' stuff.
You Are a Ghost
Mysterious, independent, and often unseen - you always do things your own way.
You are introverted, shy, and even a little secretive.
People are dying to know you better, but you're a difficult person to know.
A lot of your contributions to the world are left invisible...