I think that part of the fuss is over the PNAC's stated intent to make space the next US 'frontier.' If China has the technology to blow satellites out of the sky then US military / civilian moves into space become vulnerable.
I remember being told by my Stake President that you could not be both a labour supporter and an Elder. I opted to support that party that I considered had the better policies but, ah well...
I have over 15 years of research on the LDS friend, I WAS an LDS elder. The unwillingness of the church to deal with politicians of the right, whom a great majority of the GAs uncritically support, was just one of the reasons I left.
Ah, so the opening part of the post went right past did it? You went to Iraq for a lie! A lie that any number of people before the war explained to the American public but they were not willing to listen to the UN weapons inspectors, the US weapons inspectors, the CIA and others.
yes I dislike...
Son, I don't give a pickled toss what you think of me. But your great and wonderful 'Land of the free' has shown itself to be petty-minded, unwilling to deal with the REAL culprits behind the 11/9 incident and altogether far too willing to elect a man president who in another country would have...
Is the world safer? Hell no, but I guess as long as you Americans feel safer thats all that matters. Who cares that ten or hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have had to die so you can be seen to be an empire, certainly not you lot!
Jonny asked:
Is it not abundantly clear to you that you HAVE LOST THE WAR? You do not have enough troops on the ground to stop the insurgents, there are more of them every day, ordinary folk who want you and your invading army OUT of their country.
You have lost and no amount of either...
Of course their lives were wasted.
You went into Iraq on a base of lies, you have stayed in Iraq vainly searching for a justifiable reason for being there and more and more soldiers die every day for oil and Haliburton.
Frankly Bush should be tried as a war criminal and sentenced to die...
Here (Hopefully) are our coins, which we recently changed.
And here is a link to a PDF document put out by our Reserve Bank with pictures.
1: We don't have a president.
2: We don't worship our leaders OR their sometimes feckless offspring
3: Our Prime Minister while married is childless.
4: See (1) above.
Wind power is a goodie
Solar power (even on cloudy days enough solar radiation usually gets through to heat water)
Tidal generators
Deep water / Cold Water generators
Water wheels in rivers
Water Drop turbines
there are
Dang and I thought WE were getting the Secret Death Camps Franchise (tm)
Oh well, just have to corner the market on Flame Grilled Baby Duck ...... er..... that is to say, Flame grilled Baka Nuts. <wipes forehead, looks around to see if anyone noticed.>
Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth. Katherine Mansfield
The most famous quote about Mt Somers is, "where the heck is that?"
We are not too far from somewhere fairly well-known, Erewhon Station (In NZ a Station = a Large Sheep Ranch ) It is, of course, there or very near there that Samuel Butler wrote about in Erewhon.
New Zealand as a whole...