Your past life diagnosis: I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Ontario around the year 800. Your profession was that of a warrior, hunter, fisherman or executor of sacrifices. Your brief...
The history lesson was mildly interesting but I am much more interested in the inflammatory language used by Glaswegian in his/her posts. I quote as examples the following phrases and words taken from the last of his/her posts.
" madness; there is nothing original about the Christian creed...
Christians, unfortunately, seem to feel it is their right to attack believers in other faiths, atheists, homosexuals, etc but want to draw some kind of line in the sand when they are on the receiving end. I don't think so!
This is why I identify as Zoroastrian. I have spent over 30 years of my life in Christianity, I have doctoral degrees in religious Studies and theology, I am an ordained priest and I am TIRED, heartily tired of being lumped in with those Christians who seem to rejoice in being offensive...
Take the quiz:
Which Care Bear Are You? (Pictures)
You Are Harmony Bear!
Harmony Bear helps others get along. This peace-loving bear knows our differences are something to be celebrated, not something to keep us apart. When differences are brought together in harmony they create something...
Damn Cheek, especially coming from soneone whose avatar is an Echidna!
Do you KNOW how expensive replacing monitors are? I'll be billing you for the one that got the Ginger Ale in it from laughing at the image you gave! :D
Tit for tat, I think QTR...