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Search results

  1. P

    Wicca and Sexuality... and while I'm at it...

    ... Is there a more efficient way to search through specific forums? I've only managed to locate the general search bar but I was wondering if I can run smaller searches in specific forums (like this one) so I don't re-thread something that someone else talked about in the past... hope I'm not...
  2. P

    Conservative Only: Does Acceptance of Homosexual Behavior Lead To...? (Revisited)

    I don't think that it would necessarily lead to ALL kinds of sexualities being accepted. I am of the mindset that some/most homosexuals feel they are homosexual, not by choice, but by biology... so I believe allowing them to be together with all the rights of heterosexuals is a form of...
  3. P

    What is a Patriot?

    I'm not conservative or liberal... can I still post? Eek O.O I support our troops but not the war. I love being in America, because I'd probably hate to be anywhere else. I'd die without freedom of speech. In short, I'm generally cool with our country. I can't define for you what a patriot...
  4. P

    Evolution is no more science than Creationism is.

    Agreed certainly. I moreso meant other types of religions outside of the Genesis branch... such as eastern religions, etc. Although the rest of my post sort of wandered off into a "if you teach it, let the kids decide what they want to do" direction and I got side-tracked ^__^;; whoops.
  5. P

    Has anyone been through something like this? (Beware, long story)

    Happy Thanksgiving RF! Thanks to everyone who replied... a part of me wants to try to clear the air between Cass' mother and myself by any means necessary, but I also understand that I can only do so much. It takes two to tango, and I somehow don't think she's very eager to hear me out. For...
  6. P

    Evolution is no more science than Creationism is.

    Kind of reverting randomly to the question from the first post: I guess the thing that I have a problem with is that I don't see it as Evolution vs. Creationism... because essentially, Creationism explains the religious beliefs of Christianity, not any of the other religious beliefs of any...
  7. P

    Should Pornography Be Banned To Protect Children?

    I just realized that I voted "some kinds" should be banned but I was thinking of the kinds of pornography that is already illegal... hmm. Nevermind I guess! I also think this is a parental-responsibility issue. I just wish it was harder to run into really sick, illegal, violent porn on the...
  8. P

    Why does God care about Homosexuality?

    I admit I may not be following this thread as closely as I should in order to post here again, but I have to agree with this... although I understand how hard it would be for both sides to end up happy in this situation. On one hand, as above, it shouldn't be considered right for homosexuals...
  9. P

    Has anyone been through something like this? (Beware, long story)

    ... and if so, does anyone have any advice? This is part Wiccan part general life problem, but I figured I'd post it here since Wicca is definitely part of it. I've been dating Cass for almost 2 years now. We're happy together, have only argued maybe 5 times, and he's like a best friend in...
  10. P

    Does Satan Plant Wicked Thoughts In People's Minds?

    Hahahaha XP That tickled me. Thank you ^__^
  11. P

    Why does God care about Homosexuality?

    Story time. One of my best friends in the entire world came out to me about 4 years ago. I was the only person he had ever told about his homosexuality and it sounded like he was going to cry on the phone. He was so afraid. He grew up in a Catholic family and was raised to love God like any...
  12. P

    Do Pagans believe Jesus ever exsisted?

    I personally (as a Wiccan) do believe that a man named Jesus walked the earth. I have no way of knowing for a fact if he actually performed miracles or not, but honestly that doesn't matter as much to me as the fact that I think he was generally a really awesome guy =) I like Jesus a lot. No...
  13. P

    Your impressions of Paganism?

    Wow. Wow wow wow. What a generally positive thread. I am so shocked and pleased =) I haven't come across a single post of blind hate in this place yet. (Maybe that's because hate-filled rants get deleted... I'm a brand-new member, not sure how things work here just yet XP) I really am happy...
  14. P

    Does Satan Plant Wicked Thoughts In People's Minds?

    Eeeeeeeeeurgh. I don't believe that Satan (if he's out there) is responsible for people doing or thinking bad things. The thing that upsets me is when people blame all of their evil thoughts, evil actions, or unfortunate circumstances on the devil. I just can't stand that. Saying "I stabbed that...
  15. P

    Do you love others?

    Oh, love. Love love love. Such a simple, overused word and but one that has a different meaning to almost everyone I've ever spoken to. Love to me is the way I can look at a Christian who is pressing a pamphlet on God into my hand, warning me that I may be damned to Hell for being Wiccan, and...
  16. P

    Should I wear my pentgram to work?

    Hey there, I'm a new poster here but I feel I should give my two cents here. As much as I long to say "Go ahead! Be proud!" like I truly want to, my experiences and gut instinct are telling me this; if you can handle the flack that may come flying your way, and you are truly able to deal with...