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Search results

  1. InGodWeTrust

    I want to believe in God, but it doesn't work?

    Religion, in the past, and what we see today as a legacy, was a state thing, meaning states had official religions which had things like compulsory attendance and at least a nominal adherence to the ideology. What this did was to make "fear of God" a very real and immediate thing, and a way of...
  2. InGodWeTrust

    Do we accept that Jesus will come like a thief? (1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 16:15)

    What this verse is saying is that the way he was taken up, by a cloud, is the same way that he will be conveyed, not just to the sky where he is far enough away as to not be seen by eye, but all the way to heaven where God is. What all the normal Bible translations do is leave part of the verse...
  3. InGodWeTrust

    Is God omnipotent?

    It's almost like you are discussing a different topic, one about Jesus and God being the same person, or Jesus being omnipotent rather than God. I'm not arguing either one of those things. I was just mentioning the things people usually bring up to support the idea of God's omnipotence. What I...
  4. InGodWeTrust

    Is God omnipotent?

    Jesus said that all things are possible through God. Some people use that to prove God is omnipotent. I think Jesus was using a certain type of rhetoric that makes use of hyperbole, rather than being literal.
  5. InGodWeTrust

    Do we accept that Jesus will come like a thief? (1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 16:15)

    If you imagined the world being basically a flat disc, then when you saw a big bolt of lightening going across the sky, you might think that it just went from one end of the world to the other at an incredible speed. So the idea that it is trying to be drawn from this analogy is speed, where...
  6. InGodWeTrust

    Paul on "the end of the law"

    Paul is saying that the Jews were so caught up in the quest for righteousness by observing the Law according to their own interpretation, that they failed to recognize true righteousness in Jesus when they saw it. We, as true believers of God through Jesus, have the spiritual enlightenment to...
  7. InGodWeTrust

    Is God omnipotent?

    Shadday (as in Exodus 6:3) means sovereign lord. When the verses that use Shadday in the Hebrew are quoted in the New Testament, it uses the word pantocrator, the same word as is used in the Septuagint version of those same verses. The confusion comes from there being other uses for that Greek...
  8. InGodWeTrust

    Translation of Bible opening sentence incorrect

    Got created a temple between the earth and the sky. I don't see a big problem here. Better understanding the Bible is not a bad thing.
  9. InGodWeTrust

    Question for trinitarian christians

    So, is that why there is a godhead? So they can undertand each other? Jesus said he made his Father known to his disciples. Was that just a figure of speach? How was the Son born? Just curious if you have an opinion on that. Jesus said he came out of his Father. He also said he would be in us...
  10. InGodWeTrust

    Question for trinitarian christians

    You have two statements that seem to be in opposition to each other. They are one, and one sent the other. Did he send himself? There is another verse that says Jesus was sanctified and sent. What does that mean, to you? Being sanctified.
  11. InGodWeTrust

    Question for trinitarian christians

    What you mean is that his death would have been meaningless if he was no different than us because we are all deserving of death, being sinners? OK, that makes sense, but I do not understand the "flesh" thing. It sounds like, from your description, that he may have been like anyone being born...
  12. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    You can argue about a long list of Christian laws but they grow from the one, to love others. So what if Jesus boiled it down to two, Love God, love your Neighbor? Carnal laws are what are spoken of by Paul, that we are free of. Think about what that word means. Normally Christian pastors will...
  13. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    To make an actual point for my previous post; decisions that can affect your life are not easily reversible. If you later change your mind, it can cause personal problems. During all those years I never talked about it. I can, now. Not because I want to boast. Just happy to be able to say I...
  14. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    I am a sinner. Years ago I was persuaded by people who's opinion I respected, to forget about The Sabbath. I took advantage of my freedom to take jobs that normally I had to turn down. Over twenty years or so, I gradually reversed my previous reversal. I ended up quitting a good job for one that...
  15. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    The end is here. We are living in apocalyptic times, ever since the preaching of John the Baptist. The fact that we, as gentiles, can be brought into the salvation that Jesus says is of the Jews, is evidence that we are living in prophetic times. The Jewish Christians had a little bit of a...
  16. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    The Mongols and the Turks killed a lot of people and the Arabs did a lot of killing while they swept across North Africa. (the same genocide is still going on today) Chairman Mao was not a Christian and he killed more people than any other single man. Anti-Christians like to condemn the Crusades...
  17. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    There is a big difference between being freed of the condemnation of the Law and being freed from the Law. One of these two things were destroyed. If it is the condemnation that is destroyed, we are freed to follow the Law spiritually. If the Law itself is destroyed, we do away with the tool...
  18. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    What was? Depends on what translation you read. If you are reading the NIV, it would lead you believe it is talking about the Law. Obviously it was not. If it was, Paul would not have discussed it in a parenthetical way. He would have made it the central theme. He would not have done it in a...
  19. InGodWeTrust

    Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?

    He can do whatever he wants. I am not talking about it in a technical way, as in how it has to fit into the forum. I do not care about that. I just mean it in a general sense, like in any kind of situation. What I mean, is if I wanted to have a discussion about religion, I would not go to an...
  20. InGodWeTrust

    Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?

    Did it ever occur to you that you are not qualified to write this thread? I do not want to be mean but, if you are an atheist, how can you discus points of a religion that you do not believe in? I guess I am being technical. I have been posting on a forum that is overrun with atheists and I have...