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  1. InGodWeTrust

    Just got kicked off another forum...woo-hoo!

    I guess I have to apologize to the people I have been talking about. They finally checked my posts and figured out they goofed up. I guess everyone is happy. So, maybe there is a lesson to be learned, here. If you are a poster on a forum and you get in trouble with the moderators, turn off your...
  2. InGodWeTrust

    Just got kicked off another forum...woo-hoo!

    Apparently that is not appreciated everywhere. They do seem to have a philosophy, that they state, that you can bring up certain topics if you do it in a way that you are asking people for help to "get right". If you come at it as someone who wants to inform others, they do not approve. I guess...
  3. InGodWeTrust

    Just got kicked off another forum...woo-hoo!

    To update my situation I was talking about earlier, I agreed to not post any heresy and I got my posting privileges reinstated. I made a post to try to fix my previous posts and make everyone happy: Instead of making anyone happy by trying to be orthodox, by conceding to the Deity of Jesus, I...
  4. InGodWeTrust

    The ressurrection of you!

    There is at least an implied reward system built into the Law, such as respect your parents so your days will be long. If your kids kill you after you get old, the kids would have to expect the same thing from their own kids, in the future. So there are rewards for obeying the Law.
  5. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    I doubt that Paul did the actual writing, but he may have been the mind behind it. He did a good job of disguising his authorship, if in fact he did write it.
  6. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    This is in stark contrast to another letter of Paul's where he says, see, I am writing this in my own hand. This particular letter would have caused an uproar because it is the most direct attack on the Jewish religion. He may have had someone write it as a propaganda piece to be distributed...
  7. InGodWeTrust

    The ressurrection of you!

    After Adam and Eve dressed themselves to cover their nakedness, God did not say they were wrong to do so but made a set of clothes for them that seemed more appropriate.
  8. InGodWeTrust

    The ressurrection of you!

    I seriously do not know. I was taught to understand it exactly the way that you explained it. I am not trying to say that you are wrong. I am trying to figure out a way to say it in such a way as to not sound so harsh. A lot of people have a problem accepting that there even is a god because...
  9. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    I was reading BrazenWall's commenting on the Book of Hebrews and he was saying something about someone saying that it was written for Jews. The whole thing seems rather esoteric to me and I think it would have been understandable to the specific person who the author was addressing this letter...
  10. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    I find no indication otherwise. (short answer) This is a thread about the Sabbath and I would not be dragging out the old Law unless I was defending it. Let me guess, everyone on this thread is against it. Sorry but I have not gotten very far in reading the previous posts because I find them...
  11. InGodWeTrust

    The suffering servant of isaiah 53

    Ben Masada, Is that why the church in Jerusalem had Paul sponsor the Nazarenes who were ending their vow? To show that he had some sort of truce with them?
  12. InGodWeTrust

    The ressurrection of you!

    I think they are the same thing, meaning there is one word in the original language that is translated as breath or wind or spirit.
  13. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    BrasenWall, The change in the covenant is not replacing the old one with an entirely new one. We have a new and better priest and we have a new and better sacrifice. So, considering all that, he is able to negotiate a new and better contract, one with new and better promises. Our new and better...
  14. InGodWeTrust

    The Year 1844

    There was a well known SDA theologian from Australia named Jeffrey Paxton who was writing about some of these old teachings and was getting flak from the church. They staged a "debate" at the Loma Linda campus, between him and the man who wrote the definitive SDA book on the issue, called The...
  15. InGodWeTrust

    The Year 1844

    Arlanbb, My brother went through the system and before he was finished he got into trouble and kicked out of school over some little-known (secret?) rule. It was a technicality that would have kept him out for the semester and he could have come back. Instead, he joined the military. He became...
  16. InGodWeTrust

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    Alright, I got one vote against, if I understand you correctly. John was "in the spirit" and saw God on His throne and another being approaches the throne who seems to be "the Lamb of God". The question in my mind is, are these two separate beings or two images of the same? Nowhere does it...
  17. InGodWeTrust

    The ressurrection of you!

    Funny that you would put it in these terms, no....life. The spirit is life. I guess you are not saying the spirit dies, but your point centers on the question of its independence. That is what I was trying to get at, that the spirit becomes part of a collective, after the death of the body. In a...
  18. InGodWeTrust

    The suffering servant of isaiah 53

    Ben Masada, OK, I am reading an article on the Aquedah. Thanks for the info on that. I guess I need to search your other topics so I can comment. I suppose I need to read this stuff because you have a way of turning around conventional thinking on these topics. I guess you are looking at these...
  19. InGodWeTrust

    The ressurrection of you!

    You may have misunderstood me. I was talking about what happens while you are dead. The spirit lives but without a substance to be incorporated with, as in a body, it reverts to a different state of existence than what it had while you were alive. All this stuff is up to debate but we do not...
  20. InGodWeTrust

    A bloodthirsty god?

    You had a different reaction than I did. You know more than I choose to know about. I was grossed out when I was young and found out about the French Revolution. Here is the link, http://bibleforums.net/forum/showpos...&postcount=681 The guy is someone I had been having exchanges with on...