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Search results

  1. T

    If the Big Bang was proved false what alternatives would evolutionist have?

    The idea that a theory about the origins of the universe has any connection to to the facts supporting evolution is sad, silly and shows typical religious bias and hatred.
  2. T

    If the Big Bang was proved false what alternatives would evolutionist have?

    The idea that a theory about the origins of the univetse
  3. T

    If an Athiest was forced to choose a religion, What would it be?

    [QUI TE="pro4life, post: 4004994, member: 55624"]If you are an Athiest and you were forced to choose a Monothiestic religion i.e Christianity, Judiasm, Islam. Which of these three would you chose and why. If i were being forced to become a member of a religion, then I would take the religion of...
  4. T

    Historicity Of Christ?

    Fortune cookies contain information, at least as valid as what you have posted.First stating that on thing in a book is factual, "proves" everything in book is also factual, is nonsense. Yes some things in the bible have factual independent verification. The existence of Pontius Pilate, being...
  5. T

    Historicity Of Christ?

  6. T

    Religion for Atheists

    Disagree, there is no unseen order and no supreme good or bad.
  7. T

    Non-believers, to whom do you give thanks on Thanksgiving?

    I thank the government for giving me a paid day off!
  8. T

    Iran - public hanging?

    I favor public execution. If execution is supposed to be a deterinent it needs to be visible. The one to be executed needs to have done in his own neighborhood so his buddies and potential future criminals can watch him kick and fill his pants and humiliated to death, that MIGHT prevent some of...
  9. T

    Are there Reasonable Moral Grounds to Oppose Open Relationships and Marriages?

    No, there are no reasonable reasons of any kind to oppose homosexual relationships.
  10. T

    What is your take on theistic evolution?

    Theistic evolution is nothing but the acceptance of the evolutionary theory. Most of the Christians and in fact most religious people in the world accept this.It is only small sects in the USA that have a problem with evolution.
  11. T

    Atheism makes no sense. You cannot get something from nothing without a God.

    Any ten year old gamer could create a better universe than this one, lol. No sensible gamer would waste 99.9999999999999999999999999999999 percent of the universe on nothingness, lol, unless he wanted a space game. That alone is PROOF that no god created the universe, for certainly a god would...
  12. T

    Alternative to evolution and creationism

    Since Evolution only starts after something exists, then how that something came to exist has nothing to do with evolution. Be it Biogenesis, abiogenesis, Genomic, or Independent, it deals with ORIGINS, not with evolution. By the way, the Independent origin theory was originally proposed to...
  13. T

    Atheists: why the Christians?

    Lets see, all my neighbors are christian, all my political representatives are Christian, I do not really know any Buddhists, Muslims, Jainism, Hindi or believers in Thor, Zeus or RA, so, when I speak of religion, how am I going to personally relate to any other than the one I know best? But, if...
  14. T

    You can't have perfect knowledge through science

    1-we invent machines to improve our senses 2-we correct our mistakes 3 -we are real, lol, Gods are the illusion 4-if we cheat we get caught and corrected. Truth is an INTERPRETATION of facts and is usually (almost always when it is a religious interpretation) WRONG. I will stick with facts and...
  15. T

    Can anyone tell me who Jesus really was?

    Since there is no real and valid evidence to support the existence of the Biblical Jesus, then, no one can tell you what he was or if he even existed. It is amazing that we have REAL evidence that Pontius Pilate existed, but none that the biblical Jesus did. That does not mean he did not exist...
  16. T

    proof of GOD

    To me, this was a bunch of nonsense and a waste of time. Why in the world would I care what a former president of India believed, lol. Oh and anyone that thinks faith is what keeps things alive has a serious education problem. As a matter of fact, the ignorance expressed by the "student" in the...
  17. T

    What does "I believe in God" mean to you?

    I have faith in many things, things that evidence has shown me are likely or possible. I have faith that barking dogs bite, that it is dangerous to run red lights during rush hour. I have however, never said "I believe in any god or gods". I am an atheist, to make such a statement would be a...
  18. T

    Religion for Atheists

    Well, off hand I would say that Robert Wright is an idiot, nincompoop and that he is a very low level of reading comprehension. Any order in the universe is seen, look around. Good and bad are not supreme and in fact have no meaning to anyone except the individual using them. For a rapist it is...
  19. T

    Defining Atheism/Nontheism/Etc

    Atheism is the lack of a belief in any god or gods--that is its definition. polytheists believe in gods, therefore they cannot be atheists-diests believe in a god, they cannot be atheists, pantheists believe in a god or gods, they cannot be atheists. In short, only an atheist is an atheist. The...