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Search results

  1. M

    Am I a Muslim?

    You sure do sound like one! XD
  2. M

    Why do we believe in the trinity?

    No idea but meh, who cares, I like the idea of the trinity and think it shows the multiple natures of God well so why change it? X
  3. M

    Scholar Karen King finds ancient reference to 'Jesus wife'

    But doesn't it say somewhere about st peter being the rock on which he builds his church, he could be referring to the church that he's planned for? x
  4. M

    Scholar Karen King finds ancient reference to 'Jesus wife'

    That piece of papryus doesn't finish it's sentence though, it doesn't name a woman, for all we know it could say my wife the church x
  5. M

    How is Jesus held in Judaism?

    Yep, they call him Isa though and they deny his crucifixion, they say God lifted him up to the heavens on his deathbed x
  6. M

    How is Jesus held in Judaism?

    I know that in Islam he's a prophet and I know how us Christians think of him but I don't know how he's held in Judaism, is he a prophet or something? X
  7. M

    My synagogue made it into the BBC News.

    Get you! :) x
  8. M

    Hello I am new here and I am part gypsy

    Aren't most gypsies Roman Catholics anyway? If not what religion is your dad? X
  9. M

    I have no idea who you are but I picked a name at random et voila! X

    I have no idea who you are but I picked a name at random et voila! X
  10. M

    Monoreligious Christians only: Evolution: acceptance or denial?

    Whooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Darwin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
  11. M

    Name"Allah" in Bible?

    Umm, no, if your referring to a female deity you say Goddess and if your referring to a male deity you say God x
  12. M

    Name"Allah" in Bible?

    If your speaking in Arabic Allah means God, I think it could be any God but I'm guessing it's referring to Jehovah x
  13. M

    Christianity in comparison to the Ancient Egyptian Religion/Mythology?

    Well a lot of christian practices and ceremonies come from all sorts of paganism, Christmas is in December because in Roman times a big festival called saturnalia was held in honour of the roman God Saturn around thenish and Christmas was put at that date to stop people celebrating saturnalia...
  14. M

    palm readers

    Hiyah, just wondering, do you have any good diagrams of like bog standard, bare minimum, beginners hand so I know which lines which, some info on what the lines indicate and whether it's good or bad stuff on someone's hand, also, you said that your a gypsy and I was watching big fat gypsy...
  15. M

    What do you associate with the word "Pagan" ?

    A religion that requires worship of a multitude of God's/Goddess's x
  16. M

    Ask Kemetics/Egyptian faithed persons any question

    When I Wikipediaded(whatever) it, it said there was but no ones really said what it involves x
  17. M

    In or out of the broom closet?

    I'm completely in at the mo, tomorrow I might bring it up to friends...
  18. M

    How do you get into the heathen afterlife?

    I know that the Vikings etc had to like die in battle or with a sword in their hand but how do modern heathens get into their afterlife? X
  19. M

    Blood Sacrifice

    Ooh, feel a bit queasy... :s, don't like people mentioning the circulatory system, especially when it involves cutting yourself... x
  20. M

    I just had my dogs spayed, and I'm wondering if I've offended the gods/am a horrible person.

    You shouldn't feel guilty, you had good intentions and your dogs aren't trying to kill you or anything, you've sorted out a possible problem as well so I don't think your in trouble x