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Search results

  1. N

    A theory of creation from ancient texts

    That was just my tongue in cheek way of saying there are more accurate & recent studies. I find no fault with people that study and follow the bible...just don't try to convince science and reasonable people that it is fact. I know of religious people that admit that it is merely an allegory...
  2. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    Everybody is so serious on these threads. I'm sure you will all be able to answer all the questions of the universe before you're done.....good luck!
  3. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    I sense you may be right.
  4. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    Damn... I gotta get a soul. Then I can get rid of my smoke/CO2 detector alarm.
  5. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    So when I had my colonoscopy exam and I was rendered unconscious for a while did my soul leave and go for a short trip. I can believe it ...he probably said damn it's good to get outta there for a while. The guy is such an assh**le!
  6. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    I like Descartes' definition: "I think I've been slapped on the butt, therefore I am....mad!"
  7. N

    A theory of creation from ancient texts

    I find i I find it odd that some people would rather look to fictional books written thousands of years ago when they could pick up something more recent....like Darwin.
  8. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    So when the doctor(or midwife, take your pick) pulls out the little runt and slaps it on the butt and it yells out like a mad hyena is he/she aware of their surroundings? Hmmmm.
  9. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    I like Cruise's answer in Collateral: " I didn't kill him. The bullet and the fall killed him."
  10. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    Without the bullet there is probably no hole.
  11. N

    Has man stopped evolving?

    I'm there already.....waiting for the rest of you.
  12. N

    Which evolved first, consciousness or senses

    "It's not the bullet that kills you........ It's the hole". -Laurie Anderson - It probably wasn't the hole either......probably the loss of blood.
  13. N

    Has man stopped evolving?

    Only the ones that believe in old fairy tale books have stopped evolving. The rest of us are evolving just fine.
  14. N

    "How Did All Those Animals Fit on the Ark?"

    The ark story is true but we all have to think of it as an allegory. There actually was a zombie apocalypse and Noah and his family had to build an ark to protect themselves. The ark is also an allegory as it was more of a fort. He called it Fort Ark or F.Ark for short. When the zombies...
  15. N

    "How Did All Those Animals Fit on the Ark?"

    Now you see...God is stupid! Why would he go through this unlikely scenario of flooding all the world (I don't know where he got all the extra water to raise the level about a mile or so) and having an old guy and his family that had never built a boat before of any size let alone with all those...
  16. N

    "How Did All Those Animals Fit on the Ark?"

    It feels that way reading some of these threads.
  17. N

    "Lack of belief"

    Reminds me of a script for Professor Irwin Corey......I could never stop laughing when he came on.....
  18. N

    Evolutionist contradict themselves and debunked-Story of Creation is Biblical Fact

    Agree....The reason religions appeal to so many is because it gives them some hope for an after life. It makes people feel better if they think that they will meet their spouses or children or friends in an after life. I'm an atheist and even I would have liked to believe that I would enter some...