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a question for those who still support bush


Well-Known Member
michel said:
I can understand that; I feel the same. I am afraid that once we leave, there will be a civil war, which will no doubt end in mass killings.:(
Sometimes I wonder if we should have just made a couple seperate countries while we were at it. I'm sure the Kurds would have appreciated it.


Well-Known Member
lilithu said:
You guys!! Arrgh!! :banghead3 How is it that even Bush's critics buy into his revisionist history! The initial reason given for going to war against Iraq had nothing to do with doing the right thing. The initial reason was all about self-preservation. A preemptive strike against them before they can get us. The Bush administration did not start talking about "doing the right thing" until after we got in there and couldn't find WMAs.
Quote from President Bush's speech to the United Nations - September 12, 2002

"The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people, who have suffered for too long in silent captivity. Liberty for the Iraqi people is a great moral cause and a great strategic goal. The people of Iraq deserve it and the security of all nations requires it. Free societies do not intimidate through cruelty and conquest and open societies do not threaten the world with mass murder. The United States supports political and economic liberty in a unified Iraq."

"If we fail to act in the face of danger, the people of Iraq will continue to live in brutal submission. The regime will have new power to bully, dominate and conquer its neighbors, condemning the Middle East to more years of bloodshed and fear. The region will remain unstable, with little hope of freedom and isolated from the progress of our times. With every step the Iraqi regime takes toward gaining and deploying the most terrible weapons, our own options to confront that regime will narrow. And if an emboldened regime were to supply these weapons to terrorist allies, then the attacks of September 11th would be a prelude to far greater horrors.

If we meet our responsibilities, if we overcome this danger, we can arrive at a very different future. The people of Iraq can shake off their captivity. They can one day join a democratic Afghanistan and a democratic Palestine, inspiring reforms throughout the Muslim world. These nations can show by their example that honest government, and respect for women, and the great Islamic tradition of learning can triumph in the Middle East and beyond. And we will show that the promise of the United Nations can be fulfilled in our time.

Neither of these outcomes is certain. Both have been set before us. We must choose between a world of fear and a world of progress. We cannot stand by and do nothing while dangers gather. We must stand up for our security, and for the permanent rights and hopes of mankind. By heritage and by choice, the United States of America will make that stand. Delegates to the United Nations, you have the power to make that stand as well. "
From the annoucement that we were going to war:

My fellow citizens, at this hour American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
I agree that WMD was a major reason for us going into Iraq, but it is misleading to state that the administration didn't care or start talking about the liberty of the people there until they couldn't find the weapons.


Veteran Member
michel said:
I can understand that; I feel the same. I am afraid that once we leave, there will be a civil war, which will no doubt end in mass killings.:(
Ah the "rapture" this is the only thing that gives me peace.

We will be changed in a twinkling of an eye, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Look at 1 Corinthians 15: 52

"And he that liveth in righteousness shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and the earth shall pass away so as by fire."

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Doctrine and Covenants 63: 51

Suicide bombers seem to take this scripture to a whole new level and change THEMSELVES in a twinkling of an eye. The difference is they are not caught up to be with the Lord.


Veteran Member
We are definitely leaving before it all goes bad.

George Washington was the first religious, God fearing, praying President and George Bush may be the last.


Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
Ah the "rapture" this is the only thing that gives me peace.

We will be changed in a twinkling of an eye, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Look at 1 Corinthians 15: 52

"And he that liveth in righteousness shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and the earth shall pass away so as by fire."

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Doctrine and Covenants 63: 51

Suicide bombers seem to take this scripture to a whole new level and change THEMSELVES in a twinkling of an eye. The difference is they are not caught up to be with the Lord.
What does this have to do with President Bush? I don't think anyone is going to be "twinkled" any time soon... unless you know something that we don't know.


Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
We are definitely leaving before it all goes bad.

George Washington was the first religious, God fearing, praying President and George Bush may be the last.
:biglaugh:Are you serious?


Veteran Member
Let's all stone Bush cause he's so evil and we are so perfect and without sin. (said with much sarcasm)

Keep casting stones at Bush and a boulder may or will drop on your head.

Someone needs to defend this country from terrorists.


To Save A Lamb
:biglaugh:Are you serious?
Of course he is, that´s why he made sure the United States was a theocracy and made sure all of our laws followed the ones from the Bible exactly.

Er. Nevermind we call it a democracy and allow religious freedom...


Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
Let's all stone Bush cause he's so evil and we are so perfect and without sin. (said with much sarcasm)

Keep casting stones at Bush and a boulder may or will drop on your head.

Someone needs to defend this country from terrorists.
I'm not saying that Bush is evil, but I think that if you're expecting to be twikled any time soon that you're, how do I say this, overly optimistic. Somehow this optimism is intermingled with a certain amount of pessimism at the same time. Bush is not the last praying president we'll have.


To Save A Lamb
Let's all stone Bush cause he's so evil and we are so perfect and without sin. (said with much sarcasm)

Keep casting stones at Bush and a boulder may or will drop on your head.
Well, at least I don´t have to worry about the karma return on killing thousands of troops and tens of thousands of civilians for lies.



Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
We are definitely leaving before it all goes bad.

George Washington was the first religious, God fearing, praying President and George Bush may be the last.
Actually, last election I was thinking that George Bush didn't just want to be president--that he in fact wants to be The Last President. He wants to be the one standing out in a post-apocalyptic desert, wearing a hockey mask, and leather, all buff and mutated--yelling at the last peace-loving hippy compound, "Give us the oil and we'll let you live!".

(Gotta love "The Road Warrior")


Veteran Member
jonny said:
:biglaugh:Are you serious?
Yes I am totally serious. Lauch all you want. Thank God Bush still has plenty of time left in his term....I can only hope and pray that the next President does as good a job at protecting the country as he has done.

Bush prays in the White House every day for this country and it's safety....

We need a praying president in the White House.....

These are the "last days" and it is nothing to joke about. This is a time of spirtual warfare as well as a timre of physical warefare..

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6: 12

We need a President not just wages physical war but who also wages spiritual war against the evils of this world. HE IS VERY SERIOUS ABOUT PRAYER IN THE WHITEHOUSE, do the research.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
Faint said:
As Lilithu already pointed out, this is flawed logic. Correlation does not imply causation. I guess you didn't understand my joke about Godzilla.
flawed logic, logic shmogic. i couldn't care less how "false" it is, there hasn't been any attacks on our soil since 9/11, since Bush beefed up security. why do you fail to realize this?


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt that he prays in the white house and I believe it is good for the country. What I don't believe is that he will be the last president to do so.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
Yes I am totally serious. Lauch all you want. Thank God Bush still has plenty of time left in his term....I can only hope and pray that the next President does as good a job at protecting the country as he has done.

Bush prays in the White House every day for this country and it's safety....

We need a praying president in the White House.....

These are the "last days" and it is nothing to joke about. This is a time of spirtual warfare as well as a timre of physical warefare..

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6: 12

We need a President not just wages physical war but who also wages spiritual war against the evils of this world. HE IS VERY SERIOUS ABOUT PRAYER IN THE WHITEHOUSE, do the research.
at least someone see's the truth that bush is doing well to protect this country.


Well-Known Member
Fat Kat Matt said:
at least someone see's the truth that bush is doing well to protect this country.
That's similar to what Anakin said about Senator Palpatine. And we all know how that went down.


Veteran Member
jonny said:
I don't doubt that he prays in the white house and I believe it is good for the country. What I don't believe is that he will be the last president to do so.
Lets hope not, but he is in the minority right now. The majority of America apparently does not care about physical or spiritual warfare. If the next President lets up on the fight agains terrorism then guess what??????? THE TERRORISTS WILL TAKE OVER THIS NATION SOONER OR LATER. It is just a matter of time.


I am not a fanatical christian either.

I am a realist.

I hope there are many more years of terrorist free attacks on the Untited States but the Holy Ghost whispers to me otherwise. I believe, as does Michel, that we will be gone before the world all goes bad and the United States is ruled by another power. Civil unrest will set us up for an outside nation to take over. We will be ruled by another nation sooner or later if we do not unite as a nation and fight against terrorism.



This could be years in the future, I am well aware of this.

I am sure it could aso be not too far distant in the future, and I await the Second Coming, as do many others of many varied religions.


Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
These are the "last days" and it is nothing to joke about. This is a time of spirtual warfare as well as a timre of physical warefare..
Hold on...why are these the last days? And on exactly which date will the world end? (I need specifics so I can max out my credit cards and go out in style)


Veteran Member
Faint said:
Actually, last election I was thinking that George Bush didn't just want to be president--that he in fact wants to be The Last President. He wants to be the one standing out in a post-apocalyptic desert, wearing a hockey mask, and leather, all buff and mutated--yelling at the last peace-loving hippy compound, "Give us the oil and we'll let you live!".

(Gotta love "The Road Warrior")
I needed a laugh,
thanks Faint. :biglaugh: :jiggy: :)