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Acts of violence in the name of the Baha’i Faith


Veteran Member
lol ... Where did you get this information?

After that, and my best attempt at answering already done, I guess I have nothing else to say.

"6. By the Vedic Aryans the cow is prized above all other animals and regarded with special veneration.

Among the Indus people the cow is of no particular account, its place with them being taken by the bull, the popularity of whose cult is attested by the numerous figurines and other representations of this animal."
Is Indus Valley Civilization Dravidian

Indian Dalits Convert to Buddhism as a Political Protest - The Atlantic

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Active Member
Funny that after all those quotes about violence in Baha'ism, Baha'is still claim their beliefs are peaceful. I was going to post some more quotes but decided to start a new thread on Baha'is and Science. Any one interested can join the discussion here:
Baha'i faith and science


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think that life will do fine without this so-called knowledge of God.

Thats ok and time will tell.

I see life is short and it has purpose/reason or no purpose/reason. We have that choice to make. To me this world is light or dark. It is an existance of extremes from a positive to the negative.

Regards Tony


Premium Member
Funny that after all those quotes about violence in Baha'ism, Baha'is still claim their beliefs are peaceful. I was going to post some more quotes but decided to start a new thread on Baha'is and Science. Any one interested can join the discussion here:
Baha'i faith and science
You biased vindictive view of the Baha'i Faith Faith is abundantly clear, by your record of selectively citing Baha'i writting to justify your personal agenda.


Active Member
You biased vindictive view of the Baha'i Faith Faith is abundantly clear, by your record of selectively citing Baha'i writting to justify your personal agenda.

Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course. You should be thanking me for putting up those quotes and showing the real face of Baha'ism.


Premium Member
Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course. You should be thanking me for putting up those quotes and showing the real face of Baha'ism.

Not true.When you made selective citations concerning the vegetarian diet I made more complete citation reflected the more complete belief in the Baha'i Faith. This has happened before on topics, and you were brought to task concerning your selective acride bias against the Baha'i Faith.

The reality is the Baha'i writings do not make a dogmatic law concerning what must be eaten and not eaten, The diet is that the present omnivore diet is OK, and a natural diet for humans. Like all things the Baha'i Faith teaches that human diet will natural evolve to a vegetarian diet.


Active Member
Not true.When you made selective citations concerning the vegetarian diet I made more complete citation reflected the more complete belief in the Baha'i Faith. This has happened before on topics, and you were brought to task concerning your selective acride bias against the Baha'i Faith.

The reality is the Baha'i writings do not make a dogmatic law concerning what must be eaten and not eaten, The diet is that the present omnivore diet is OK, and a natural diet for humans. Like all things the Baha'i Faith teaches that human diet will natural evolve to a vegetarian diet.

Vegetarianism means you consume no meat. I put up a quote from Baha'u'llah that specifically states meat should not be shunned, meaning you should also eat meat. Thus, Baha'ism in no manner condones vegetarianism no matter how you try to interpret it. You see, you are the one's with the Bias making unfunded claims about Baha'ism being in favor of vegetarianism when in fact Baha'u'llah is against it and insists meat must be consumed.


Premium Member
Vegetarianism means you consume no meat. I put up a quote from Baha'u'llah that specifically states meat should not be shunned, meaning you should also eat meat. Thus, Baha'ism in no manner condones vegetarianism no matter how you try to interpret it. You see, you are the one's with the Bias making unfunded claims about Baha'ism being in favor of vegetarianism when in fact Baha'u'llah is against it and insists meat must be consumed.

My quotes are clear and specific concerning the teachings of the Baha'i Faith, and yes eating meat should not be shunned. The Baha'i teaching are that humanity spiritually and physically evolve and eventually the vegetarian diet will be the diet of the future not by mandate, but by choice.

I gave the quotes from the Baha'i Faith and you selectively refuse to acknowledge them.


Active Member
My quotes are clear and specific concerning the teachings of the Baha'i Faith, and yes eating meat should not be shunned. The Baha'i teaching are that humanity spiritually and physically evolve and eventually the vegetarian diet will be the diet of the future not by mandate, but by choice.

I gave the quotes from the Baha'i Faith and you selectively refuse to acknowledge them.

If Baha'ullah was in favor of vegetarianism he wouldn't order people to eat meat. I can't believe you can't grasp this simple statement.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If Baha'ullah was in favor of vegetarianism he wouldn't order people to eat meat. I can't believe you can't grasp this simple statement.

That is why Baha'u'llah gave a Covenant and appointed his son Abdul'baha as an interpreter of the Word of God. Abdul'baha knew the full intent of Gods Word and thus gave a fuller explanation.

Thus we know we do not have to shun meat, but over time when we realise that animals should be cared for and not eaten, we will choose not to eat meat.

Just as I have done with red meat. Have not eaten in since 2014.

There can be no contradiction as the Covernant allows Abdul'baha to explain further.

Peace be with all.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
You biased vindictive view of the Baha'i Faith Faith is abundantly clear, by your record of selectively citing Baha'i writting to justify your personal agenda.

Whoa there! I don't know that member at all, but surely that is unfair, because Bahais have a record of selectively citing Bahai writing to justify their claims? If the Bahai writings were genuine then surely you must answer the member's points?
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Active Member
That is why Baha'u'llah gave a Covenant and appointed his son Abdul'baha as an interpreter of the Word of God. Abdul'baha knew the full intent of Gods Word and thus gave a fuller explanation.

Thus we know we do not have to shun meat, but over time when we realise that animals should be cared for and not eaten, we will choose not to eat meat.

Just as I have done with red meat. Have not eaten in since 2014.

There can be no contradiction as the Covernant allows Abdul'baha to explain further.

Peace be with all.

What you mean to tell me is this:

According to Abdu'l-Baha, when Baha'u'llah states you should eat meat, he really means you shouldn't eat meat.

Unfortunately, I suffer from an acute form of dumbness and irrationality, and I will never understand how the above statement even makes sense. have it your way.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What you mean to tell me is this:

According to Abdu'l-Baha, when Baha'u'llah states you should eat meat, he really means you shouldn't eat meat.

Unfortunately, I suffer from an acute form of dumbness and irrationality, and I will never understand how the above statement even makes sense. have it your way.

Lets look at the passage;

"Say: O concourse of priests and monks! Eat ye of that which God hath made lawful unto you and do not shun meat. God hath, as a token of His grace, granted you leave to partake thereof save during a brief period. He, verily, is the Mighty, the Beneficent. Forsake all that ye possess and hold fast unto that which God hath purposed. This is that which profiteth you, if ye be of them that comprehend."

(Summons of the Lord of Hosts, Súriy-i-Haykal, no. 154)

Abdul'baha has given interpretation of the 'brief period' as a time when a united humanity will give up meat of their own free will and not because it is a Lawful requirement.

This is another bounty from God for us to choose to do the right thing and not be forced by a Law to do it.

Regards Tony


Active Member
Lets look at the passage;

"Say: O concourse of priests and monks! Eat ye of that which God hath made lawful unto you and do not shun meat. God hath, as a token of His grace, granted you leave to partake thereof save during a brief period. He, verily, is the Mighty, the Beneficent. Forsake all that ye possess and hold fast unto that which God hath purposed. This is that which profiteth you, if ye be of them that comprehend."

(Summons of the Lord of Hosts, Súriy-i-Haykal, no. 154)

Abdul'baha has given interpretation of the 'brief period' as a time when a united humanity will give up meat of their own free will and not because it is a Lawful requirement.

This is another bounty from God for us to choose to do the right thing and not be forced by a Law to do it.

Regards Tony

So you are telling me that according to Abdu'l-Baha when Baha'u'llah states that only for a brief period of time people should abstain from eating meat, "brief period" means "a very long period" starting from a certain time in the future to eternity.

As I already told you I suffer from an acute form of dumbness and irrationality, and I will never understand how the above statement makes sense.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Does anyone know of any documented acts of violence in the name of the Baha’i Faith, in the last 100 years?

Is there anything in Baha'i faith that might be used to justify violence? I think there are obvious ideas use to justify war and violence in the Abrahamic faiths. How does the Baha'i faith view these earlier religions?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course. You should be thanking me for putting up those quotes and showing the real face of Baha'ism.

Fair enough......
When Bahais criticise folks for accurately citing Bahai writings, and can only throw personal insults etc, you know you've got them on the ropes.