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An Issue Of Valuing The Lives Of Others


Well-Known Member
In the news, our leaders express concern for Israelis
killed & kidnapped, but are largely silent regarding
the far greater number of Palestinians killed by
Israel's massive bombing campaign, & embargo
on water, energy, & freedom to move...killing &
maiming thousands of non-combatants whose
only crime is being where Israel keeps them.

In USA there are sanctions imposed on people
who show support for Palestinians. Israel's
sway over Christians is creating a deadly new

We should not tolerate the evil of state terrorism,
even when committed by a nominal ally. USA's
voters & leaders must reckon with their subversion
of their own values.

This post is about general trends in groups,
not about every single individual, who might
differ from their tribe.
Hamas commits an atrocity, provokes a guaranteed response knowing full well that their own civilians will suffer terribly while they hide behind them, in caves, under hospitals etc.

Hamas counts on backward people to point to the response as justification for the atrocity!

The Israelis warned them to get out, gave them time to get out, identified the initial buildings targeted! Tragically Palestinians are also hostages of their own leadership!

I would say stop electing terrorist to represent you and give up the delusion of killing all the Jews!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hamas commits an atrocity, provokes a guaranteed response knowing full well that their own civilians will suffer terribly while they hide behind them, in caves, under hospitals etc.

Hamas counts on backward people to point to the response as justification for the atrocity.

The Israelis warned them to get out, gave them time to get out, identified the initial buildings targeted! Tragically Palestinians are also hostages of their own leadership!

I would say stop electing terrorist to represent you and give up the delusion of killing all the Jews!
I've already responded to such.
Just read the thread.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hamas commits an atrocity, provokes a guaranteed response knowing full well that their own civilians will suffer terribly while they hide behind them, in caves, under hospitals etc.

Hamas counts on backward people to point to the response as justification for the atrocity.

The Israelis warned them to get out, gave them time to get out, identified the initial buildings targeted! Tragically Palestinians are also hostages of their own leadership!

I would say stop electing terrorist to represent you and give up the delusion of killing all the Jews!
I've already responded to such propaganda.
Just read the thread.


I'm a planet


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Latest news: UN passes truce resolution:

Pakistan is the voice of reason, while many
western countries, eg, UK, Canuckistan are
still silent on Israeli terrorism.
The message seems to be....
"We lament the loss of life, even including
Palestinians. But their deaths are necessary."


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
This is very interesting. Survey research on what Palestinians think of Hamas:

From your source:
Leadership style is not the only thing Gazans find objectionable about Hamas. By and large, Gazans do not share Hamas’s goal of eliminating the state of Israel. When presented with three possible solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (as well as an option to choose “other”), the majority of survey respondents (54 percent) favored the two-state solution outlined in the 1993 Oslo accords. In this scenario, the state of Palestine would sit alongside the state of Israel, their borders based on the de facto boundary that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War. The level of support for this resolution has not changed much since 2021; in that survey, 58 percent of respondents in Gaza selected the two-state solution.
I am really happy they thought to bring up this topic because I posted a similar question earlier this week. A lot of what this article talks about seems to align with my hunches.
In the immediate term, Israeli and especially U.S. leaders need to secure the safety of Gazan civilians, 1.4 million of whom have already been displaced. The United States should partner with the United Nations to create clear humanitarian corridors and protected zones, and Washington should contribute to the UN’s appeal for $300 million in aid to protect Palestinian civilians—a step dozens of U.S. senators have said they will support. Finally, Israel and the United States must recognize that the Palestinian people are essential partners in finding a lasting political settlement, not an obstacle in the way of that worthy goal. If the two countries seek only military solutions, they will likely drive Gazans into the arms of Hamas, guaranteeing renewed violence in the years ahead.
Exactly, I couldn't have said it better myself.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Israel plans to increase the civilian Palestinian
death & injury toll...over 7,000 & 17,000.

And western leaders cheer Israel on.
"Israel has a right to self defense" is essentially
a license to wipe out any Muslims in their way.
But they're just "human animals", so no worries.
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I'm a planet
Another interesting piece of information that answers the question that has been asked by a poster in this thread: "With all the aid they get, why haven't Palestinians built any infrastructure or otherwise developed Gaza?" Aside from the fact that Israel has blockaded Gaza by land, sea, and air, there's this:



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Another interesting piece of information that answers the question that has been asked by a poster in this thread: "With all the aid they get, why haven't Palestinians built any infrastructure or otherwise developed Gaza?" Aside from the fact that Israel has blockaded Gaza by land, sea, and air, there's this:

Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday.
Yes… it would appear to be true and not the best decision either.

Looking at the “why”…. and looking at the other excerpt:

"We will not harm the supply of food for children, medicine for those who need it and fuel for institutions that save lives," Olmert said at the time.

"But there is no justification for demanding we allow residents of Gaza to live normal lives while shells and rockets are fired from their streets and courtyards (at southern Israel)," he added. Because it … "is run by the Islamist Hamas group,"

Of course: "Israel says it has significantly relaxed the blockade since May, with dozens of truckloads of goods entering the territory daily. Aid organizations have said shipments should be increased further"

Contrast that with the rockets that are constantly flying over to Israel because the want to exterminate all Jews (innocent ones too). :)


I'm a planet
Yes… it would appear to be true and not the best decision either.

Looking at the “why”…. and looking at the other excerpt:

"We will not harm the supply of food for children, medicine for those who need it and fuel for institutions that save lives," Olmert said at the time.

"But there is no justification for demanding we allow residents of Gaza to live normal lives while shells and rockets are fired from their streets and courtyards (at southern Israel)," he added. Because it … "is run by the Islamist Hamas group,"

Of course: "Israel says it has significantly relaxed the blockade since May, with dozens of truckloads of goods entering the territory daily. Aid organizations have said shipments should be increased further"

Contrast that with the rockets that are constantly flying over to Israel because the want to exterminate all Jews (innocent ones too). :)
Can you see any cause and effect here?


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Yes… it would appear to be true and not the best decision either.

Looking at the “why”…. and looking at the other excerpt:

"We will not harm the supply of food for children, medicine for those who need it and fuel for institutions that save lives," Olmert said at the time.

"But there is no justification for demanding we allow residents of Gaza to live normal lives while shells and rockets are fired from their streets and courtyards (at southern Israel)," he added. Because it … "is run by the Islamist Hamas group,"

Of course: "Israel says it has significantly relaxed the blockade since May, with dozens of truckloads of goods entering the territory daily. Aid organizations have said shipments should be increased further"

Contrast that with the rockets that are constantly flying over to Israel because the want to exterminate all Jews (innocent ones too). :)
"Yes, we give them no chance to have any economic freedom, and sure people will starve because of it. But that doesn't give them the right to fight back!"


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"But there is no justification for demanding we allow residents of Gaza to live normal lives while shells and rockets are fired from their streets and courtyards (at southern Israel)," he added. Because it … "is run by the Islamist Hamas group,"
Strawman propaganda to justify killing
innocent Palestinians wholesale.
Once again, Israel shows that Christians
& Jews tend to not value Muslim lives.
The politics of Israel has sapped their
humanity & morals.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Strawman propaganda to justify killing
innocent Palestinians wholesale.
Once again, Israel shows that Christians
& Jews tend to not value Muslim lives.
The politics of Israel has sapped their
humanity & morals.
Notice again how I address both sides but all you see is one side. Very lob-sided and magnifying the reality of what I see as bias. As if you justify the murder of Jewish children and innocent parents/grandparents.

FYI, Christians love Muslims too! Jesus died for them as much as he died for you and me (in context of my signature)

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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Many say that.
Many behave otherwise.
They support the slaughter by Israel.
Do you approve of what Israel is doing?
I never approve of the loss of life. I approve of removing the hindrance of peace… Hamas - which means violence inHebrew

But I also realise #141


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I would agree that "entirely responsible" (italicizing mine) would be an inaccurate statement, but who has made that statement in this thread? I searched the thread for that exact wording and found nothing.
Who made the statement? The Harvard student groups linked to in the OP.