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An Issue Of Valuing The Lives Of Others


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'll clarify.
Israel is 100% responsible for the conditions imposed
upon Palestinians. And the inexorable result is revolt.
The desperate & powerless will use what tools they have,
eg, terrorism, sabotage, resistance. Thus Israel is 100%
responsible for circumstances that led to Hamas's s attack.

This is very much like USA being responsible for circumstances
leading to 9/11, ie, by running roughshod over Muslims.

If a country accepts early on that it will be responsible
for inevitable results of acting badly, then it just might
decide to avoid terrible consequences.
Wow. I always thought you were one for personal responsibility. Guess I was wrong.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Wow. I always thought you were one for personal responsibility. Guess I was wrong.
I mean... when you don't have food or medical supplies, and live under perpetual oppression like the civilians in Palestine, it is much easier to understand why certain choices are made.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Some questions that I wish I knew the answers for.
These answers are my personal opinion exclusively. Not the absolute truth. _)
1. Why exactly are the residents of Gaza overall so young?
Because they make many children.
The population doubled there, lately.
2. Where are their parents? Are they mostly dead? Living outside of Gaza? Some combination of both?
They are with them. They just make many children, so Gazan adults are fewer.
3. Which sort of family structures and arrangements are predominant in Gaza? Which efforts, if any, exist there to change or improve those?
It depends, I don't know.
If they make many children to create a very functional, productive, joyful society where all live in harmony with the state of Israel, good.
If they make many children because they need soldiers to destroy the state of Israel...well...
what should I say? It's self-evident what I think.
4. How often and under which conditions were them allowed, expected or encouraged to leave Gaza (temporarily or otherwise) before the October attacks?
Palestinian territories are supposed to be a state.
They were never encouraged to leave, as far as I know.
6. What would a representative sample of the thought of everyday Gaza residents be like, regarding their current and desired situations on family, political representation, nationality, personal freedoms, economic perspectives, education and work opportunities?
It depends.
Do they use the enormous funding from the EU and the UN to invest money to create social services, businesses, small enterprises?
Or do they use that money to dig tunnels and buy rockets?



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Then why do you not hold the country of Palestine for the consequences of their behavior?
You're mistaken in several ways.
"Palestine" is hardly a functioning country.
it's an open air prison, with Israel as the brutal jailer.
Israel has intentionally kept Palestinians poor, abused,
& short lived. Hamas & its violent ways wouldn't arise
if if Israel didn't perpetrate such evil over many decades.
Both sides are responsible for their actions. But only
Israel is responsible for creating the conditions that
create war. It consciously chooses to wield its great
power (using USA as minion) to this end.
Frankly, I’m not surprised you don’t show what you just said.
What does that mean in English?

I suppose I should ask you why you approve of Israel's
continued brutalization of Palestinians, & now of their
murdering over 7,000, & injuring over 17,000...with the
carnage set to increase as food, fuel, & water run out.

But I know this it's a fundamental religious belief to
support God's Chosen People, no matter what human
rights they violate...because Muslims are beneath them.

Don't be evil by defending evil.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I have been observing a particular kind of Westerners who are not able to empathize with the victims of terrorism.
They couldn't care less.
Here and beyond the ocean.

The West has done anything to appease fundamentalists. It was useless.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I have been observing a particular kind of Westerners who are not able to empathize with the victims of terrorism.
It's not limited to westerners, eg, China, Middle East.
And there's also the refusal to even recognize the
existence of terrorism, especially state terrorism.
When someone sees a country as an ally, this refusal
arises, eg, Italians vis-a-vis Russia, USA vis-a-vis Israel.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
It's not limited to westerners, eg, China, Middle East.
And there's also the refusal to even recognize the
existence of terrorism, especially state terrorism.
When someone sees a country as an ally, this refusal
arises, eg, Italians vis-a-vis Russia, USA vis-a-vis Israel.

I remind you that Russia has never done anything against my country. When Putin visited, we have always rolled red carpets at him.
When he came, he was received in Villa Madama with all the ministers. It seldom happens.

That said, real terrorists are those who hate Europeans, who want to besiege it to impose their religion on us.
I am sorry, we are not interested. We are Christians. Even atheists consider themselves Christians, culturally.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I remind you that Russia has never done anything against my country.
Oh, so all that matters is how Italy fares, eh.
When Putin visited, we have always rolled red carpets at him.
When he came, he was received in Villa Madama with all the ministers. It seldom happens.
First Hitler, & now Putin.
Italy shows its true colors by the leaders it fetes.
That said, real terrorists are those who hate Europeans, who want to besiege it to impose their religion on us.
Terrorism is the use of threat & violence to
coerce behavior of others. The term applies
regardless of country or religion.
Even atheists consider themselves Christians, culturally.
You never fail to amuse.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Terrorism is the use of threat & violence to
coerce behavior of others. The term applies
regardless of country or religion.
I totally agree.
In fact I have never said that Christians are saints.
For instance the Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK. Christian Palestinian.

Big mistake.
RFK was an angel on Earth. Just because he supported Israel.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
So it goes with good Christians & Jews,
with their low regard for Muslims.
This vision considering the Abrahmitic religions as three monoliths is absolutely horrendous, because that's the basis of fundamentalism.

I have never seen my fellow Catholics as "monolith". I told you many times that I believe someone killed Pope John Paul the first, in the Vatican.
We are speaking of Roman Catholics, inside the Vatican.
I have never thought all Catholics are good.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
These answers are my personal opinion exclusively. Not the absolute truth. _)

Because they make many children.
The population doubled there, lately.

They are with them. They just make many children, so Gazan adults are fewer.

It depends, I don't know.
If they make many children to create a very functional, productive, joyful society where all live in harmony with the state of Israel, good.
If they make many children because they need soldiers to destroy the state of Israel...well...
what should I say? It's self-evident what I think.

Palestinian territories are supposed to be a state.
They were never encouraged to leave, as far as I know.

It depends.
Do they use the enormous funding from the EU and the UN to invest money to create social services, businesses, small enterprises?
Or do they use that money to dig tunnels and buy rockets?

Personally, I have a hard time trying to wrap my head on the notion that people even want to have any children while living under a failed community.

Nations and States I care none about. They are just bothersome political fictions, worth no respect whatsoever on their own. I wish I could hope to live to see the abandomnent of the very concepts. They create a whole lot more harm than good, always did.

In a way, Israel, Gaza and much of the Arab World are perfect displays of my reasons. The joined burdens of both Abrahamic and National mythologies does no good to anyone there.