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Atheists: WOW proof this Book is from God.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
No doubt.

Have you ever read any Tao apologists? I can't imagine where I would find that script. :)

By the defintion of "apologist" I'm using here (which is really just a nice way of saying professional dissembler) I haven't read any. By the more traditional definition I suppose Alan Watts would qualify.

And then there was the one time I was walking downtown and I passed by some Taoist evangelist standing on a corner screaming, "The Tao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao"!!

I said, "But I didn't say anything". :confused:

He said, " :) Right, you can go then".


By the defintion of "apologist" I'm using here (which is really just a nice way of saying professional dissembler) I haven't read any. By the more traditional definition I suppose Alan Watts would qualify.

And then there was the one time I was walking downtown and I passed by some Taoist evangelist standing on a corner screaming, "The Tao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao"!!

I said, "But I didn't say anything". :confused:

He said, " :) Right, you can go then".

LOS (laugh out silence)

I've listened to 9 or 10 hours of Alan Watts, the stuff I consumed never seemed like a defense, it was all explanatory. It is my understanding that I haven’t scratched the surface with Watts so I defer to your assessment, the mod that cannot be spoken. :bow:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
LOS (laugh out silence)

I've listened to 9 or 10 hours of Alan Watts, the stuff I consumed never seemed like a defense, it was all explanatory. It is my understanding that I haven’t scratched the surface with Watts so I defer to your assessment, the mod that cannot be spoken. :bow:

Other than a few brief refutations aimed at the assesments of some other scholars of eastern philosophy, you're right Watt's material is mostly explanitory (we're getting offtopic but hey, the OP hasn't acknowledged any of my on-topic posts in here...)


God is the King
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica] always chuckle when Muslims trot this passage out and say that it means the "Big Bang". To say that is creative thinking and stretching the truth is putting it mildly.[/FONT]
If your trying to restrict the meaning of the verse, then what do you have to say about the rest of the verse,
And we seperated them and made from
WATER every living thing? Qur"an 21,30
Now is this not in keeping with scientific facts?
that over 70% of the earth and living beings are
composed of water, who could of known this
in the 7th century?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
If your trying to restrict the meaning of the verse, then what do you have to say about the rest of the verse,
And we seperated them and made from
WATER every living thing? Qur"an 21,30
Now is this not in keeping with scientific facts?
that over 70% of the earth and living beings are
composed of water, who could of known this
in the 7th century?
Well, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I am on record as saying that Prophet Muhammed was indeed a great genius, but before you get too excited I also add that I firmly believe he was also quite insane, by "modern" standards. If you think about it, the combination of those two distinct elements makes for a very dangerous mix. My honest guess why anyone bothered to listen to his ramblings at all were simply because they were deeply afraid of him and as we all know, fear loves company.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Sorry not an easy task trying to respond to everyone,
but ill get to yours inshallah(if God wills).

"If God wills" LOL!

Apparently so far it's been "God's will" that you stall and hope that anyone who's points you can't refute will just get tired of waiting and go away.

How would you know if trying to respond to everyone is easy or not?

Sorry Amin, you only get to use the same excuse once in a thread before it becomes obvious that you're dissembeling, and you already used this dodge over a week ago when I pointed out that you weren't addressing any posts that you couldn't use to place yourself in the role of victim;

Sorry Amin, but this is just more propaganda. Only a handful of the people who've responded to your OP are atheists and at least a cpl of those went out of their way to post reasonable, well thought out responses in critique of your article.

None of which you ever even tried to address. When I pointed that out you said;

I love this forum but be kind i cant respond to all
allegations against me at once, but if you give me time
ill realy enjoy it.

Apparently not nearly as much as you enjoy dissembeling :yes: because you never did get to those, and of course, you never intended to.

Please carry on. You're sending a very clear message to anyone who's paying attention about the true nature of your faith (and I'm not talking about Islam as a whole, I'm just taking about your own personal approach to it), although I very much doubt it's the one you intended.


God is the King
"If God wills" LOL!
Thats RIGHT.
Sorry Amin, you only get to use the same excuse once in a thread before it becomes obvious that you're dissembeling, and you already used this dodge over a week ago;
It seems you don't believe me, perhaps its His Plan
not to allow me to respond, your not being understanding
its possible whenever i speak from MYSELF i may be wrong,
but being cheeky doesn't get us anywhere.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Thats RIGHT.

I doubt if you even believe this.

It seems you don't believe me, perhaps its His Plan
not to allow me to respond, your not being understanding
its possible whenever i speak from MYSELF i may be wrong,
but being cheeky doesn't get us anywhere.

Being deceptive isn't the best game plan either.


Admiral Obvious
:bow:Islam - The Modern Religion:bow:
Religion and the Scientist​
Do you think this is enough​
...seated side by side, two gentlemen from two different world...​
Religion and Scientist « Absolute Truth
Whats your thoughts?:angel2:​
It is nothing more than a blantant application of the Forer Effect to the verses.
They are merely taking a verse from the Koran and applying whatever the current scientific theory is.
This is easily done because the verses are so nonspecific that it can be claimed that ANY theory is what it was talking about.

It is not unlike the way that modern horoscopes are written.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It is nothing more than a blantant application of the Forer Effect to the verses.
They are merely taking a verse from the Koran and applying whatever the current scientific theory is.
This is easily done because the verses are so nonspecific that it can be claimed that ANY theory is what it was talking about.

It is not unlike the way that modern horoscopes are written.
Exactly. It would be far more impressive if a great scientific discovery was MADE from reading passages of the Qur'an, not the other way around. I partcularly loved an article that discussed how the theory of relativity was revealed in the Qur'an 1400 years before it was "discovered". It was a delightful example of projecting -- however it was quite obvious the writer of the article believed his own words with every fibre of his being.


God is the King
Exactly. It would be far more impressive if a great scientific discovery was MADE from reading passages of the Qur'an, not the other way around.
All I'm showing, and i know your aware of Ymir is verses which are consistent
with scientific discovers which an unlettered person to have known in the 7th century.


God is the King
Well, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I am on record as saying that Prophet Muhammed was indeed a great genius, but before you get too excited I also add that I firmly believe he was also quite insane, by "modern" standards. If you think about it, the combination of those two distinct elements makes for a very dangerous mix. My honest guess why anyone bothered to listen to his ramblings at all were simply because they were deeply afraid of him and as we all know, fear loves company.
As usual trying to get of main topic, your response didn't even come
near answering , or sharing with us you thought, instead you attacked
a man whom i LOVE by saying indirectly his insane and dangerous therefore
demonstrating your limited mentality, and not desiring reform or communication
but rather corruption, so id be happy if you didn't respond until your serious and respectful.


Admiral Obvious
As usual trying to get of main topic, your response didn't even come
near answering , or sharing with us you thought, instead you attacked
a man whom i LOVE by saying indirectly his insane and dangerous therefore
demonstrating your limited mentality, and not desiring reform or communication
but rather corruption, so id be happy if you didn't respond until your serious and respectful.
Interesting how you would judge his mentality based upon an opinion he has every right to have.
What makes you think he does not 'seriously' believe what he says he believes?
The only thing I can figure is that you are going to take anything that is said negatively about Mohamed as disrespect.

You will find that unless you are only going to preach to the choir, that there are those who not only see the negatives of Mohamed, but are not afraid to talk about them.


God is the King
This is easily done because the verses are so nonspecific that it can be claimed that ANY theory is what it was talking about..
I believe a lot of them are very clear, its only because you choose
not to accept them.
Does man think that we cannot
assemble his bones?
Nay, we are able to put together
in perfect order the very
tips of his fingers. Qur'an75,23.
In 1901, Henry was appointed as assistant commissioner
to Scotland yard and in that same year his system
introduced in England a revolution in the field of identification
and the greatest deterrent that ever confronted the criminal.

It is not unlike the way that modern horoscopes are written.
No the devils have presented horoscopes in place of the Destiny of God
and His All Knowingness which He reveals in His scripture and dreams and other


Well-Known Member
All I'm showing, and i know your aware of Ymir is verses which are consistent
with scientific discovers which an unlettered person to have known in the 7th century.

I think people in the 7th century were a little more intelligent than you give them credit for. Read any ancient cosmology and you will see that they believed that the heavens where the stars resided was much bigger than the sun or the moon or any other astronomical object.


God is the King
I think people in the 7th century were a little more intelligent than you give them credit for.
True a few things but not in detail eg
And we seperated them and made from
WATER every living thing? Qur"an 21,30

Now is this not in keeping with scientific facts?
that over 70% of the earth and living beings are
composed of water, who could of known this
in the 7th century?