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Ayran is synonymous with Sanskrit, and what all happened to the people who speak the Tamil language


Active Member
Aryan Migration Theory (AMT)
The Out of India theory (OIT)
The Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT)

I wish all these videos were spiritual only or about history situations. I was listening to this video often and finally interpret it - through google translate - awkward because wanted to share, because I love this style of music. To bad it's not about history or and spirituality.

Cengiz Özkan - Bir Ay Doğar İlk Akşamdan Geceden I Ah İstanbul © 2000 Kalan Müzik

I wish all these videos were spiritual only or about history situations. I was listening to this video often and finally interpret it - through google translate

Translation of poem

A moon rises from the first evening, from the night, what am I doing
What am I doing at night
The light hits the window from the chimney
The mountains are winter, my traveler is cold, how can I do it
Did you stay awake from yesterday's night, what am I doing at night

Wake up, wake up, lover, embrace me in your bosom
The mountains are winter, my traveler is cold, how can I do it
Wake up, wake up, lover, embrace me in your bosom
Mountains are forbidden, do not open my wound, I am miserable

You carried me over from the high mountain top, what am I doing, lover
You made me fall into endless troubles
The mountains are winter, my traveler is cold, how can I do it
Since your base heaven has become dense in me, what am I doing

Why did you stray me from the right path
The mountains are winter, my traveler is cold, I am miserable
Why did you stray from the right path me
Mountains are forbidden, I am miserable

It comes from below, not empty-handed, what am I, what am I, not empty
I will say, I will say, my heart is not nice
Mountains are winter, my passenger is cold, how can I do it
They gave one beautiful person to another, what am I, what am I,
they gave it

Head pillow is not equal to its own
Mountains are winter, my passenger is cold, how can I do it
Head pillow is not equal to its own
Mountains are forbidden, I am miserable
* * *

Director: Cengiz Özkan
Editing: Adnan Koç
Recording: Hasan Karakılıç
Studio: System
Mix: Hasan Karakılıç
Mastering: Cem Büyükuzun
Photographs: Ali İhtiyar

Beautiful song.

Language is our unifier.

Tell me your story, so that I can share it.

Thank you for sharing @River Sea
And to Google Translate!


Be your own guru
@Aupmanyav explains Aryan was Indo-Aryan (1,500 BCE) so no European yet.
The oldest Indo-European culture mentioned by Wikipedia is in Volga delta at Seroglazovo near Astrakhan (termed as Yamnaya region). They moved westward into Europe first (Sredny Stog), then northwards into Russia and later to Germany (Samara, Corded ware culture), and lastly eastward to Oxus (Andronovo, BMAC). Those who migrated East are known as Indo-Iranians and termed themselves as Aryans. The connection is there, but they never claimed to be European.

Don't stress your mind too much. Every mind has a limit. Accept Jhunjhunwala as your guru. Ask questions from him only. Let him spin his stories for you and others like you.
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River Sea

Well-Known Member
The timeline I am focused on is the following

(1) 3000 BCE and prior, specifically trade between Indian communinities and Ancient Egypt.
(2) 4.2ky event, and the movements of people around this time
(3) 1900 BCE when the migrations both into and out of, the Indus valley started

Any reference to dates later than this, example 1500 BCE or thereabouts, and any connection to the Exodus book of the Hebrew scriptures, I make zero comment on. I don't know about trade in ancient times, hence why I am also asking the questions.
4.2ky event, and the movements of people around this time. what happened at 4.2 ky


@Bharat Jhunjhunwala
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River Sea

Well-Known Member
I keep editing. Many updates due to edit.

Exodus means leave. @GoodAttention this happens at 4.2ky event. pick a date for exodus because exodus happened all the time, people look for survival reasons

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala

example of when Darwin would learn from 4.2ky event, and the movements of people around this time; his daughter exodus from earth, and that's what brought Darwin to learn about 4.2ky event. Darwin didn't just learn it, just to learn it. Darwin was in pain emotionally

found letters AMT means merging with Indians

Tamil language @GoodAttention @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

My question is: is there any perum in India that was also used to help water the land? Perum (Tamil) means Pyramid; however, it explains Burial Site, but why Burial? What about the Pyramids used to help water the land?

@GoodAttention perum is tamil word for pyramid

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala

letters for merge is AMT

that taken me a few days to find that, AMT.

all I did is learn the comprehension of dates chronical from others and put it down in a post. and I found AMT means merging

Sometimes @Bharat Jhunjhunwala uses the word invade, however, not as AIT. Because @Bharat Jhunjhunwala agrees with OIT only. However, I would see the word invade still with @Bharat Jhunjhunwala writing so I shown it to ask a question. I brought attention to that. and I asked a question: How did people greeted each other and then trade. Surely they didn't invade first. Because how invade and then trade? I asked what was the greeting culture? Because @Bharat Jhunjhunwala kept showing only trading only. So why invade and then trade? How does one do that? What about greeting people? How do people greet?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala how did people back when greeted each other?
@GoodAttention how did people back when greeted each other?

pick your dates @Bharat Jhunjhunwala @GoodAttention how did people back when greeted each other?

Example my confusion about how to greet people, how does trade happen when there's invading

How do people trade but first they greet each other, how, what was the custom of greet, it wasn't invading.

that was my question after I comprehended two people in their chronical and I was excited to find letters for merging which is AMT.

However @Bharat Jhunjhunwala doesn't have merging, but only trading, however as I quote from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala at times he uses word invade, so either I'm misunderstanding this word invade

it was then I asked, how did people greet, what was the greeting culture?

When @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and myself wrote about Exodus, we still agree billions of years ago.

I have zero laws. It's Jews who has 613 laws. I'm not a Jew. So I have none of these 613 laws. I have zero laws.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala would say he's born Hindu and then write he's Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu.

This would cause me to ask will you help me understand this. Because @Bharat Jhunjhunwala would also explain he practice Christianity, Jew, Muslim, Hindu.

What happens is no response to my question. Then what happens is I end up writing lots due to frustration.

A Jew has 613 laws, so if @Bharat Jhunjhunwala practice Judaism, then is @Bharat Jhunjhunwala practicing 613 laws?

It's just a question and I wait for answer but it won't happen no answer.
If practice Christianity how?
Practice Muslim how?
Practice Hindu, how?

Muslims pray 5 times a day. Jews pray 3 times a day, that's 7 times to pray that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala will do. Practice?

I don't practice any religion.

The most I would do is claim I have similarities with all religions. Meaning I'm not of any religion, however I'll take what I want and leave the rest alone. The problem is I had difficulties to do that.

I struggle with Christianity due to language difficulties that I'm still in a process to understand that so I could articulate it. I'm wondering if the same difficulties with language with Christianity will I have with Buddhism if that's the case then that might help me understand, as I'll have two situations to compare about.

Example of difficulties of language with Christianity is; one time a Christian was trying to comfort me by saying it's ok that Pilate crucified Jesus. I was confused., so I asked a question: "why was that ok?" I asked?

I found out, I wasn't allowed to ask.

How does it comfort anyone when someone is in pain was my question.

So that type of language which the word "comfort" in Christianity is what confuses me. do you see it now my question? But I'm not allowed to ask this?

Buddhism also confuses me for the same reason yet I can't really explain this of yet, because I'm not sure what it is. I think maybe what it is is, a word that doesn't mean the word, and I'm suppose to understand the word. The language continues that way.

Maybe that's why I struggle with word invade that I would see @Bharat Jhunjhunwala write while also claiming trading. How do people greet then? What is the culture?

Example why I ask about this word invade when @Bharat Jhunjhunwala would write the word invade when thinking they only traded only. I then asked how do people greet each other

it's just a question that's all, it's to help me comprehend that's all it is.
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הרב יונה בן זכריה
A Jew has 613 laws, so if @Bharat Jhunjhunwala practice Judaism, then is @Bharat Jhunjhunwala practicing 613 laws?
Let's put aside the issue of whether or not Bharat Jhunjhunwala is practicing Judaism and make your inquiry more generic. There is no one Jew who can observe/perform all 613commandments. For why this is so, let me give you just one example. Some of the laws pertain only to men and some of the laws pertain only to women


Active Member
Let's put aside the issue of whether or not Bharat Jhunjhunwala is practicing Judaism and make your inquiry more generic. There is no one Jew who can observe/perform all 613commandments. For why this is so, let me give you just one example. Some of the laws pertain only to men and some of the laws pertain only to women

Are you able to give us a verbal Venn diagram?


הרב יונה בן זכריה
.... the 613 commandments that no one practices.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that of the 613 commandments that it is possible to observe today. no one observes any of them? If I have misunderstood you, I apologize. If I have correctly understood you.....

I will await your response.


Active Member
No I can't. I didn't even know what a venn diagram is until I just looked it up.

Correct me if I am wrong please,

613 mitzvot + 7 rabbincal mitzvot (620)

590 apply to women, and of these, 3 are considered the "domain" of women (but also apply to men).

Of the 620 mitzvot for men, this number varies if they are Kohan, Levities, or Israelites.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Keep in mind this is to help me comprehend. Please correct areas that I had mistaken.

@GoodAttention @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

When @Bharat Jhunjhunwala shows invades previously before trading, how manage to overcome this invading situation so they could trade?

You @GoodAttention would write about trading, so how do they greet before trading? How? What was their greeting culture? It wasn't invaded before trade, was it?

What I notice seeing words invading then trade. How does one invade then trade? I would think that's not a way to trade. Surely there's a better way to trade? Keep this in mind when reading this post.

Let's see if I comprehend between @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and @Aupmanyav about ancient India.

I Found 3 letters for Aryan Migration Theory: (AMT)

  • Aryan Migration Theory (AMT)
  • The Out of India theory (OIT)
  • The Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT)
  • Unknown letters for trading only.

Let's see if I comprehend between @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and @Aupmanyav

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala - Out of India Theory (OIT)
@Aupmanyav - Aryan Migration Theory (AMT)

Let's go further and see if I comprehend.

(1) @Aupmanyav View

Aryan Migration Theory (AMT) from the perspective Aryan as Indo-Aryan (1500 BCE)

@Aupmanyav claims to be a Kashmiri Brahmin and descent probably from the Kamboja tribe, which merged with the Aryans. The line is from a Kamboja sage, Upamanyu. Aryan referring to Indo-Aryan.

(2) @Bharat Jhunjhunwala View

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala claims 1500 BCE Out of India theory (OIT) and no Aryan migration theory (AMT) because around 300 BCE any relations with Aryans (Proto-Indo-European) were more about trading only and no merging.

@Aupmanyav explains Aryan was Indo-Aryan (1,500 BCE) so no European yet.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala explains (300 BCE) Proto-Indo-European (Aryan) due to People only trading and not merging.

Here's 3 quotes below from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala showing around 300 BCE and around 1500 BCE: However, first I explain my questions about the quotes, so the quotes are below my questions.

Notice from quote below, I see the word invaded for around 300 BCE. If invaded, then that would be Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT). Because what does that mean invaded?

Yet in 1500 BCE, where were the Yadavas who were already living in ancient India and who left with Moses (Krishna)? Who are the Sungas, Kushanas?

Are you @Bharat Jhunjhunwala suggesting that Sungas and Kushanas also went with the Yadavas when 'OIT' left ancient India and traveled to Israel (modern name)?

Then the Sungas and Kushanas returned back to Ancient India during 300 BCE, and were the Aryans due to mixing DNA with the Europeans? And that's the Proto-Indo-European? Would this be Aryan Migration Theory (AMT)?

Yet I see you, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala used the word invaded; that would be the Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) then. How come you, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala used the word invade for?

I'm confused when I see the word invade. Maybe invade doesn't always mean AIT because people could invade and trade, but how do they trade when invade?

3 Quotes to read

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala hadn't ever used the word Indo-Aryan. How come?

Aryan refers to either Indo-Aryan or Indo-European.

A reminder then read below

Aryan Migration Theory (AMT)
The Out of India theory (OIT)
The Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT)

You can see from @Aupmanyav quote that later in another thread, seeing the word Indian Aryans, termed the indigenous people as Dravidas.
The Aryans or the carriers of the Proto-Indo-European language, may have had trade or other contacts with the people of the Indus Valley. So, there is no need to assume an invasion of the Aryan people.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

If I understand you correctly, you're saying that of the 613 commandments that it is possible to observe today. no one observes any of them? If I have misunderstood you, I apologize. If I have correctly understood you.....

I will await your response.
I am not saying that it is not possible to observe any of the 613 commandments. What I am saying is that Judaism, like any other religion, has two levels. One is the philosophical, which is the core, which is the belief in one God and the exclusive relationship of the Jews with one God. The rest is not only the 613 commandments, but many other cultural traits. All I am saying is that as long as one believes in the basics, then whether one believes in the 613 commandments does not make one Jewish or non-Jewish.

River Sea

Well-Known Member

Here's the full article.

Please explain why you think this article is racist. I don't comprehend how you think this is.

I've been re-reading it over and over again, and I don't see where the racist is, will you show me?

here's full article that you claim is racist, will you show me, where, as I been re-reading it

The Sunday Tribune - Spectrum - Article

Was Akkadian the language of the
Indus Valley civilisation?
By Ajay Pratap Singh​
THE Indian literary tradition hallowed by time, distinguished by its vast expanse, is perhaps unique in human history. And yet when we talk of particulars, we are at a loss. Sanskrit literature has two epics and eighteen major Puranas, all pertaining to the India’s past. The earliest known form of Sanskrit is the Rigvedic language. The roots of this language can be traced back to the Aryas who presumably came from Central Asia. Ultimately these studies culminated in the formulation of a proposition since then known as the Indo-European Theory.
The Indo-European Theory’s assumptions were based mainly on the reference to a clan called Aria (or Arya) in the Rigveda, and on the linguistic similarities between Greek, Latin, Iranian and Sanskrit. The technique used for the domestication of horse and the use of iron for weapons was assumed to be their forte. This superior technological knowledge was supposed to be the cause of their victory over the barbaric races inhabiting northern India. The Indus valley civilisation was discovered and at once it added three millennia to Indian history. The Indus valley civilisation spread over a vast area from the foothills of the Himalayas to Baluchistan. Its lifespan extended over twelve hundred years begining from 3100 BC. The Indus valley is known for its manifold achievements, such as the standardisation of all products, use of standard weights and measures for commercial purposes, its monumental architecture, town planning and strict administrative system.​

Dr Malati Shendge

It is this very premise that Pune based Indian Indologist, Dr Malati J. Shendge has questioned. Dr Shendge has worked for almost two decades on her book The language of Harappans; From Akkadian to Sanskrit, published by the Nehru Centre, London. Her work differs from the earlier hypothesis which, basing itself on circumstantial evidence considers Proto-Dravidian to be the language of the Harappans.
In her, earlier work, The civilised demons : The Harappans in Rigveda, she identified the Harappans with the Rigveda and the Vedic literature. She showed that the events described in the Rigvedic poems actually took place on the banks of the Indus and its tributaries. A re-examination of the Rigveda shows that it speaks of the source and their allies, the Rakashas, Pishachs, Yakshas and the Grandharvas. These were the names of the clans that were residing in the Indus Valley before the Aryas came there, defeated, dispossessed them and look their land. Their attempts to settle down in the Indus Valley led to a long drawn conflict with the settled population. The Asuras were defeated by fair means or foul. The event described in Rigvedic poems, actually did take place, and these conflicts form the theme of these poems.
The Asura culture, as described in the Rigvedic poems bears a close resemblance to the Indus Valley culture.The Rigveda, and in fact all the four vedas were stolen from the Asuras. The evidence for this is found in the Samhitas. The authors of these works were of Asura origin, and wrote about their own people and land, that is, the region of the Indus. Essentially, the culture described in the Rigveda is the culture as practised by the Asuras in the Indus Valley. This directly links the Rigveda with the Mahabharata, whose first chapter speaks only of the Asura kings, their kingdoms their descendants etc.
After this new hypothesis the question of the language of the Indus civilisation crops up. Basing her theory on archaeological evidence, Shendge says, "The earlier works and other details mentioned in the context of the Asuras proves that the Harappan language was related to their Iraqi counterparts." She proves that the language of the Indus Civilisation was essentially the language of the Asuras, and was Akkadian, the earliest known semitic language. Amongst the words which cognate in Sanskrit and Akkadian are the names of all the Vedic gods, as well as the presently popular deities like Vitthal, Vithoba, Shiva, Uma, Shankar; names of Rig Vedic poets like Laba Baru etc; names of priests such as Vasishtha, Atri ; names of Asuras kinship terminology ; words for body parts, body defects, horse, furniture and a variety of other words. Comparisons of Akkadian and Sanskrit words yielded at least 400 words in both languages with comparable phonetic and semantic similarities. Thus Sanskrit has, in fact, descended from Akkadian. So Sanskrit is a local language and not brought over by the Aryans as widely believed. Even the Vedic literature, Shendge points out maintains that Asuras language was stolen by the Devas. This language was purified by the Devasand become Sanskrita i.e cultivated and purified.​
The most important contribution of Shendge’s work is that it establishes a cultural continuity from the Indus Civilisation to the Vedic literature, to the present day.

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River Sea

Well-Known Member

reason why I shared this article was because of the word stolen. or steal.

I wanted to learn what is the difference from stolen of a word vs borrow of a word.

earlier we were learning the loanwords that's borrowed from

well this article was explaining that these words were stolen

I wanted to know what is that, when steal a word and not borrow the

Due to the stress, I need to re-read article to find what that word that was stolen. I'll do that now.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Few points to make

(1) Limited means it existed
(2) Ships from Harappan to Mesopotamia up the Persian Gulf is still a considerable jounery, even if shallow waters
(3) Would such boats have been capable to travel from Harappan to the Red Sea ports? Hugging the southern Arabian coast?

Additional questions to ponder

(4) A source from @River Sea said Dravidians could have originated from the Horn of Africa?
(5) Perhaps Tamil is derived from an Archaic Egyptian language, not the other way around?
(6) What is the origin of using sea shells as currency?

Hewbrew scriptures

(7) What is the Land of Havilah?
(8) Why is there a confusion over a African Kush and/or Asiatic Kush?
(9) Will the scriptures assist in solving the question?

Hewbrew scriptures

(7) What is the Land of Havilah?
(8) Why is there a confusion over a African Kush and/or Asiatic Kush?
(9) Will the scriptures assist in solving the question?

River Sea

Well-Known Member
I think I found it @GoodAttention

This superior technological knowledge was supposed to be the cause of their victory over the barbaric races inhabiting northern India

Is this is it, where it shows racisms'

using words barbaric, but why use that word for?

This superior technological knowledge was supposed to be the cause of their victory over the barbaric races inhabiting northern India

These were the names of the clans that were residing in the Indus Valley before the Aryas came there,

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala claims only trade., however after 300 BCE

But is this where the racisms is in the article?

River Sea

Well-Known Member
@GoodAttention it is racist because it shows Aryas came there, defeated, dispossessed them and look their land, there's a mis-spelling it says look their land when it's took, or is it look?

That's racist. to take land. this is in article

She showed that the events described in the Rigvedic poems actually took place on the banks of the Indus and its tributaries. A re-examination of the Rigveda shows that it speaks of the source and their allies, the Rakashas, Pishachs, Yakshas and the Grandharvas. These were the names of the clans that were residing in the Indus Valley before the Aryas came there, defeated, dispossessed them and look their land. Their attempts to settle down in the Indus Valley led to a long drawn conflict with the settled population. The Asuras were defeated by fair means or foul. The event described in Rigvedic poems, actually did take place, and these conflicts form the theme of these poems.
@GoodAttention it is racist because it shows Aryas came there, defeated, dispossessed them and look their land, there's a mis-spelling it says look their land when it's took, or is it look?

That's racist. to take land.

River Sea

Well-Known Member

re-reading I think I understand what the racisms is in the article

The Rigveda, and in fact all the four vedas were stolen from the Asuras. The evidence for this is found in the Samhitas.

Example of racisms it is showing that stolen from the Asuras: the Asuras are Indians, so the racisms is due to stealing from the asuras.

Asuras (Sanskrit: असुर) are a class of beings in Indian religions. They are described as power-seeking beings related to the more benevolent Devas (also known as Suras) in Hinduism. In its Buddhist

I'll read more.
Who are the Asuras.

so basically the racisms is about stealing from.

thinking about this more but this isn't in the article.

How did Krishna make it when there's two kings who didn't want Krishna to be alive. There's Kamsa who's Krishna's uncle and there's Jarasandha

due to racisms towards Krishna his parents had to go to prison - because they fear that Krishna would be born a boy

that's racisms am I correct?

But that's not in the article. But I was thinking about that now. What all did Krishna go through?
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River Sea

Well-Known Member

for months @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and myself were studying borrow loanwords.

Then when I saw in article the word 'stolen' I thought oh lets discuss the difference from 'borrow loanwords' and 'stolen words'

but the word stolen wasn't about words or was it, because in the article it claims the rigveda was stolen and that's words

The Rigveda, and in fact all the four vedas were stolen from the Asuras. The evidence for this is found in the Samhitas.

There it is, the rigveda is words. that were stolen.