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Brussels Under Attack

Frank Merton

Active Member
I never understood the Western fear of idolatry. Now banning the worship of money or family or a country or a leader, those things I understand, but banning rituals that involve statues is silly. Everyone knows it is just a statue, not a god or something. The Catholics and the Buddhists get it about right -- they are icons, not idols -- a huge difference. I also don't understand why depictions are prohibited but geometric figures are not. Who is to say that God isn't a triangle?

The world has always had assassins and terrorists and will always have them. It is a mental phenomenon I don't pretend to understand, except I think it involves a huge ego combined with an understanding that most of us don't matter in the world. Among religions, many Muslims demonstrate a religious ego that is astounding if it weren't such a stupid set of beliefs.


A man on a mission
Science will never be able to disprove God .
Free religion includes athiesm .
However the masters of the world don't share your view is fact as religion very powerful with 1000,s of years of wealth creation as foundation .

I have news for you!

Science has easily disproven the existence of any of the thousands of gods that were in existence and the gods currently in existence today, but of course there has obviously been no evidence to the contrary to even propose that any type of god exists.

Atheism does not acknowledge or contemplate that any god could exist on the evidence provided by defective religious scripture or any other means, however most atheists understand the scientific fundamentals behind human development and the age of the planet.

Thousands of years of religious politicians and church officials with god based ideologies exist from the results of indoctrination of the mind and is unfortunately passed on to ruin lives from generation to generation.

Frank Merton

Active Member
I have news for you!

Science has easily disproven the existence of any of the thousands of gods that were in existence and the gods currently in existence today, but of course there has obviously been no evidence to the contrary to even propose that any type of god exists.

Atheism does not acknowledge or contemplate that any god could exist on the evidence provided by defective religious scripture or any other means, however most atheists understand the scientific fundamentals behind human development and the age of the planet.

Thousands of years of religious politicians and church officials with god based ideologies exist from the results of indoctrination of the mind and is unfortunately passed on to ruin lives from generation to generation.
I don't think it is accurate to assert that science "proves" anything. This kinda makes your hostility a bit silly. Science is about knowledge that we learn through observation and experiment, and these can always and sometimes does mislead us.

Whether gods exist is I suppose up to the individual to resolve for themselves and what is meant by the word, although you are right that it mostly spread through indoctrination, and therefore not a valid form of knowledge. A lot of theists are not as dumb as you think they are.


Well-Known Member
This is simply not true. First of all, only Christianity and Judaism are Abrahamic religions. Islam is a cult created in the 7th century with no connection whatsoever to the faith of Abraham. Islam denies the vast majority of the key concepts that the Old and New Testaments teach about God. Allah is NOT the God of the Bible.
This is an unfair comment. Islam is based on the Abrahamic faiths whether you like that or not. Muhammed allegedly saw God and that was the basis of that faith. Allah may not be the God of the Bible but Allah IS the God of Islam. And God has many faces, and certainly could be God as well as the one you pray to.


Well-Known Member
I have lived in Ireland for a long time. The Protestant vs. Catholic conflict is actually an Ethnic English and Ethnic Scottish vs. Ethnic Irish conflict. The problem is that the Ethnic Irish and the Ethnic English cannot distinguish themselves by their physical appearance and, since both groups have lived in Northern Ireland for centuries, they can't distinguish themselves by their accents either. So, the only way to tell who is who in Northern Ireland is by their religion. Ethnic Irish are Catholic and Ethnic English are Protestants. The religions themselves don't really matter, though. They have never fought against each other for theological reasons.

Regarding African Christianity and its attacks, I simply don't hear about them and I have never seen them. As far as I am concerned, they may well be a media invention. I have seen the rubble of the buildings that the Muslim bombs have destroyed, though. I have met Islamic radicals and I know how dangerous they are. Islam is the only religion in the world that should not be considered a religion. It is a political party. A fascist one.
I have lived in Africa and seen the atrocities of women being burned as witches, as well as the horrors inflicted on women by their view of the Christian faith. Whether you like it or not, Islam is a religion. Allah is NOT Satan as Satan is a manmade concept mostly defined by Milton and Dante's works. Your hatred of this one faith is rather mystifying given that Christianity has much to answer for, including the murder of many of my people, that being Native Americans and that was not that long ago.


Well-Known Member
You was just quoting the rabbis in your reply bro .
No mate I'm white Englishman old blood English
I'm a baptized ,confirmed in a christian school and church in England .
Free thinking Christians
I hate Christians & Muslims for thier ignorance and stupidity is all
A white Englishman who cannot speak proper English nor make a post that most here can even begin to understand? Not all Christians nor Muslims are ignorant or stupid. Many are brilliant.


Veteran Member
The posts in this thread has convinced me that Humanism is the correct way forward. All the recent posts have basically been, "My god is better than your god" or "My god is more peaceful that your god".
Cult, religion...who cares, the facts are emerging that this atrocity was carried out in the name of religion. I don't care if it is an 'act of vengeance' or similar, religion was behind the justification and brainwashing of the culprits.

As Steven Weinberg famously said...
"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion."


Well-Known Member
No, you can't. Take a look at their text because making that sort of statements. Just read the Sharia, for God's sake. This people even tell you straight away that they kill you because you are a non-Muslim.
Then perhaps you can explain the hatred and violence of sects of Christianity like the WBC or the minister in Florida who was going to burn all the Qu'rans he could find. Your faith has as much to answer for as the one you seem to have this irrational hatred for.


Well-Known Member
I disagree completely with this. Demonslayer, are you not allowing your hatred of Christianity to control you here?
I wonder.... have you failed to notice the overt hatred here of Muslims by some of the alleged 'christian' (not capitalized on purpose) here? Do you see the hatred being allowed to control those posters as well?


Active Member
Then perhaps you can explain the hatred and violence of sects of Christianity like the WBC or the minister in Florida who was going to burn all the Qu'rans he could find. Your faith has as much to answer for as the one you seem to have this irrational hatred for.

I have never seen any terrorist attack perpetrated by Christians. I have seen the aftermath of Islamic terrorist attacks, though. In my 15 years as a Christian, I have never seen ANY Christian plotting violence again anyone. I have, however, seen and heard Muslims plotting violence against other Muslims and encouraging those wanted to go to join ISIS.


A man on a mission
I don't think it is accurate to assert that science "proves" anything. This kinda makes your hostility a bit silly. Science is about knowledge that we learn through observation and experiment, and these can always and sometimes does mislead us.

Whether gods exist is I suppose up to the individual to resolve for themselves and what is meant by the word, although you are right that it mostly spread through indoctrination, and therefore not a valid form of knowledge. A lot of theists are not as dumb as you think they are.

This is not hostility; It was claimed “science cannot dis-prove God” but I do have the right to be hostile because it is a common nonsense statement from theists because as we all understand they cannot prove Gods existence outside of their minds with a shred of evidence on the planet we actually live on therefore science really has nothing to dis-prove?

Science makes sense by investigation to acquire knowledge or correcting and integrating prior knowledge. tested ideas or hypothesis may eventually become a theory that is adjusted and changed as new knowledge is found, exactly like the human evolutionary principles. Quite a lot more involved than your silly assertion about science “proving nothing” don’t you think?

I did not make any claim saying anyone was dumb, and do you make a habit of trying to read people’s minds? Because you have failed in this case so stick to your day job.


Active Member
I have lived in Africa and seen the atrocities of women being burned as witches, as well as the horrors inflicted on women by their view of the Christian faith. Whether you like it or not, Islam is a religion. Allah is NOT Satan as Satan is a manmade concept mostly defined by Milton and Dante's works. Your hatred of this one faith is rather mystifying given that Christianity has much to answer for, including the murder of many of my people, that being Native Americans and that was not that long ago.

I am 30% Native American. Stop using us to further your Islamic agenda.


Active Member
Are you people really that dumb? Islam is a violent ideology (not a religion) that openly encourages violence against non-Muslims. What will it take for you to wake up? Do you need to see your own family members turned into pieces? Would that work for you?


Veteran Member
I have never seen any terrorist attack perpetrated by Christians. I have seen the aftermath of Islamic terrorist attacks, though. In my 15 years as a Christian, I have never seen ANY Christian plotting violence again anyone. I have, however, seen and heard Muslims plotting violence against other Muslims and encouraging those wanted to go to join ISIS.
What about the abortion clinic attacks in the US?


Well-Known Member
A white Englishman who cannot speak proper English nor make a post that most here can even begin to understand? Not all Christians nor Muslims are ignorant or stupid. Many are brilliant.
Another preacher of mythologen welcome.
Might not have perfect English however can see you sacrifice each generation of our children to you false God mythologen.
I'm trying to explain without your stupid book.
The mythologens behind religious killings.
You are the only ignorant one here.
My eyes see more than yours and your ignorance is bliss


Active Member
What about the abortion clinic attacks in the US?

The attackers that I know about weren't even Christians. Furthermore, are you really going to compare two or three lunatics with the kind of things that we are living right now? Perhaps people like you deserve to be blown up after all. It is just natural selection in action.


Well-Known Member
You're just making things up in your head, aren't you, projecting your earthly images out onto some imaginary celestial entity. What 'Father'?
No was explaining relationdhips and standoffs in Abrahamic religions as a family unit as fact .
Whether god exists on not
As reality of mythologen