Baha’u’llah warned that there was a destructive power which if discovered could change the atmosphere and hoped it would not be discovered until people had developed spiritual maturity but God never uses force to make us change. Baha’u’llah’s warning went unheeded. All He was sent to earth for was to ‘offer’ guidance from God but it still is always our choice to follow that guidance or not. God did His job and warned us but we ignored Baha’u’llah although He was promised in all religions. No excuses really. Instead of listening to the clergy people should have investigated the truth for themselves but they didn’t. So they were misled. The other half of society became very materialistic and greedy and so decided to have a couple of world wars. They are still ignoring Baha’u’llah and His call to unite so what comes next is anyone’s guess but it doesn’t look pretty.All people needed was spears and bows and arrows and knifes and swords and they could go destroy cities.
Without a spiritual change some people will still want to conquer and destroy others for wealth and power.
How is it that God changed you? Why can't he do that for everybody? And if God doesn't do it for everybody, the power hungry people will keep doing what they are doing. And they will continue to amass the people and weapons needed to conquer others.
So, the ones that don't want "billions" to die will push for disarmament and will put down anyone who tries to manufacture them again? And destroy them? That's still a war. And what are they, the good guys, going to use as weapons to enforce this "collective" security?
Weapons have been invented to aid in the survival of people... But it's been the survival of attacks from other people. So, they had to be stronger than their enemies.
There were no nukes when Baha'u'llah was around. Now there is. What happened? Where did people get the knowledge to invent them? Why did God allow people to invent nukes? Knowing they weren't spiritually mature enough to handle it?
Would any of us give a gun to a child and expect them not to use it?
Interestingly, all the countries on fire with war are ones which had been directly visited by Baha’u’llah. Israel, Iran, Syria, Iraq and so on. He called those countries specifically to peace and to unite but as we can see the opposite has happened by ignoring His call to unite. So I personally hope there won’t be a catastrophe because it will be universal and we will all be affected. But if they can’t sit down and reconcile their differences we may all be in for a very rough ride.
Fighting over a piece of land. The only land we all own permanently is our grave so how pitiful they fight over these things.