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Building Bridges to the Unity of Humanity

Building bridges to the Unity of Humamity will require a plan?

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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Of course the Ahmadiyya and Scientologist teach their people to be kind and loving and all that... And they also teach them about things that Baha'is don't believe are true. But so do Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and the rest.

There is common ground there somewhere. But if Baha'is don't even want to reach out to some of those "out there" religious groups, then who will?
All those that teach and practice peace are working on common ground.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I remember one about that people are created "noble" and Baha'u'llah then says then why do we "debase" ourselves.

The Baha'i that told me that was using it against the Christian belief that we are born as hopeless sinners until we get "washed" in the blood of Jesus.

From what I remember, the epistles of Paul pretty much supported that. So, the Baha'i belief is way better, but then what do we say to Christians? That Paul was wrong?
A lot of the Hidden words are directed at the leaders of religion, that are the first to reject the Messengers and then divert their flocks away from the God given guidance.

Not sure who would have offere such an observation of that hidden word. They all do have a personal meditation associated with them.

@Truthseeker does study groups on the hidden words, he may like to give his thoughts.

Regards Tony


Active Member
Not sure who would have offere such an observation of that hidden word. They all do have a personal meditation associated with them.
My post #182 in this thread lays out my own understanding of the deeper meaning of religion and understanding the Trinity and the Father/Son relationship that Jesus taught.
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Non-debating member when I can help myself
The Baha'i that told me that was using it against the Christian belief that we are born as hopeless sinners until we get "washed" in the blood of Jesus.
It goes:

O Son of Spirit!
Noble have I created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created.

, “The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh” , a22

This is an universal message as all Hidden Words are, and can be applied to many situations.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It needs explanation.

Does not the fact of accepting the divine origin of both Jesus and Muhammad mean that their teachings become binding upon the one who accepts them? If I accept Muhammad (pbuh) as of divine origin, or rather that his teachings are of divine origin given directly from Allah, then I need to believe what he writes in the Quran about monastics and the Trinity and the Resurrection of Christ, about divorce, the role of women, the guaranteed entrance of Jihaadi warriors to heaven, and so on? Where that differs with what my belief in the divine origin of Jesus says, it means I should prefer the divine origin of Muhammad's teachings now instead -- progressive revelation.

But there isn't a middle way. The Pope or any other person cannot hold Catholic Christian beliefs in the divine origin of Jesus and also share Muslim beliefs about the divine origin of Muhammad. Or of Muhammad's teachings. It's riding two horses. It's never going to work.

Muslims get around it by saying that the Tanakh and the NT are both corrupted from their original form.
Quran 89:22

And thy Lord shall come with angels, rank on rank

Its the lack of true understanding of this verse and many others in the Quran which have led believers to deny Prophets after Muhammad.

And this one clearly speaks of progressive revelation


If all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean ˹were ink˺, refilled by seven other oceans, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.

But who is there with eyes to see or ears to understand?

And from Baha’u’llah

Even as the sun, bright hath He shined, But alas, He hath come to the town of the blind!


Active Member
Quran 89:22

And thy Lord shall come with angels, rank on rank

Its the lack of true understanding of this verse and many others in the Quran which have led believers to deny Prophets after Muhammad.

And this one clearly speaks of progressive revelation


If all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean ˹were ink˺, refilled by seven other oceans, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.

But who is there with eyes to see or ears to understand?

And from Baha’u’llah

Even as the sun, bright hath He shined, But alas, He hath come to the town of the blind!
The issue is Baha'u'llah instructing Christians to accept the authority of the Quran over the Bible. Or over any previous scripture from any religion, as the last 'progressive revelation' before that of Baha'u'llah himself.

There's an old adage that the way to boil a frog is to start with cold water and heat it slowly then the frog doesn't jump out of the pot.

Unfortunately the Quran and the NT haven't been able to reconcile for 1500 years. If the 'softee softee catchee monkey' approach hasn't been successful in all that time, it's unlikely the Baha'i will manage to get it right now, imo
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The issue is Baha'u'llah instructing Christians to accept the authority of the Quran over the Bible. Or over any previous scripture from any religion, as the last 'progressive revelation' before that of Baha'u'llah himself.

There's an old adage that the way to boil a frog is to start with cold water and heat it slowly then the frog doesn't jump out of the pot.

Unfortunately the Quran and the NT haven't been able to reconcile for 1500 years. If the 'softee softee catchee monkey' approach hasn't been successful in all that time, it's unlikely the Baha'i will manage to get it right, imo
With Baha’u’llah it’s all about accepting the truth in all the religions without any superiority. Both the Bible and Quran are books of God. God’s guidance is contained in both of them.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
On divorce, is Muhammad (pbuh) right in the Quran or is Jesus right in the New Testament? They can't both be right?
The laws given by the Prophets are relative to the times. So Christs teachings on divorce were right for His age or dispensation which ended with the appearance of Muhammad Who’s laws then became the updated laws for Muhammad’s age which all Christians should have turned to as Muhammad was prophesied in both the OT and NT. By denying Muhammad they had disobeyed Christ Who spoke of Muhammad.

So the law of divorce was right for Christ’s time but superseded by the Quran. Both right for their own times.


Veteran Member
On divorce, is Muhammad (pbuh) right in the Quran or is Jesus right in the New Testament? They can't both be right?
The first part of the Religion of God which refers to spiritual truth is the same in every religion.
The second part of the Religion of God which refers to the material world is different in each religion. It changes in each prophetic cycle to accommodate the needs of the times.

In the following passage, the Law of God refers to the divinely revealed religion of God. The spiritual message (spiritual virtues and divine qualities) are the same in all the great world religions:

“the Law of God is divided into two parts. One is the fundamental basis which comprises all spiritual things—that is to say, it refers to the spiritual virtues and divine qualities; this does not change nor alter: it is the Holy of Holies, which is the essence of the Law of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, the Báb, and Bahá’u’lláh, and which lasts and is established in all the prophetic cycles. It will never be abrogated, for it is spiritual and not material truth; it is faith, knowledge, certitude, justice, piety, righteousness, trustworthiness, love of God, benevolence, purity, detachment, humility, meekness, patience and constancy. It shows mercy to the poor, defends the oppressed, gives to the wretched and uplifts the fallen......

These divine qualities, these eternal commandments, will never be abolished; nay, they will last and remain established for ever and ever. These virtues of humanity will be renewed in each of the different cycles; for at the end of every cycle the spiritual Law of God—that is to say, the human virtues—disappears, and only the form subsists.

These foundations of the Religion of God, which are spiritual and which are the virtues of humanity, cannot be abrogated; they are irremovable and eternal, and are renewed in the cycle of every Prophet.

The second part of the Religion of God, which refers to the material world, and which comprises fasting, prayer, forms of worship, marriage and divorce, the abolition of slavery, legal processes, transactions, indemnities for murder, violence, theft and injuries—this part of the Law of God, which refers to material things, is modified and altered in each prophetic cycle in accordance with the necessities of the times.”
(Some Answered Questions, pp. 47-48)



Active Member
The laws given by the Prophets are relative to the times. So Christs teachings on divorce were right for His age or dispensation which ended with the appearance of Muhammad Who’s laws then became the updated laws for Muhammad’s age which all Christians should have turned to as Muhammad was prophesied in both the OT and NT. By denying Muhammad they had disobeyed Christ Who spoke of Muhammad.

So the law of divorce was right for Christ’s time but superseded by the Quran. Both right for their own times.
What about sex in heaven? Is Jesus right, or is Muhammad right?


Veteran Member
What about sex in heaven? Is Jesus right, or is Muhammad right?
What did Jesus say? What did Muhammad say?

I cannot see how there can be sex in heaven since sex requires a physical body, and we won't have a physical body in heaven.
The New Testament says that we will have a spiritual body in heaven, not a physical body, and that concurs with the Baha'i Writings.


Veteran Member
Yes, that's true. There was a time when I had sex on my mind a lot, but fortunately i got older, and my sex drive disappeared.
It is natural for a man or a woman to have a sex drive and want sex when they are young or even middle-aged, but I have to wonder about men who still consider sex 'important' or 'extremely important' after age 70. I know about this from a dating site I have been on, and even on the other dating sites I am on that do not have the answers to those questions posted, all the older men who have responded to me consider sex important. I guess they have Cialis or Viagra but they can count me out!


Veteran Member
In Islam, a houri is a maiden woman with beautiful eyes who is described as a reward for the faithful Muslim men in paradise.

They're not just there to look at?
No, probably not just there to look at. Again, I think it is rather pathetic that Muslim men would want that to be their reward in heaven

I guess this is a good time to quote what Baha'u'llah wrote about beautiful women. ;)

“Say: He is not to be numbered with the people of Bahá who followeth his mundane desires, or fixeth his heart on things of the earth. He is My true follower who, if he come to a valley of pure gold, will pass straight through it aloof as a cloud, and will neither turn back, nor pause. Such a man is, assuredly, of Me. From his garment the Concourse on high can inhale the fragrance of sanctity…. And if he met the fairest and most comely of women, he would not feel his heart seduced by the least shadow of desire for her beauty. Such an one, indeed, is the creation of spotless chastity. Thus instructeth you the Pen of the Ancient of Days, as bidden by your Lord, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful.”
