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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...

I have been reading some of your comments, Balthazzar, and wonder how you come up with the idea above. Thanks.

I would suggest that much of this comes from Psalms and the premise that we are all God's children. The way we develop in various territories shouldn't negate the value in what has been learned by our many cultures. I make habit of utilizing cell phones, among many other devices that were developed due to the contributions made by those who lived in the past. I've read some of Newtons work, Plato's work, and a little of Socrates, among others. I've read Davids works, Soloman's, and others whose works were included in the biblical cannon. This is what I meant. We have that which they were able to contribute. I don't think I should reject them based on my preferred religious text book. Elohim is the term used in Psalms in reference to those who lived then, repeated by Jesus and in reference to those who lived in that era, and also us who are now living. We are all God's children. That's the premise and paradigm which includes everyone who came after the dawn of man on earth.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Christ being head of the body and church is a direct reference to this concept. A truthful spirit and one who adheres to what's true, is able to navigate life more successfully than those who have been deceived by error and lies. This is the reference and intent as I understand it.
In reference to your point about navigating life is certainly something I have learned when I studied the Bible and saw its precepts and admonitions. While not perfect (I know that and others know that about me), I am on a different path than I was before I made the choice to be on the "narrow path" as much as possible.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I would suggest that much of this comes from Psalms and the premise that we are all God's children. The way we develop in various territories shouldn't negate the value in what has been learned by our many cultures. I make habit of utilizing cell phones, among many other devices that were developed due to the contributions made by those who lived in the past. I've read some of Newtons work, Plato's work, and a little of Socrates, among others. I've read Davids works, Soloman's, and others whose works were included in the biblical cannon. This is what I meant. We have that which they were able to contribute. I don't think I should reject them based on my preferred religious text book. Elohim is the term used in Psalms in reference to those who lived then, repeated by Jesus and in reference to those who lived in that era, and also us who are now living. We are all God's children. That's the premise and paradigm which includes everyone who came after the dawn of man on earth.
OK, but how does this line up with "I view Newton, Plato, Socrates, among many others to be part of the angelic lineup, also." What is the angelic lineup you are speaking of?
Wouldn't that require stoning homosexuals, drunken sons and people who work on the Sabbath?

I doubt it, but I'm not sure where the person you are inquiring stands on the issue. MJ laws have changed quite a lot in recent years, and so the penalties have also changed. We often enough get angry at history and hold our grudges against old penal systems, and judicial systems that we fail to acknowledge the differences in era and society, and how life was understood with the tools able to be utilized to understand life. It was their approach and conclusion as the most appropriate way to conduct themselves as people and communities.

I like viewing the bible as a historic text book. We rarely view secular text books with as much disdain and contempt, despite the content teaching us about the many wars and conflicts, injustices and truths relative to later eras in human history. The bible is valuable to me.

So is education.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I doubt it, but I'm not sure where the person you are inquiring stands on the issue. MJ laws have changed quite a lot in recent years, and so the penalties have also changed. We often enough get angry at history and hold our grudges against old penal systems, and judicial systems that we fail to acknowledge the differences in era and society, and how life was understood with the tools able to be utilized to understand life. It was their approach and conclusion as the most appropriate way to conduct themselves as people and communities.

I like viewing the bible as a historic text book. We rarely view secular text books with as much disdain and contempt, despite the content teaching us about the many wars and conflicts, injustices and truths relative to later eras in human history. The bible is valuable to me.

So is education.

I can't really comment other than to say I agree.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Everyone? Please excuse, but I don't understand your reference here. If you can't or won't explain, that's ok, I understand, and perhaps that will curtail our conversation. So I hope you will explain what you mean by everyone in reference to Newton, etc. and angels, but if not, ok. Thanks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Me either but I was commenting on the following of the Bible.
Jesus offered a different way beyond the Law for his followers. Considering the example when one of his disciples cut off the ear of someone arresting him, he did not authorize it and in fact miraculously put the ear back in place. Also he said not to return evil for evil. Thus the Mosaic Law was no longer in effect. The Kingdom of God was being preached rather than the Mosaic Law, stoning and things like that.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Jesus offered a different way beyond the Law for his followers. Considering the example when one of his disciples cut off the ear of someone arresting him, he did not authorize it and in fact miraculously put the ear back in place. Also he said not to return evil for evil. Thus the Mosaic Law was no longer in effect. The Kingdom of God was being preached rather than the Mosaic Law, stoning and things like that.

Mathew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Everyone? Please excuse, but I don't understand your reference here. If you can't or won't explain, that's ok, I understand, and perhaps that will curtail our conversation. So I hope you will explain what you mean by everyone in reference to Newton, etc. and angels, but if not, ok. Thanks.
The reference was about angels termed "elohim" in the bible and also referred to as God's children, which includes everyone. Newton, Plato, etc. were teachers whose works were found worthy to keep a record of. They've since passed from this earth, meaning they have lived and died, already. Thankfully, we still have their works to reflect upon as people. Many of us will likewise have our contributions documented and preserved.

Sometimes our contributions are small and left to family security. Other times they are larger, more profound, and because of the impact they have had on society, become wider spread and distributed among us. They are documented and preserved also. They are our contributions to the world we live in as Gods children, or rather humans, angels - "elohim".


This application of the term would not be contrary to even those in the secular communities. If you like, I could resist using old terms like angels, demons, elohim, etc and simply call everyone what the modern world calls us, humans. Do we truly need to connect the dots from then to now in effort to convey an applicable understanding to our pasts on earth?

Why not just use modern language?


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
My faith follows the law of the Christ, outlined in the New Testament, not necessarily every law in the law of Moses.

Pick and choose, fair enough. I feel it's wise to ignore a lot of the old testament. All the animal sacrifice would annoy the neighbours.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
Pick and choose, fair enough. I feel it's wise to ignore a lot of the old testament. All the animal sacrifice would annoy the neighbours.
Sorry off subject, You believe in evolution right? Do you personally have an opinion of the first thing that happens in evolution? Do you have any evidence of the first few steps happening? Something more significant then webbed feet. Why can't we eyewitness any steps happening?

The first step? The first thing that evolves? What's first? What is second? What is third?

I don't want a link to evolution 101 please. I want your personal information you have learned.
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I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Sorry off subject, You believe in evolution right? Do you personally have an opinion of the first thing that happens in evolution? Do you have any evidence of the first few steps happening? Something more significant then webbed feet.

The first step? The first thing that evolves? What's first? What is second? What is third?

I don't want a link to evolution 101 please. I want your personal information you have learned.

(Nice side stepping from a discussion of following the bible)
I've never thought about it nor is it likely to be anything I will ever ponder over.

Can you define kinds as used in the bible for a grouping of animals?


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
Evolutionist keep asking me for evidence, I'd like to see some of their evidence, of one species evolving into another.

Not a bunch of words and questions, Humans eye witnessing of one species evolving into another species.
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I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
You first answer the questions please. Evolutionist keep asking me for evidence, I'd like to see some of their evidence for the first step second and third?

Not a bunch of words and questions, Humans eye witnessing steps!

From a few billion years ago? Good luck with that. I don't know anyone that old. My mother's 96 but that's not even close. Even if I could answer you want me to do it without words. I'm wondering what else I could use.

I didn't nor to the best of my knowledge have I ever asked you for evidence for anything. I asked you for a definition of a word in the bible.

Is this a question you got from the watchtower online library? I think I remember seeing it.