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Can Europe be Saved?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
When someone resorts to correcting percieved spelling errors...you know they are giving up.

"I" before "E" except after "C."

I perceive that perhaps you are a student? If so, please go back to school and take more classes in history, political science, and spelling.

Hey, I was for real - I was honestly curious about whether you consider yourself a facist or a fascist and if you somehow justify facsim (or facism, if you will) while meanwhile being such a US-hater.

Just seemed weird to me.

But thanks for clarifying ever so much.

As someone smarter than I once said, "Thanks for the copy of your book. I'll waste no time reading it."

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
"I" before "E" except after "C."

I perceive that perhaps you are a student? If so, please go back to school and take more classes in history, political science, and spelling.

Lol stick your derogatory ramblings up where the sun doesnt shine Missus.

I wont bite...the worm.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Lol stick your derogatory ramblings up where the sun doesnt shine Missus.

I wont bite..

Now - THIS is where any semblance of meaningful debate truly ends.

Here I was, trying to help a facist out, and this is the thanks I get?

All I know is this - if you don't change your title, I'll know that your political ideals do not include personal excellence.

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Now - THIS is where any semblance of meaningful debate truly ends.

Here I was, trying to help a facist out, and this is the thanks I get?

All I know is this - if you don't change your title, I'll know that your political ideals do not include personal excellence.

Personal excellence?

What kind of voodoo is that?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Personal excellence?

What kind of voodoo is that?

Here's my point: If you are going to claim any sort of religion or political party or idea, and expect to be taken seriously, you really should at least learn how to spell the words that represent your beliefs.

This is right up there with Christians who hate "Satin," and want to make a trip to "Isreal" as soon as they can. I get the feeling they haven't read too much of the bible they claim to follow if they can't get some basic words right.

Believe it or not, there's a tie-in to my jab at you about your spelling of political concepts. The more we debated, the more I came to believe that your understanding of both history and political ideologies seems shallow. Your misspelling of the word "fascist" lends some credibility to my hunch that you really don't read or study too much history.

If you did, you'd quickly drop your assertion that the UK is somehow morally superior to the US.

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Here's my point: If you are going to claim any sort of religion or political party or idea, and expect to be taken seriously, you really should at least learn how to spell the words that represent your beliefs.

This is right up there with Christians who hate "Satin," and want to make a trip to "Isreal" as soon as they can. I get the feeling they haven't read too much of the bible they claim to follow if they can't get some basic words right.

Believe it or not, there's a tie-in to my jab at you about your spelling of political concepts. The more we debated, the more I came to believe that your understanding of both history and political ideologies seems shallow. Your misspelling of the word "fascist" lends some credibility to my hunch that you really don't read or study too much history.

If you did, you'd quickly drop your ideas that the UK is somehow morally superior to the US.

LOL do **** off Kathryn...you are just being bitter.

If you cant argue with facts dont resort to petty vilification.

Who cares if you think my political history is rubbish?

Prove it...show it...otherwise sod off.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
LOL do **** off Kathryn...you are just being bitter.

If you cant argue with facts dont resort to petty vilification.

Who cares if you think my political history is rubbish?

Prove it...show it...otherwise sod off.

Me, bitter? Methinks thou doth protest too much. I'm not bitter at all. In fact, I think I've proven my points rather succinctly.

Now, GO READ SOME HISTORY. You're wasting your time here.

LOL, aren't we all, though? :D


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
By the way, since when does telling someone to **** off raise the bar? Seems to me that you're the one who has run out of logical arguments.

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Me, bitter? Methinks thou doth protest too much. I'm not bitter at all. In fact, I think I've proven my points rather succinctly.

Now, GO READ SOME HISTORY. You're wasting your time here.

LOL, aren't we all, though? :D

Yes yes...

Whatever darling. :ignore:

Sorry...I just don't love your nation...for various reasons...be at peace with that then we can move on.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yes yes...

Whatever darling. :ignore:

Sorry...I just don't love your nation...for various reasons...be at peace with that then we can move on.

Oh, I'm absolutely at peace with it. It's not like I lay awake in bed worrying that a Luciferian facist primordial annihilator doesn't like my country.

Personally, though, I have no problem with the UK in general - I consider you my ally whether you like it or not.
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From the New York Times:
THERE’S SOMETHING peculiarly apt about the fact that the current European crisis began in Greece. For Europe’s woes have all the aspects of a classical Greek tragedy, in which a man of noble character is undone by the fatal flaw of hubris.

Not long ago Europeans could, with considerable justification, say that the current economic crisis was actually demonstrating the advantages of their economic and social model. Like the United States, Europe suffered a severe slump in the wake of the global financial meltdown; but the human costs of that slump seemed far less in Europe than in America. In much of Europe, rules governing worker firing helped limit job loss, while strong social-welfare programs ensured that even the jobless retained their health care and received a basic income. Europe’s gross domestic product might have fallen as much as ours, but the Europeans weren’t suffering anything like the same amount of misery. And the truth is that they still aren’t.

Yet Europe is in deep crisis — because its proudest achievement, the single currency adopted by most European nations, is now in danger. More than that, it’s looking increasingly like a trap. Ireland, hailed as the Celtic Tiger not so long ago, is now struggling to avoid bankruptcy. Spain, a booming economy until recent years, now has 20 percent unemployment and faces the prospect of years of painful, grinding deflation.

The tragedy of the Euromess is that the creation of the euro was supposed to be the finest moment in a grand and noble undertaking: the generations-long effort to bring peace, democracy and shared prosperity to a once and frequently war-torn continent. But the architects of the euro, caught up in their project’s sweep and romance, chose to ignore the mundane difficulties a shared currency would predictably encounter — to ignore warnings, which were issued right from the beginning, that Europe lacked the institutions needed to make a common currency workable. Instead, they engaged in magical thinking, acting as if the nobility of their mission transcended such concerns.

The result is a tragedy not only for Europe but also for the world, for which Europe is a crucial role model. The Europeans have shown us that peace and unity can be brought to a region with a history of violence, and in the process they have created perhaps the most decent societies in human history, combining democracy and human rights with a level of individual economic security that America comes nowhere close to matching. These achievements are now in the process of being tarnished, as the European dream turns into a nightmare for all too many people. How did that happen?​
Read the rest here.

What do you make of this analysis?

I find American papers' fascination with the fiscal woes of Europe utterly mystifying considering the far more pressing fiscal woes of America.


Figure 2 – World Currencies are Gaining Strength against the US Dollar

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm absolutely at peace with it. It's not like I lay awake in bed worrying that a facist primordial annihilator doesn't like my country.

Personally, though, I have no problem with the UK in general - I consider you my ally whether you like it or not.

Ahem..facist humanitarian Primordial Annihilator thank you very much...

Hated ally ;)


Well-Known Member
What came later was a disaster...but I take pride in that we declared war on Germany first.

Out of everyone else....

What could the UK do btw?

Are you a tactician, did you study the retreat of Dunkirk, the french capitulation and the initiation of the nazi bombing of the UK?

In the same year...

Have you any IDEA?

You have no idea.....

You do realise that almost the whole german army was in the east during the attack on poland right? Because you know they kinda needed their army for their attack.
And you do realise that there was a reason why the german army didnt attack until may 1940,
The France and the UK had over 100 divisions while the germans only had around 30 on the border. Thats three times larger.

So yeah i kinda have an idea. Its called first western betrayal for a reason because the allies had the means to start something big but they didnt want to.