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Can God have a Son?


Active Member
And why would we do so, it does no harm. It's a mark for the direction.

I'm actually not attracted to useless arguments that don't have an end. It's a marking for a sacred place and we believe that this place has a certain significance whether we know it or not so we won't try to do so and there is not a reason to do so.


1. God created people with freedom of choice since there would be a creature that can choose to follow God with his free will not because his nature is just to do so. Some people chose to follow God and His good principles and thus deserved to be on the top of His creation and others did the contrary. There is a great difference from what you like to see and what you are in need to have. God is complete thus He doesn't feel to lose if someone disobeys His orders. Obeying God's orders is a favor for those who obey them not for God himself.

In Islam there are two phrases that I remember their meaning but not the same phrases;

1st God says that if All those on the world would have the heart of the best man, this wont increase my power and if the contrary happens this wont decrease my powers. You, people who are in need of Me.

2nd God was present before the creation as He is infinite and at a time the whole world will end and Nothing except God will remain.

Doing sth doesn't only mean I need but it means also I like it. Liking sth is not a degradation but a you are complete when you like and do what's good. Building a great world and reckoning people for what they did is not a shame or a need, it's a part of God. God is a creator while creativity and management of the created structures is a part of His complete nature not a need. Just as when you help a weak person, you may not be in need for this but it's a part of a good nature and make you approach completeness.

In addition, You didn't mention how incomplete He is-as you see-. If He was in need of the creation so He can't have been there before the creation . No God before the creation = no creation = zero and this is not present now.

2- I didn't hear about and if it's true it doesn't falsify the Islamic religion. In fact, I believe that all religions are originally one and that's what Islam says, as well. However, people modified them with time and inserted parts which weren't of the original religion. So, most of the widespread religions in the world share the same basis with modifications. Prophets came to rectify these modifications that occur with time. Islam retained its book without change and the Qura'n is still the same since Muhammed-PBUH-. Before Othman wrote it, the Qura'n was knoiwn by nost of the Muslims and they prayed with it for 23 years with Muhammed and knew it by hard so it wasn't possible for anyone to insert his modifications. They also used every part of it in their lives so the deciet is impossible. After it was written, the books prevailed all over the world and the Qura'n that Othamn-3rd Muslim Kaliph-ordered to be written is still present uptill now.

Moreover, Islam is so simple. You believe in 1 God, all Prophets and follow morals. It's not sophisticated and can be accepted by the brain easily.

So you're giving God human emotions? Humans feel the need to create because they feel something lacking in their own mindset and personality. They create to live on. They create so a part of them doesn't have to die. This is the definition of incompleteness. So this doesn't really give any credence to your argument.


Active Member
So you're giving God human emotions? Humans feel the need to create because they feel something lacking in their own mindset and personality. They create to live on. They create so a part of them doesn't have to die. This is the definition of incompleteness. So this doesn't really give any credence to your argument.

I already explained that doing sth doesn't mean a need. Not all what we do is because we need it but sometimes because we like it and because it's good. It's just like when you help somebody who is in need, this doesn't mean you are in need of helping him.


I already explained that doing sth doesn't mean a need. Not all what we do is because we need it but sometimes because we like it and because it's good. It's just like when you help somebody who is in need, this doesn't mean you are in need of helping him.

Let's assume for a moment that you are right on this point. We'll look at it from a different perspective. Before existence, there was only God. Then God creates the universe and everything in it. If we are assuming that part of the definition of God is that he is perfect and orderly, then is it possible for this being called God to create something so imperfect and chaotic?

not nom

Well-Known Member
something so imperfect and chaotic?

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. -- Albert Einstein


not saying it's correct because einstein says it, but still.. is the glass really half empty, if you know what I mean?


Ad astra!
I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. -- Albert Einstein


not saying it's correct because einstein says it, but still.. is the glass really half empty, if you know what I mean?

He was also a firm believer in Static Universe theory, something that we now mostly know is untrue.


Veteran Member
He was also a firm believer in Static Universe theory, something that we now mostly know is untrue.

Even Scripture brings out that everything wears down.

If God would not sustain the earth it too would eventually wear down.

So, here [earth] are things that God has in place that he will perpetually take care of the earth.

Earth is one of those eternal things. -Ecc. 1v4 B; Psalm 102vs 25-26

not nom

Well-Known Member
Even Scripture brings out that everything wears down.

If God would not sustain the earth it too would eventually wear down.

So, here [earth] are things that God has in place that he will perpetually take care of the earth.

Earth is one of those eternal things. -Ecc. 1v4 B; Psalm 102vs 25-26

hmm it seems like the bible actually has a more realistic outlook:

Isaiah 51:6 said:
Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
look at the earth beneath;
the heavens will vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment
and its inhabitants die like flies.
But my salvation will last forever,
my righteousness will never fail.

ecclesiastes disagrees, sure.. but the other bit you cited confirms it, too:

Psalm 102:25-26 said:
In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
They will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment.


Veteran Member
hmm it seems like the bible actually has a more realistic outlook:
ecclesiastes disagrees, sure.. but the other bit you cited confirms it, too:

Isaiah 51v6 is dealing with Babylon. Babylonian policy was not letting captives return home, but God's people will and did return home. God will work that out.
The 'heavens' of verse 6 are 'governmental heavens' or ruling powers in this case Babylon who will be broken in defeat.
The 'earth' or earthly society of Babylonian subjects are subjects of those ruling powers which will also come to their end.
Even the greatest world power can not prevent or interfere with God's ability to save his people.

Please note Isaiah 34 vs 1-4,10
The literal heavens above us appear curved. On ancient scrolls the writing was on the inside and when finished the scroll was put away.
Governmental heavens can come to an end just like being inside a rolled up scroll. Their 'stars' [high-up-there leaders] will also loose their shine.

The smoke of Edom [v10] will go up forever. We know Edom is not smoking today but the smoke pictured how final the destruction would last. > forever.

Psalm 102v26 continues.... wear out like a garment.... but then notice that....
like something worn out can be changed, > they will be changed.
The earth although subject to decay, or wearing down erosion process,
is still being changed or replenished by volcanic activity, etc.
Notice what God uses to renew earth's face at Psalm 104v30.
Almighty God supplies the needed abundant energy.-Isaiah 40 vs26,28

Besides Ecc 1v4 B saying the earth remains or abides forever,
Psalm 104v5 says the foundations of the earth will Not be removed forever.
Psalm 78v69 says earth established forever.
Psalm 96v10 the world established not be moved
Psalm 93v1 the world established...can not be moved
1st Chron 16v30 earth, the world is stable, [not totter] that it be Not moved.
Jeremiah 10vs11,12 false gods perish from earth, Not the earth.
Isaiah 45v18 mentions earth established...not in vain...formed to be inhabited.

So Ecclesiastes is not disagreeing, but Psalms meaning that if God would not sustain the earth, step in, earth would not be resilient and bounce back from abuse, but since it is God's will that we and the earth remain forever,
then God will have the earth change [change its worn out clothing]
and refresh and replenish itself.

Perhaps you recall Jesus promise referred from Psalm 37 vs11,29
that the meek will inherit the earth. Dwell on the earth forever.
In order for the humble meek to be here forever so would the earth have to be here forever. What will Not be here forever is: wickedness.

Psalm 37vs38-40; 92v7; Proverbs 2vs21,22; 10v30; 21v18; Isaiah 11vs3,4.

not nom

Well-Known Member
What do you think of the scavenger birds of Revelation 19 vs17,18 ?

And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

that sounds awesome actually. especially since modern armageddon birds wouldn't just eat horses, they would have to eat through the hulls of tanks and battleships as well... I would hope to be able to get a kick out of that while I die horribly ^^ as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.


Veteran Member
that sounds awesome actually. especially since modern armageddon birds wouldn't just eat horses, they would have to eat through the hulls of tanks and battleships as well... I would hope to be able to get a kick out of that while I die horribly ^^ as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.

Jesus 'words' will execute enemies [Rev 19v15] that is not dying horribly.
The humble 'sheep'-like people of Matthew [25v32] do not die [horribly or otherwise] because they do not die at all.

Apparently the birds are delegating the hulls of tanks and battleships to us humans.

The work or job that both Isaiah and Micah describe is that people turn weapons of war into peaceful farming implements.

Isaiah [2v4] wrote people would beat swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks: nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will the nations learn war anymore.

Micah [4vs3,4] not only says about the plowshares and pruning hooks, but also adds that each person will have their own vine and fig tree [food],
and No one will make us afraid or make us tremble.

God will make wars cease from one end of the earth to the other end.
-Psalm 46v9