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Can God have a Son?


Jesus in me
Krishna had 16,108 wives at Dwaraka & yet 38 years after the Battle of Kuruksetra his sons all went crazy & died with violent deaths. As if they were like zombies. This was a result of Gandhari`s curse at Krishna. For killing her son, Duryodana. Ganhari was a pure devotee of Vishnu whom she knew was Krishna himself.

Krishna can't be God because he sinned having that many wives and God does not sin.

not nom

Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that sin is what god orders it to be. that would make god by definition sinless (which makes discussions about the morality of certain beliefs kinda frustrating and pointless).

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
On the contrary. God is available to me to verify His word. Also many of the historical biblical elements are verified by archeology.
But some are shown to be wrong. This is the Spiderman Fallacy.

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
No, they won't.


Active Member
I believe in the Divine. However, I do not believe in the conception of God in Abrahamic religions, be they Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or Bahá'í - especially from a reading of the scripture. In that way, I mean I do not believe in a deity who opposes icon-worship, sends people to Hell, has chosen people, or sends prophets.

Please see Luke 3:21-38. Focus on verse 38. In here, Adam is called 'the son of God'. Confusing, isn't it?

But rationality is still subjective.

For a polytheist, it's rational that there are many gods, and only one God makes little sense. For a monotheist, many gods is an irrational concept, and monotheism is rational.

Only logic is objective - and logic is only for mathematics, scientific findings, gravity, and so on - never religion.

Having many Gods shows that the God is not powerful. Many God will also make a different decision. Who will be in charge? Even two leader can fight over a throne.

Christianity is pretty much confusing. They worship Jesus as the son of God but Adam is also a son of God.

Rational cannot differ. Will you kill your own father for no reasons? You won't!
The answer is one; NO. Rational is simple but make hard by others.
Yes, Allah (SWT) can have a son. He can have a son and a daughter if He wants. He can have anything that He wants. He can have a million mothers as well if He wants. All He needs to do is say "BE" and it is. But He never said that He has a son and so He doesn't have a son. He stands alone as the supreme ruler of all that exists.

not nom

Well-Known Member
I could turn the sun into 50 bunny rabbits, just by thinking it.

it's just that I don't want to.


Active Member
He can , but he may not.

I mean this does not fit God.

for example,

Can God lie?

yes he can, but that does not fit him.
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Active Member
He can , but he may not.

I mean this does not fit God.

God made man in his image and his likeness
He made man with the desire to have sons, therefore God must desire sons

God make us with desire to have a son to continue the existence of mankind until the Day of Judgement. God have no need to ensure his existence because he is The First( Awwal) and The last(Akhir). He is Eternal and will never die.

not nom

Well-Known Member
no, I meant prove that I am unable to do that, and not merely unwilling to. good luck with that ^^


Active Member
Jesus is God. He has existed thru all eternity, therefore his existence does not depend on whether God wanted or needed a son, he wasnt created, hes always existed
Therefore your arguments are meaningless.


Active Member
Jesus is God. He has existed thru all eternity, therefore his existence does not depend on whether God wanted or needed a son, he wasnt created, hes always existed
Therefore your arguments are meaningless.

Well, Jesus is God huh? Then,who is his father?


Active Member
He that believed not God has made him a liar because he believes not the record that God has given us of his Son

Ill stick with Jesus and the Apostles and the testimony of the Sciptures.


Veteran Member
Who's is God? Who's Jesus? Which one is more powerful?

Jesus says his Father is greater [more powerful] than I [Jesus].- John 14v28

John also wrote [John 1v18; 1st John 4v12] that No man has seen God at any time. Men have seen Jesus.
-Exodus 33v20

Jesus believed himself to be the beginning of the creation by God. -Rev. 3v14 B.