That is not accepting the diversity of each religion and their own truth. I would find it sad to even think that each religious scriptures are true and are in union with all religions. That's not peace among different beliefs. It's literally saying "you cannot practice your culture et cetera because it doesn't fit in to our one-party system."
I will make this a bit personal.
Okay. I believe in my ancestors and family. Without them, their guidance, their protect, et cetera, I wouldn't be where I am today. I have specific practices that helps me create a bond with my family, others, and myself. Within this bond, I see where I see things about myself I need to work on. Sometimes I am surprised I express love out of just the action of prayer.
What you are telling me is right now because I am not in union with a Christian and Muslim and I do not see peace in the eyes of Baha'ullah, I am not experiencing peace.
I do not need Christ to experience peace. I do not need Allah. I do not need Bahuallah. I do not need Ra. I do not need Vishnu. They are not my source of peace. A Pagan, Hindu, Christian, and Muslim respect my experience of peace and I respect theirs.
That is how we have different beliefs and still have peace
But you're telling me that this can't be so unless we follow Bahuallah's words of peace and unite. So, that means I have to turn away from my ancestors, a Muslim from Allah, a Christian from Christ, a Pagan from Ra (for example), in order to find similarities among each other.
Differences are a blessing and gift. Why strip us of our differences-our cultures, our practices, and our beliefs-so that we have truth defined by Bahaullauh?
What is the truth to which all religions share without their practices contradicting the method towards that truth?
A Christian gets peace through Christ. I get peace from my ancestors. Regardless, the peace a Christian experiences is not the peace I experience. A Christian will not be me and I am not that Christian.
So the best we can do is accept each other's differing experiences. Stop trying to make the rainbow white. Not everyone wants to see peace through Bahaullah's eyes.