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College Orders Student to Alter Religious Views on Homosexuality, Or Be Dismissed


Jesus in me
Ooh fun! Cherry picking! Can I play??

In certain of her classes in the counseling program, Miss Keeton has communicated in class discussion as well as written assignments ... that she believes GLBTQ “lifestyles” to be identity confusion. The faculty identifies Miss Keeton’s views as indicative of her improper professional disposition to persons of such populations. Dr. Anderson-Wiley... told Miss Keeton that she had a choice of standing by the Bible or by the ACA Code of Ethics. Miss Keeton stated her fidelity is to the Bible.

On Monday, June 14, 2010, Miss Keeton sent an email message to Drs. Deaner, Anderson-Wiley, and Schenck, which stated as follows:

My Christian moral views are not just about me. I think the Bible’s teaching is true for all people, and it shows the right way to live.

responding by email to Miss Keeton later that day was Dr. Schenck:

I do not expect you to change your personal beliefs and values. What is the issue is if you believe your personal beliefs and values should be the same beliefs and values for all people. This is the unethical part—applying your own personal beliefs and values on other people and not truly accepting that others can have different beliefs and values that are equally valid as your own.

The faculty observed that Miss Keeton believes that other people should act in accordance with her moral values. That belief, the faculty wrote, contradicts the principles contained in the American Counseling Association and American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. The professional counselor’s job is to help clients clarify their current feelings and behaviors and to help them reach the goals that they have determined for themselves, not to dictate what those goals should be, what morals they should possess, or what values they should adopt.

Dr. Schenck explained that while Miss Keeton is free to have points of view about how she personally should conduct and define herself, she may not believe that others should adopt the standards she personally is convinced are true.

Miss Keeton did state that she would not in a counseling session agree with the propriety of homosexual relations, nor affirm the propriety of a client pursuing a life of, and a self-definition based on, homosexual relations.

Dr. Schenck and Dr. Deaner explained to Miss Keeton that it was a life and death matter to not affirm a client’s sexual decisions, and that failing to do so has led and could lead to suicides by clients who are not affirmed in their sexual preferences.

Keeting wrote:

in order to finish the counseling program you are requiring me to ... commit now that if I ever may have a client who wants me to affirm their decision to have an abortion or engage in gay, lesbian, or transgender behavior, I will do that. I will not affirm the morality of those behaviors in a counseling situation.

So does this mean if a person believes in suicide or murder that a cousellor should encourage such things? God forbid.


So does this mean if a person believes in suicide or murder that a cousellor should encourage such things? God forbid.

Oh dear. If there were one shred of empirical evidence anywhere that falling in love with a person of the same gender causes harm to anyone, you might be talking sense. As it is, I'll leave you and your straw man in peace.


On the other hand, if you believed Greeks were immoral and refused to write the course material because of your beliefs I'm sure you'd have a vocal supporter for your expulsion lawsuit in bubba - as long as you picked such nonsense up in a church, that is.

The only thing I could remotely see wrong is her inability to affirm homosexuality, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she will deny homosexuality as well. Would dismissing herself from homosexual cases be too much to ask?


The only thing I could remotely see wrong is her inability to affirm homosexuality, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she will deny homosexuality as well. Would dismissing herself from homosexual cases be too much to ask?

She stated clearly, in writing, that she refuses to affirm homosexuality is OK in any future therapy sessions, after being notified that such behavior has the potential to cause the suicide of her future clients. She was also advised that it is a violation of the code of ethics for her chosen profession and stated clearly that her loyalty is to the bible, not the professional ethical standards of the career she aspires to.

Refusing to treat homosexuals would also be a violation of professional standards. What is so difficult to understand about the fact that she picked the wrong horse? If she can not set aside her personal bias in the interest of the wellbeing of her clients, she is not cut out for the job, period.

Do you realize all she had to do to complete the remediation program is get to know some real live gay people and write about her changing opinions? IMO, she as good as dropped out. Her lawyers case is based on her own hurt feelings that she was not allowed to maintain her bias and antipathy for non-Christians and still complete the program. Boo freaking hoo.


Done here.
I see Alceste has a new hobby: talking to a brick wall.


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
You mean I missed a corner of the toenail I was ripping off your foot? You're right. I need to be more thorough in my torture sessions with you.

I love hearing the little fantasies that go through your head while you're serving me. It's so adorable. Now back to work.


OK, OK, but I'm going to need to have a few calluses sanded off before we begin. No point painting these monstrosities until we can get them looking a little more lady-like.


Done here.
Ku Klux Klan plans rally for ASU student's rights | The Augusta Chronicle

Bobby Spurlock, who identified himself as imperial wizard knighthawk and grand dragon of South Carolina and North Carolina, said the KKK has met with school officials and plans to protest the school's treatment of 24-year-old Jennifer Keeton on Oct. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. Klan members will be in full dress across from the school's main Walton Way entrance in the median at Fleming Avenue.​