- If anybody has any tips on how to best go through about these quotations lemme know.
- First of all, Belief is intrinsic to humans. Any transitive knowledge warrants belief. Denying God is as a matter of course denying the moral, rational & spiritual belief system contingent on God, in favor of another belief system contingent on Nature or Chance (or other forces). Second of all, belief in God is the ultimate fulfillment of our state of being; manifesting in morality in the ultimate justice to which temporal justice is prelude, manifesting in rationality in the perfect expansion of our reason, in our soul's aptness to see the unity in the many –universals– & seeking indefinite explanations, anticipating thus the ultimate unity & the ultimate explanation; manifesting in spirituality in self-annihilation towards unity of being, the perfect self-annihilation is total submission to the One. Human civilization are essentially defined by their interpretation of the divine. Nature as an interpretation is more common than you think. Third of all, doing good things is not about the act, it's about the intention. Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said: "
actions are but with intentions". We are not accountable for our actions, for these are predetermined, we are accountable for our intentions. Giving charity with arrogance or self-satisfaction may actually be a bad deed, whereas killing a person with the sincere intentions to save another for the sake of God may be a good deed. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "
religion is sincerity". There is intention (niyya) in every action we take, either whimsical intention with no actual purpose (hawa), or intentions born of our rational determination (azima) & instinctive desires (shahwa). Therefore every intention is selfish, by design. Sincerity is the unity in intention, not for any selfish reasons, but for the sole sake of God, for God is the sole true benefactor deserving devout gratitude.
- This is loaded! Just like to note that the history goes very far back, not just since Bush Jr. The western antagonism against Islam is as old as Islam, from Charles Martel & Covandoga to the Crusades to the Reconquista to Holy Roman alliance to Colonialism, then most recently American imperialism. It's a long history.
- Islam is essentially about submission to Allah. We believe our souls established a covenan (
Ahd) with Allah to worship only Him. Then brought to this life as delegates ((
Khilafa) to Allah in this Earthly domain to settle, cultivate the land & prosper (
Istimar). In this life our yearning for God is actually the memory of our covenant, as if something we miss we are incomplete without. This memory is our
innate state of being (
Fitrah), which manifests in our faculty to seek the divine & recognize it when we see it. This faculty is reason (
Aql), gift entrusted to us. We are responsible (
Taklif) to uphold that trust (
Amana) by preserving our
innate state of being (
Fitrah) -thus our covenant- until we return to Allah again after death. From this regard, our mission in life as humans is two-fold:
- A primary individual mission for the soul in her journey towards Allah: we face Allah alone, & no soul bears the sin of another. That is, there is no group damnation or salvation in Islam. Allah alone has the authority to decide on the fate of each; Allah's mercy is infinite & encompasses all things. In this respect, being American or otherwise, being Muslim or otherwise, being a man or otherwise, are just circumstantial accidents; the essence is the soul yearning for her Lord in her own unique journey with her Lord.
- A collective mission for Mankind to settle & prosper on the Earth to allow for the primary mission to be fulfilled: “This, for the fact that when Allah (swt) created humans to bear al-Amana (the Charge), he bestowed them with Reason & Accountability, so that they may be eligible to assume the rights of God on them. He (swt), then, established for them: Inviolability, Liberty & Ownership so that they may be able to fulfil the Charge they have been assigned with. Further, this Liberty, Inviolability & Ownership is firmly established for all human beings from their birth, the discerning among them or the non-discerning alike.” [Sarakhsi d. 1096] – In this respect, social & political morality (laws & politics) emerges, states get established & borders get set. Having such boundaries & maintaining these boundaries become essential in the pursuit of prosperity on Earth.
- In short, the bad history between the Muslim world & Western world, on one side, is inherent to the relation between the two civilizations, & can only be remedied by restoring justice & mending grievances. Injustice is the transgression against other's boundaries into their own & can only be alleviated by restoring justice, that is restituting those boundaries. On another side, Allah's mission in us is too infinite & our fate too eternal for the West or the entire universe to mean much of anything.
- Islam is about submission to Allah, in recognizing the divine – in His absoluteness, & recognizing the self – in self-annihilation. Failing to realize this is a delusion. A Muslim is not the unsinful person, it's the sinful person in humility with His Lord. In Islam, the greater sin is not in the act of sin, it's in one's arrogance towards Allah. The only possible relationship with Allah, the Creator of All Things, is absolute submission. & Allah's Mercy is infinite, one just has to embrace it, not reject it for the sake of ego. The essence of worship is to stomp the ego.
- Do you mean by transgender intersex or endogeny?
Waalaykom Salam
- Thank you. Can you elaborate?
- Yes. The opinion among the scholars of hadith (muhadetheen) is that she was 9 upon, though the more likely opinion is that among the scholars of prophetic biography (sirah), that she was 10. Why?
- Evidently.
- That is the essence of worship.
- What is exactly your belief?
- I can't answer your question. Debating is discouraged in Islam, unless to defend truths & rights. But maybe it's because Muslims are right, they have with which to defend their beliefs better than others.
- Title. Debate.